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Fireknot farm 2016



we may , have already seen the best they have had to offer ( aficionado ) we,ll see hay . i,d love to back track and find there other stuff released earlier .

does anyone really want to fork out that amount of dollars , hell noooooo . its still gamble .
whats ones see,s value in others do not , each to there own .


I still have a box of unopened blr. I kinda regret paying what I did, but I'm also kinda stoked to have them lol

had a friend with box , none germed recently or it was one i think . hope you stored them well .
anyone got anything dating back bit further ? just curious.

hope its cool talking seeds tess ,


Well-known member
had a friend with box , none germed recently or it was one i think . hope you stored them well .
anyone got anything dating back bit further ? just curious.

hope its cool talking seeds tess ,

If thats the case they will provide replacement. Actually I can return them to aficionado unopened as well for a refund.

I store all my seed in a cool dark place.
Picked up 10# of winter rye seeds from the feed store in town for 11$. I'm going to plant it wednesday and let the rain take care of it the next day. I'll probably get another bale or two of rice straw to put down in the next week after it sprouts to protect the soil from the shit ton of snow we're about to get here.

I plan on getting my chainsaw fixed soon and learning how to drop trees. There are a couple really large ponderosa pines with sketchy potential trajectories so I need to also find a professional to do those ones. Someone here mentioned earlier on in the year that they knew someone licensed/bonded in the area, I tried to PM you but you appear to not accept them. I will see what I can find.
My neighbor gave me a contact for a local tree service. These companies should be easy enough to look up but would be happy to relay your way if needed. It's probably not the cheapest option. I was hoping to find like a guy or a couple guys to just drop them but at least this way you know its being done right. I havent decided yet, will keep poking around, might call next week but the weather is looking pretty damn shitty.


Well-known member
look in local coupon clippers you get in the junk mail... a lot of times tree services have good end of season coupons.... at least that's how it is here before winter.. might be different out there on planet cali
I get a stupid amount of junk mail here...accounts for like 95+% of everything I get if I had to pull a random statistic out of my ass. I use it for kindling. I'll see if theres anything in there next time thanks for the heads up.


Nates tree service in the Tuolomne area is great. They know what I am doing, they send the same guys. Cheapest in town also. I can also give you the number to a guy that does earthwork, and will also chop down or tear down trees at a great price. Great guy to call. I use him as a kind of subcontractor, he has a crew of five guys, and most of their work comes from guys like us. Fantastic tool to have in ones belt. Can't PM quite yet, but you should be able to find me if you look.

As for beans, I just popped my freezer worth of beans this year. Had about 500 seeds from old breeders like Rez, DG, Mosca, Og Raskel, Philthy ext ext. Some dated back as far as 2005. I had great germ rates, 80% for sure.

If you don't want those beans TJO, I will buy them off you at the cup.


Active member
I meant a trimmer someone already had used with no security problems and verified good work. Hazy thanks for that one. Maybe theyll travel.


Hey hazybulldog do u still have any of those extra cup tickets? Post one more time so u can pm me if u do

Anybody else going to see Collie Buddz tonight? My girl and I are pretty excited. Not sure if anyone here is into reggae
This will probably be the last update post in this thread for this year.

I planted 10# of winter rye seeds on the mounds. I see germination today and just put down another two bales of rice straw to protect the soil from the snow. It's supposed to eat K which I have too much of. I dont really see the point in testing/ammending right now when its just going to get rained on for months. Kinda makes more sense in the late winter unless you need that time to break the ammendments down...?

I do plan on trying to do the calculations myself from logan labs tests and the worksheets in the intelligent gardener for the first time. However I seriously need to refresh my memory on how the soil weight impacts the calculations. I know leadsled went over this a bit and am going to go back and reread his posts.

I picked off a handfull of dank purple weed from the plants that were still out there. Most had molded and died but some were still filling out. My camera is busted and my girlfriend is back in Canada so I cant take pics. I want to up my photography game next year as well.

I've had this pain in my jaw all year thats been getting worse and was extremely bad over the summer almost constantly. My best theory is I have a nerve growing where there shouldn't be one...where I once had a root canal done or something. I finally got an appointment set up in santa cruz for friday and I'm really hoping they can figure out the issue and fix it. Just makes everything so much harder when you gotta constantly focus on shit like that.

My dads having back surgery today to hopefully alleviate some of the pain from beating stage 4 cancer. Recovery time is said to be 1-3 months and he's telling me he's going back to work on Thursday...

I'm gonna dab. It was a hell of a year. Next year will be even bigger and better. I think I've decided I am going to put things into motion so that I will be able to buy the place when the time comes. I dont really know what else to do. Thanks everyone who followed along and helped along the way!