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Finish drying my bud in the freezer in my kitchen?!?


New member
my mate does this also. he puts them in sealed glass jars and puts them in the freezer. works very well. when i first seen this method i thought he gone loco till i took a puff. best way to cure bud IMO
Thats pretty crazy.... I was going to tell the OP NOT to freeze your buds, but after reading the first post, maybe it would work....I guess it does if Rosenthal put it in his book.......

I would be afraid of it smelling like hay and being wet, but He's saying let it dry out first, and instead of burping jars, just freeze it.... Thats crazy...but cool...

Sounds like you got good results...Nice job mang.
ok, took some out of the jar and put into an empty frito dip jar with the lid off and put in the bottom of the freezer. this area gets minimal light when the door is open. I will leave it in there approximately 20 days. I will also keep the stuff in the jar for the same amount of time. Mind you, this bud is from a romulan plant that broke a branch. It's an outdoor plant and the weight of the branch and the wind just took it out. I tried to fix it but it wouldn't take. So I chopped it and hung it. the plant still has a few more weeks of flowering left, so the bud is not mature yet, but I should be able to tell the difference in the smoke. It was drying for 5 days in my closet and stripped it off the stems today as it was feeling a bit dry. right now in the jar it's 77 F and 58% RH with a caliber 3 hygrometer. I have it under my bathroom sink. I will wait 24 hours to let the jar stabilize and recheck.


Active member
I will try and give the most accurate and detailed update I can. I'm sorry but I'm horrible with dates and time lines so feel free to ask more questions if I'm confusing.

This last harvest that was dried in the freezer went much quicker than the one before. I let the buds dry for 4-5 days after the initial chop then they went into the freezer for 9 days instead of 20. The buds were ready to smoke at this point. I think the main factor in the reduced freezer time was that I let the buds dry a little longer post chop before they went in the freezer.

The buds all went into three airtight containers after their 9 days in. I used the Caliber III to check my humidity and did have to sweat the containers twice to go from 62% down to about 55-57%. At this point all pot was smoking very smoothly and the flavor and smell were coming back and getting stronger.

I took a few buds out of one of the main containers 6-7 days ago and put them into a jar for myself to pinch out of for my smoke. The jar gets opened 4-5 times a day so by last night the buds were significantly drier (crumbly) and not smoking as smooth. I dipped into one of the main containers to refill my smaller jar this morning and the buds are still very spongy and smoked very nicely. I'm seeing, so far, that the main idea to keeping your smoke as quality as possible is to maintain that proper moisture level.

Whether you're curing in jars or the freezer, the goals are the same. As far as I can tell, curing buds for short or long term storage with the freezer method works very well. I can't imagine using another method in my situation! I am very glad to have stumbled across that golden nugget of info in that book because I had never read about it in any forum!

ps I've got 5 day old F13 and Kali Mist seedlings to replace the Apollo "bagseed" I'm running right now, so quality will be able to be tested on a whole other level in about 4 months or so :)

I went in to retrieve my buds in the freezer after two weeks to find a chunk of ice in the jar. looks like maybe some water was leaking down the back of the freezer and into the jar and freezing. I lost half the buds in the jar due to the ice chunk freezing them all together. So what I could salvage came out and I let it sit out for a little while. The buds were nice and moist still and looked good. I put a lid on the jar and put it away for a few days. Took them out today for a comparison. The buds that I cured in the jar still have a grassy smell to them. Not sure if it's because of the nutrients i was using when the branch broke or maybe because it was an immature branch. The smoke was smooth and didn't have much taste which was odd. The bud was dry and burned nice. Then I took out the bud that I cured in the freezer. didn't have much smell but was still a little moist in the jar. fired it up and was a little harsh and didn't stay lit. I'm guessing the bud wasn't dry enough. I didn't check it with a hygrometer. I only had a few nugs in the bottom of the jar. I would say that this is not an accurate test in my opinion. I have been bogged down with trimming my harvest and getting everything situated that I put this on the back burner. Sorry I couldn't help much with this one. I got a few pounds hanging to dry right now. Maybe I can try it again with some ripe buds and put them in a box this time in the freezer. Then make sure I check the humidity when I put them into the jar.


Active member
Sorry to hear of that foul experience there navyguy. I'm not sure what to say other than don't let your pot end up in a block of ice, lol. We used to have to deal with 5 gal buckets of ice in our commercial freezer. Water can most def be a very destructive force!

I'm still enjoying my freezer dried stash. The buds seem to have more of a smell than ever and the smoke is plenty smooth (even with dozens of immature seeds I smoke in EVERY bowl, haha).

I chopped another plant a couple nights ago and when she is dried enough in the next couple days, her buds will finish drying in my freezer. I love this method! Now that I have a bit of a stash built up, all I have to do is throw my recently harvested and partially dried buds into the freezer while I smoke on what is already cured. In a couple weeks, I'll take 'em out of the freezer and the process goes on and on.

I would still love to hear others opinions and experiences as I know there is still room for improvement. Take care everybody!



Active member
Anybody else trying this? I am still rolling chopped plants in and out of the freezer with consistent results. I'm sure I haven't perfected this method for myself yet but that is part of the excitement: it's working well now but I'm sure it can work even better!

I have upgraded from a 250w CMH to a 600w HPS in the past week. I have one plant that will get chopped tonight so the effects from the 600 won't be noticeable but the next couple of plants to come down should have larger and denser buds than compared to the buds coming out from under the 250 CMH. I am interested to see how the drying timing will be affected. For some reason I get the feeling that bigger, denser, and more plentiful buds might not increase dry and cure times all that much. It has something to do with sublimation over just plain evaporation, IDK why but its a hunch.

Thx again for entertaining my thoughts.



Active member
Interesting. Thanks for sharing that stuff JPG. I have yet to try this, but im always down to try new things, so I'm sure ill give it a go when i get a chance.

...after your 9 days, or whatever, in the freezer, you said its ready to smoke at that point..my question; i think already answered, but... it sounds like you took some out for personal, while leaving the majority in the freezer at all times?


Active member

After the 9, 10, 11-14 days my buds take to be dried to perfection, THE ENTIRE STASH gets taken out and put into tupperware containers or large jars. The jars and containers are then stored at room temp in a dark cabinet. I take bud from the large container and put enough to last me a week or so into a smaller jar. Doing this allows me to keep the lid shut on the larger container most of the time which in turn allows the pot to remain at a constant moisture level. The jar I smoke out of gets opened 5-10 times a day (I like smoking weed... A LOT!) and by the time I'm getting close to the bottom of that jar, the buds have gone from perfect to just a tad crisp. The larger container that is supposed to hold the stash for a longer period of time only gets opened once a week, compared to all day everyday with the smaller jar. I know I'm rambling but am I being clear? I want more folks to try this, let me know if I can be more concise!



Active member
I've recently gotten a Medical Card, & started growing for myself. Before this, I would always store my bud in the freezer. Sometimes it would be really fresh(i knew the guy, who knew the guy who grew it), & after going into the freezer about once a week for it, I did notice it had gotten better.
Im still learning the curing process, but I thought I may have read in one of Rosenthal's books you could freeze dry your bud in about 20 days.
I think for my next plant I will hang upside down for 3-5 days, or until pretty much dry, then I'll put it into jars, then into the freezer. & like you said, you dont have to do too much to it. What are some recommendations on burping/opening the jar while in the freezer, or should I leave the jars open for 15-20 days?


Active member
Hey Bobbo, congrats on being legal!

As far as curing your recently harvested pot in your freezer, you DO NOT want your stash in an airtight container at all because there is no "burping" to be done. Your freezer itself is a vacuum (airtight) and I actually just put my buds in a cardboard box with NO lid so that the proper process can take place unimpeded.

As for storing already dried and cured pot in the freezer, I don't know much about that except the bit I've read. I store my goods in food storage containers in a cool, dark place.

I am still drying my harvests this way and loving it! Set it and forget it! However, I am having to change things up a little. I have seeded buds that I am drying ala the jar method to make sure I end up with as much viable seed as possible and I am about to go from a perpetual set up to a "fill the floor space and have one good go" setup. That means going from drying a little in my fridge all the time to drying a (hopefully) large hunk all at once. That is sort of daunting considering its the only freezer I've got and if there isn't room for pot-pies I might starve. Either way, rock on



Active member
JPG-You can use the freezer to dry, & cure? I chopped one yesterday morning. Im gonna let it hang upside down for two days, then into a brown paper bag for 1-2 days, then Im gonna put it in the freezer. Does that sound right? Do you use the freezer or refrigerator? Thanks again!


Active member
That sounds about right :)

I chop my buds and hang them to dry in my drying cab for 3-5 days. Once they are at the proper point (crispy on the outside of the bud with the stem still having some flex, no snapping) they go straight into the FREEZER. All us growers have different growing, drying, and curing conditions. MY buds might dry in 3 days under MY conditions whereas the same buds could take 6 days to dry under YOUR conditions. The freezer method should take out that variable and put all who try it on the same page as far as timing is concerned.

I don't think putting your buds into the paper sack will be detrimental in any way but I also don't believe that it is a necessary step. The idea of the paper sack is to slow the drying process and get more even moisture through your buds so they dry consistently. This isn't necessary with the freezer method because the freezer itself is slowing down drying (in fact a whole other process takes over: sublimation) and you should end up with the most even and proper cure possible.



Active member
nice report. something i will try next time i harvest. stored bud that was bought in the freezer. never thought bout cureing in there tho


Active member
JPG-Do I have to use dry-ice? If I use the freezer, I shouldnt have to use dry-ice? All that Ive read so far on freeze-drying, is with dry-ice so I wasnt sure. Thanks again
Im gonna do a side by side test as well. I just put the one I chopped last Monday (1-10-11), into jars this morning. One jar went into the freezer-with the lid off, the other Im gonna cure normally


Active member
Hey Bobbo, my humidity is also in the 30s on average. No dry ice is necessary. I also came across some of that info as I looked for details on freeze drying but as it has turned out I am only going by what I read in Rosenthal's book.

I would still love to hear from another grower's perspective how this works for them. I find that there is nothing lacking in the odor, flavor, or potency departments and the texture of the buds are just right as well. Still, I have no other freeze dried buds to compare my own to so to hear a fellow grower has had success would be nice...



jus'plain'gill I really like this method that you have been experimenting with. I think I am going to try this out, its my first grow and its about chop time. I have been looking for some kind of way to dry it without messing with it all the time and this seems to be the way to go.
Thanks again for the post and the constant updates.
Ill post some results when im done... do you have any pics of your dried freezer nugs?


Active member
I sure don't have any pics. I would challenge any smoker to tell me the difference between the bud I dried in my freezer and the bud I dried in jars though. It has been my experience that I can achieve buds with the perfect amount of "chew" using my freezer. The consistency is just right, firm but with a little bit of cushion when squeezed. A word of caution: your trichomes are at their most brittle when they are that cold so be as gentle as possible when handling your stash to avoid losing trichomes.

Please keep us updated here, a side by side with photos might generate a little more interest :)
