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Fermented plant extracts

Amber Trich

Active member
how do you use the lavender and chamomile? both FPE? lavender just for pest control?

also are the comfrey and dandelion okay for the second half of flower? any other flower recommendations for those of us too far north for camellia?

also how are you guys using borage?

thank you :)

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i can't find camellia and i want something that functions the same way. does anyone know if bougainvillea has any potential? what about geranium? both of those grow in abundance here...

edit: oh am i a giant idiot? the same friend who is hosting my outdoor plant has three camellia trees!


alfalfa - use in veg as fpe, use as mulch from whole dried plants
clover (red / white / whatever) - veg, or as mulch(living and non)
comfrey - flower, good mulch
dandelion - general all around
nettle - veg, good mulch for plants going into veg
yarrow - veg to mid flower
willow- use for rooting hormone, or leaves as mulch.

i use dozens and dozens of different plants in the long run, but generally use the following when i the plants need some. otherwise they just get water.


a perfect midnset for a mulch/top dressing way of growing, but not so much when it comes to liquid fertilizers. you can easily apply the wrong extract at the wrong time. tons of nettle in mid to late flower = bad idea. yet tiny amounts would be no problem.

Thanks a lot, jaykush. I did a foliar of nettle FPE and kelp powder last night, looks like the plants didn't mind it at all.

It's interesting to see you emphasize the top dressing and mulching with these plants, I admit I hadn't really thought of that!

how do you use the lavender and chamomile? both FPE? lavender just for pest control?

also are the comfrey and dandelion okay for the second half of flower? any other flower recommendations for those of us too far north for camellia?

also how are you guys using borage?

thank you

I second all these questions, what's people's experience with these? When and how often are you using them?

Desert willow is not a true willow yet has many similarities including salicin in the bark. It is also fast growing and a source of auxins.
I usually do a quick extract with the leaves and flowers when they fall. Taking out the litter, which is laid out to dry, I add compost and proceed to bubble with molasses for a day. The litter is added back in a few hours before use to soak up the ACT and then used as mulch.

h.h., the more I learn about willow the more it sounds like a good candidate for FPE and / or foliar treatment (perhaps just willow water). Your technique for making tea with the willow is intriguing--are you doing foliar with that?

What I'm hoping is that willow water can stimulate plant immunity, but auxins and all the rest sound useful too.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
lavender falls under the "flowers for flowers" category FPE it w/ your flower formula - alternatively, if you have problems w/ mites, use the lavender FPE w/ a foliar application.

chamomile also falls under "flowers for flowers" but you can also use the whole plant in your veg FPE

the "second half o f flower" thing has me a little perplexed as well - i have been of the mind that by that time you are kind of "along for the ride" meaning you hope you have a good balance and likely the plant is beginning to senesce and cannibalize itself anyway

about FPEs, been applying a thinking like you're trying to mix a good balanced fertilizer/feed - if your starting w/ an ammended mix and/or using top dressings - your FPE is a supplemental feed and you want to apply it 1x or 2x at weaker proportions (30:1?) Also, divergence (as mixing several ingredients in your FPE) seems like a good idea - using a little of a few sources rather than a lot of 1


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
the "second half o f flower" thing has me a little perplexed as well - i have been of the mind that by that time you are kind of "along for the ride" meaning you hope you have a good balance and likely the plant is beginning to senesce and cannibalize itself anyway

if your soil is good, anything in the second half of flower should be just for stimulation purposes, i.e light doses. if your soil is poor it helps supplement in feeding the soil.

about FPEs, been applying a thinking like you're trying to mix a good balanced fertilizer/feed - if your starting w/ an ammended mix and/or using top dressings - your FPE is a supplemental feed and you want to apply it 1x or 2x at weaker proportions (30:1?)

the ultimate goal is to not have to use plant extracts at all, but in the soil building process there will be times when they help a LOT compared to if they were not used. for example i used to use a lot more plant extracts than i do now. at least as far as the feeding part goes.


Active member
h.h., the more I learn about willow the more it sounds like a good candidate for FPE and / or foliar treatment (perhaps just willow water). Your technique for making tea with the willow is intriguing--are you doing foliar with that?

What I'm hoping is that willow water can stimulate plant immunity, but auxins and all the rest sound useful too.
Deriving from a standard aerated tea as set forth by many on this forum carries risk.

that said, I do it consistently.
I like to throw organic matter in my water to insure all the chlorine is dissipated. I happen to have plenty of desert willow so that's what I use. The trees are close to the garden and have shed litter in the area for years. They also foliar feed naturally. I figure whatever microlife is in the area has adapted itself and formed some sort of relationship to it. Give them what they are used to.
The bark is supposed to be high in salicin which has documented advantages. Not sure how much makes it into the leaves. Mostly they soak up the tea really good and make a nice mulch.
I'll drench with tea or do foliar if things have been neglected or I'm bored. They always like it. I think it gives a fungal boost to the tea as well. I've been using it on the spring planted fruit trees and it seems to be helping with summer stress.



The active 'rooting agent' in willow shoots is Salicylic acid which is extracted and sold as a commercial rooting compound for the nursery industry, i.e. you won't find it at the local 'growed store' paradigm.

So here you are, once again, promoting an agent and YET when the discussion came up about aloe vera and it's Salicylic acid levels (which BTW are 3x that of willow shoots) you, as usual, did the usual and expected schtick: 'it ain't worth the money'

TRANSLATED: "I don't know nuffin' about it so it must be too expensive and worthless"

This from a guy who arrived at this venue promoting airplane de-icer @ $25.00 for 8 oz.

Again - LMAO



Active member
Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
I'm not suggesting buying anything.
I'm saying I have lots of desert willow and use it.
I also have aloe vera and use it though not as much.
I wouldn't buy either one to feed my plants nor the herd. I'd find something else. Peach leaves perhaps.
Mostly, as I said, it makes a nice mulch. It is my free straw.
I never promoted Gravity other then to say it did what it claimed.
FYI, the hydro guy told me it was being banned in Cal and Oregon. Some ingredient stays in the plant if used after 5 weeks in flower and is a known carcinogen. I can't find anything to back up his claims.
Since you are so intensely in my business, I will tell you, I was buying kelp meal.
The little bit you get for the money doesn't seem worth it. I'll see. I may have been better off buying corn meal.


alfalfa - use in veg as fpe, use as mulch from whole dried plants
clover (red / white / whatever) - veg, or as mulch(living and non)
comfrey - flower, good mulch
dandelion - general all around
nettle - veg, good mulch for plants going into veg
yarrow - veg to mid flower
willow- use for rooting hormone, or leaves as mulch.

This is pretty much what I use, with the addition of Horsetail and lots of rockweed fpe the whole way through. fwiw, I stuffed a mason jar full of three inch long < 1/2 inch diameter cut willow pieces in the spring and filled it with water to soak. I just pour a little splash in whenever I soak jiffy peat pucks to take cuttings, then refill the jar with water. Not sure if it makes much of a difference, since the cuts would probably root anyway, but I haven't lost a clone in months.:blowbubbles:


Desert Willow is not a willow at all anymore than a Kangaroo Rat is related to kangaroos.

Then there's the deal with Pussy Willows - they're neither.

Big Daddy,
I've been using the dandelion FPE and the girls leaves are standing up higher than ever for longer than ever. It's just been amazing! Subsequent to making it, I read that Jay says to use the dandelion flower for flowering, but I just used the whole plant and have been using it on veg and flowering plants.

Thanks for the Hash Girl compliment! That plant did finish well!:yummy:


Here's what your plants are looking forward to :jump:. BTW, the pics of your HG buds were phenomenal!



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
I read that Jay says to use the dandelion flower for flowering, but I just used the whole plant and have been using it on veg and flowering plants.

there is no real true way to use plants FPE, as far as parts of the plant go. like i tell some people. this stuff is user interactive. meaning it gets you thinking. the choices like to use the whole plant or just a certain part. this plant or that plant. etc....

dandelion is a great plant, specially if you find a nice uncontaminated patch in healthy rich soil. chemmy plants in someones lawn are not worth the effort.
Any gurus know what a few drops, or up to 1/4 tsp, of barley extract per 20 gallons of FPE would do? Would the enzymes break down the the organic compounds/chains that we are looking to utilize?


Active member
Desert Willow is not a willow at all anymore than a Kangaroo Rat is related to kangaroos.

Then there's the deal with Pussy Willows - they're neither.


i said while desert willow and willow are not in the same family, they have many of the same qualities. Completely different from pussy willow as far as I know.
Similar qualities are caused by many of the same hormones and one can expect a reasonable facsimile in the outcome of their use.
Salicin is salicin. Quantities differ Metabolized into acid, it dissolves poorly in water.Might be a better candidate for the compost pile or as a mulch.
Auxins, found in the growing tips, is prevalent in fast growing trees. I don't know that desert willow has the same exact hormone, but they're hormones none the less that lead to induce rooting.
The desert willow was named after the willow because they are so much alike.
One can use this knowledge to open their perimeters. Desert plants have developed to live with the extreme conditions of their environment. While cactus and lilies are very different, they both contain saponins. Dark leafy plants are contribute nitrogen and so on.
For a bunch of stoners, I can't believe the close mindedness of this forum.


Active member
Then again...From Wiki:
Pussy willow is a name given to many of the smaller species of the genus Salix (willows and sallows) when their furry catkins are young in early spring. These species include (among many others):

Goat willow or goat sallow (Salix caprea), a small tree native to northern Europe and northwest Asia.
Grey willow or grey sallow (Salix cinerea), a small tree native to northern Europe
American pussy willow (Salix discolor), native to northern North America.


Big Daddy,
I've been using the dandelion FPE and the girls leaves are standing up higher than ever for longer than ever. It's just been amazing! Subsequent to making it, I read that Jay says to use the dandelion flower for flowering, but I just used the whole plant and have been using it on veg and flowering plants.

Thanks for the Hash Girl compliment! That plant did finish well!:yummy:


That site I linked (Dr. Duke's) tells you what plant parts contain the highest concentrations of elements. It is truly amazing the life these botanical extracts infuse into our plants.



Maaaaaan, I'm becoming such an FPE fanboy. Plants just LOVE this stuff.
Fed 8 ~3 week old seedlings (variety of strains) a mix of the following this morning:
- Dandelion FPE; made with whole washed plants (tap root + foliage + flowers)
- red camelia FPE; flowers from the most vibrantly coloured of the half dozen large camelias in my garden
- kiwi fruit & pineapple sage FPE; this one smells super strong, went very lightly as a result.

16 hours after application I got home and checked them, all the plants had really perked up, especially the two Dutchgrown C99 crosses that were looking a little sad post transplant. Bright, rich green leaves, held high and proud.

Next three feeds will be one of the above each time, so I can see which one they're responding to the most.
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