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Farmers Market for Clones in Clearlake..

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i wanted to enter my white russian.

I was just wondering bout the genetics of nancy with the demand and supply it sounds interesting.


ICMag Donor
We are starting a few grow projects with Hindu Kush, Master Kush, Fire O.G., Afghan Kush and we will have some pollen available in another month or two. We have a few members who are also collectors of pollen. Nobull maybe can help.
Who else is out there with pollen?? Help a guy out here. :)
We are always willing to help with breading projects. We have been saving (freezing pollen for about five years) & have small amounts that can be used for breeding. Don't look for pollen for seed runs, we have found that hand pollinating can produce twenty to one hundred seeds. We feel that it should be used to save that ‘Special’ girl or for a specific cross. With that said PM me for needs. Keep in mind that the pollen should be kept frozen until two or three hours before first use & it degrades to almost useless in twenty four to forty eight hours.

Also we were at the farmers market last week & in talking to the other venders, I would like to remind EVERYONE that good practices are to ALLWAYS isolate your new plants BEFORE you let them meet your grow. We are starting to harden off plants for outdoor growing & that means that they are in the greenhouse. Our greenhouse was overhauled BUT it’s not Bio-isolated! We have not brought any plants in from the greenhouse yet & when the outdoor folks crank up, more strange things then you have ever seen will come through!! EVERYONE BEWARE!
Rowdy is the greatest ‘Mother Hen’ we could have, but we have to take responsibility for our own grows & use each other as support, not blame!
Sorry for the rant, last year it was caterpillars, this year it looks like gnats!


Bent Member
Sorry if my wording has been poor but I'm legit and respectful, As for the BOG statement i got it from your website and I quote" SEEDS!
Kiwi Seeds.. Hindu Kush
Nirvana's.. Master Kush
BOG SEEDS will be
available after April
7th! Brought To Us
Straight From The
Busy Old Grower
Reserve a pack today!
Blue Moon Rocks

This can be found at http://www.goodkarmagrowers.com/menu.html right in the center of the page. And as for my post of my experience at your shop, when i wrote the post in MSword 2003 it was "yesterday" but i sat on it for a week and then was reminded by my partner who wouldn't join me at your 4/11 event because of his experience that day, Well that leaves me screwed as he was my ride up there. So i didn't know these posts are going to be INVESTIGATED, i think i'll just keep quite. But just so you don't blame someone who was in this week(I an not Micheal who ever he is and your PM accussed me of being). I was in last week but posted it late but don't want to disclose which day as i feel repercussion would be handed out....., otherwise no need to investigate.

A 6'8" 300lbs disabled Cal Vet.

PS. I too would like a Nacey Botwin cut, as that was the sole reson I went. But doubt one would not be save for me as i dont think it's as cool as your post implyed,
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sorry if my wording has been poor but I'm legit and respectful, As for the BOG statement i got it from your website and I quote" SEEDS!
Kiwi Seeds.. Hindu Kush
Nirvana's.. Master Kush
BOG SEEDS will be
available after April
7th! Brought To Us
Straight From The
Busy Old Grower
Reserve a pack today!
Blue Moon Rocks

This can be found at http://www.goodkarmagrowers.com/menu.html right in the center of the page. And as for my post of my experience at your shop, when i wrote the post in MSword 2003 it was "yesterday" but i sat on it for a week and then was reminded by my partner who wouldn't join me at your 4/11 event because of his experience that day, Well that leaves me screwed as he was my ride up there. So i didn't know these posts are going to be INVESTIGATED, i think i'll just keep quite. But just so you don't blame someone who was in this week(I an not Micheal who ever he is and your PM accussed me of being). I was in last week but posted it late but don't want to disclose which day as i feel repercussion would be handed out....., otherwise no need to investigate.

A 6'8" 300lbs disabled Cal Vet.

PS. I too would like a Nacey Botwin cut, as that was the sole reson I went. But doubt one would not be save for me as i dont think it's as cool as your post implyed,

First of all.. Thank you for being a vet. You dont get enough recognition I thank you so much!
O.k. well the clones you are complaining about weren't in the club until this past week so make up your mind about when you came.. you couldn't have waited a week to post your comment cuz those clones weren't here the previous week but lets just let that all go and move on.
No repercussions will be handed out.. and no bad feelings coming at you :) everyone is treated with respect at Good Karma and I'm sorry if you got a different impression.. we have been moving and had a few changes to adjust to and maybe someone was just having a bad day the day you came in... but no where does it state that Bog will be making "an appearance at the club" It simply states that the seeds are coming directly from Bog. No mention of "an appearance" and that's not cool to come on the thread and post something so misleading.
I will certainly reserve a Nancy for you as soon as more are available.. it may be a few weeks as the available Nancy's are spoken for. I will post when we have more or watch the site and remind me. We are all here for the love of the plant.
Once again thank you Sir and peace for us all..


omg i missed this thread for a day and look at all the new posts!

so i am going to try and bring a few nancy's for a few folks and some other stuff but no guaranteed for sure on anything cuz just like rowdy said its BUSY SEASON!!!

the chem from Unknown is BOMB, smoked it and can confirm, VERY CHEMMY, very good!

how much hash should we bring, ive probably got three grams saved, should be enough i hope.
I wish my Chem 4 and Headband would have some cure by the event! Oh well, looks like I'll just have to judge yet again..... Someday I will have something ready and will be able to drive up on a cup event, mark my words!

Just dropping in to say Thanks to the ladies at GKG for doing it like it should be done!


Active member
I was at the market on Saturday... the space was full of people and great energy. I picked up a whole bunch of the purple trainwreck and a whole new outlook on the season ahead. Looking forward to the cup.


Active member
So I have been doing my due diligence on this root aphid situation... I think you should try planting a bunch of potted nasturtiums (which happen to be edible flowers) and treat them with Imidacloprid from seed (no longer edible flowers!!!). my research suggests that these flowers are much more attractive to these aphids and the Imidacloprid will kill em the fuck dead. But I would never use it on my ganja plants. I'd say a couple of large planters in each room at the collective would work... you might also consider potting up some smaller dwarf nasturtiums and putting them amongst the clones on display. a combat technique as elegant as this deserves a try.

It would be more apt for this pest to be called "The Borg" rather than mites... They reproduce asexually and are born pregnant.

It seems they will not be as big a pest in the summer.

In the same research I also have come across a very interesting OMRI listed product to fight PM. it seems too good to be true. its called Oxidate and can be used up till zero hour (4hrs in cali) ... which means that you can spray it on buds immediately prior to harvest. the product completely oxidizes as the solution evaporates. Thought I'd share the added tidbit as well.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the suggestions.. Its sounds like a great preventative since they are more attracted to it than to our medicine.
We have a new medible product with the Bhang! Its wonderfully delicious and the vendor is on site a few days a week with a great selection of strong edible meds.
We also recieved the BOG seeds! :jump:
Thank You BOG!
Gilligan and Mary Ann..we will have judges tickets for all our good friends and loyal attenders of the cup events!
And if you are entering the cup you are automatically a judge as well.


cmon now wheres all the outdoor entries??

so far just one entry listed on the site, Gob 9, which will be hard to beat but know theres some fire outdoor out there still...whos got it!

cmon lets see the real outdoor sensi!!
Thank you my friends, we are looking at the weather reports and it looks like clear sailing for the day of the event. This three hour tour is being looked forward to with great anticipation. We cant wait to see our friends again and help review all of their samples.

Thank you again!


Howdy rowdy!

Put my buddy (Rob G.) down for an entry Indoor Chem D.

I will enter my Outdoor NYCD (purple piss pheno)mainly for shits and giggles and to keep things going. I'm also entering the hash bash with my Oobubble (outdoor organic bubble).

Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. Peace and good karma all.



Howdy rowdy!

Put my buddy (Rob G.) down for an entry Indoor Chem D.

I will enter my Outdoor NYCD (purple piss pheno)mainly for shits and giggles and to keep things going.....


thanks bro, who else? has the outdoor?


is this an open event or is there a set limit for the number of judges?
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