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d-d-d-dayum core A-1 shit yo,.........inspiring thats the word im lookin for"must spread rep around before givin to core again even if those pics deserve mad rep" 4 real yo it said that ;)

yo inc there aint no link brotha. "smokin weed leads to uh.........i forget" LOL peace man-Y-


Active member
outkastt said:
Good morning peeps.....Asher, very nice....we had to do something similar, and so far so good!!!! Y'all are working with some frosty gear!!!!!!Great pics!!!! Vintner, is the wine sweet....I love sweet wine!!!!! Have a good one......peace....O.

Morning fellow East Coasters :joint:

Thanks Outkastt :rasta: you had to do something similar to what tho? sorry its to early and i missed being able to go into my garden by 3 hours lol :badday:


Joint Date: Today.
Good afternoon fellaz .. chop chop pics today.. This time Growdoc's beuty got to know the scissors..



you all have a good one :wave:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
outkastt said:
Vintner, is the wine sweet....I love sweet wine!!!!! Have a good one......peace....O.
It's a little sweet, and fruity. Tastes like a mild blackberry wine. It's from a kit that you buy w/consentrated juice and all the chemicals you need to make 6 gallons of wine. It's good wine, but I'd hardly call it a shiraz, so in that respect I'm a bit disapointed in it. If you take a look through my gallery, you'll see a zinfandel I bottled this past winter. Now, that was good wine! Sweet, and very fruity. Just needed a bit more kick, and it would have been great wine. I traded half if it away, and the rest was gone in no time.
Still got one bottle left for my friend though!


Active member
jipedestran said:

I hope this is not anyones show......

The cops and the reporters level of sophistication is BUMPKIN LEVEL.

Classic investigatory technique---The Stumble Upon.


that cop sounded pretty educated "root enhancers" blah f*ckin blah..Dont know about up there but down here the Classic investigatory technique is the one they used to get that place.."Police responding to a burglary call" Yeah right!! F.U.C.K.E.M

Hope it wasnt anyone here, stay safe out there fellas :joint:


4 sure ash,fuckem yo.and you know how popo be puttin a high ass price tag on whatever they find tryin to make themselves look good.hehe"1 billion dollars worth of bla bla bla"
stay saf fellaz.peace-Y-

Raistlin Majere

hey guys just talked to INC in chat
seems he cant post or PM right now
waithin on a confermation of new e-mail or something

he wants you all to know he misses you and loves you all
sends kisses and hugs too :muahaha:

keep it green


Active member
Raistlin Majere said:
hey guys just talked to INC in chat
seems he cant post or PM right now
waithin on a confermation of new e-mail or something

he wants you all to know he misses you and loves you all
sends kisses and hugs too :muahaha:

keep it green

I always knew he Was crazy LOL :joint:


Joint Date: Today.
Thanks for the compliments and big respekt yo you all.

And talking about respect.. vintner what you call wine is (no offence intended) a disrespect for the whole vino thing which should be based on real grape juice. That thing is made off a kit ! it makes me laugh..
as a proud italian i had to say it.. just having a laugh on people who invented kit to make wine :biglaugh: in powder LOL

Whishing you all a great weekend :wave:


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Good morning to one and all,
hey there Wamen I hope all is good with you.

Great pictures everyone.

Stay safe and high.


Active member
Good morning all

Great pic philly, i definately can't wait to try that bubbahaze. She looks like a great contender for the scrog setup i'm planning on building!

I somewhat agree WAMEN. While the best wines are made using top notch real grapes, i think what vintner is doing is fine as well. Vintner's had his hand in fermenting his own wine for a while now and i've been following his batches. He's got some skill, makes apricot wine, raspberry, whatever he feels like.

I plan on investing in a grape vine when i'm at a point where it's feasible. I really like the concord grapes.

- SubN


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
not powder its concentrate so it is real grapes. merlot concentrate so on so forth, not powder i dont think.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
WAMEN said:
Thanks for the compliments and big respekt yo you all.

And talking about respect.. vintner what you call wine is (no offence intended) a disrespect for the whole vino thing which should be based on real grape juice. That thing is made off a kit ! it makes me laugh..
as a proud italian i had to say it.. just having a laugh on people who invented kit to make wine :biglaugh: in powder LOL

Whishing you all a great weekend :wave:

No offence taken. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. You make wine? What do you call a wine like bevarage made from things other than grapes? I don't have the room or equipment right now to make wine from grapes on a scale large enough to keep me in wine for an entire year. Making wine from kits of consentrated juice is a nearly fool proof way to drink quality wines at a fraction of the cost of commercial wines. I've sampled some really good, and award winning German, Italian, and Chilian wines all made from these kits of consentrated grape juice from all over the world.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
so i was talking to this cat named IMNOTCRAZY, he says he knows you guys and wanted to show you guys his grow show. sadly he has no fingers right now and cannot post. he asked me to link you guys..


i dont know how many of you know him but hes got a nice set up going.. check it out... he needs some love.. hes lonely.



Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Heya fuckemer's clone shots for those who care
Bodhi cut ?dunno calyxy.....

bastard k



reciently gifted by a KIND soul...peace,and thank you



potparty,wassup pimpin,looks great bro early and all.just think of the final products colors.WOW! peace-Y-

lookin real happy Moneymike,and what i kind soul indeed.awesome gift brotha.
heres a couple clone shots and my next group out with just under 2 weeks till chop.
these all are bubbleberry,i recently raped my oldest mom for 60 cuts and filled up the e-z before i flipped her.

peace f.u.c.k.e.m crew :wave: -Y-
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