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F##king stupid animal rights assholes


sunshine in a bag
i really dont give a fuck about animals unless they're my animals.

not really out of sight, out of mind, just out of mind. i am not on this earth long enough to have the time to care about them.

it's all about me baby. me, me, me.

just because something is cute does not mean it deserves to be here.
i certainly don't deserve to be here.
in the animal kingdom, i am a freeloader, i want it all, i want more than everyone else.

because fuck it.

i hope people keep killing animals, because they are tasty.
i mean, i'm not saying i endorse or encourage torturing animals or inhumane business practices, i mean chicken farms are fucked up, animal lab testing is fucked up, but really.

i dont care.
just animals.
like us.


Active member
the animal rights folk were once at a fishing tournimentt i was at . i managed to bitchslap the one guy with a 5 lb bass. if god didnt want us to eat em than why are they so tasty?


Lol.. Really?

I slaughter my own animals with the kids on weekends. We have a good time.
Cattle sheep goat and chickens, the whole lot. Nothing taste better than your own raised porter, venison and leg of lamb. Succulent and absolutely delicious.
Some of yall have no idea. I keep some of my cattle, especially angus, locked in their pens their whole life, only grain fed. It is by far some of the best meats I and any of my friends have had in their lives.
Its just like growing quality herbs except I find it by far more fulfilling. Takes a lot more time and nurturing than some people may think.
And come slaughtering day, Im getting phone calls all week not for herbs but for this fabulous, farm raised meat.
Par non folks, keep em in cages, it's how man survives and how we help solve world hunger.
I find Animal rights activists are all to often just caught up with themselves and their "clicks", similar to my girls high school.
Can yer veggies and pack yer meats :laughing::tiphat::thank you:


Active member


we are carnivores.

animals, i believe, were put here to keep nature as we know it in balance and us FULL & FED.

because of industrialization and the fact there are billions of hungry people, slaughterhouses are almost required and the practices are gruesome, but most places cut corners and treat the animals like garbage and have very unclean procedures and are just overall horrible.

i think there is a difference between wild animals and domesticated animals, and some animals should just not be killed because they are truly majestic...such as dolphins & whales...sharks don't give a fuck they will eat us in a second while there are many accounts of dolphins protecting us FROM sharks, being intelligent thru use of echocommunication, etc.

animals shouldn't be killed for fun, entertainment, or for petty purposes. Kill for food only or to protect your own life...and murdering animals for things like ivory or other materialistic things like that is idiotic.

animal rights? not really...they were put here for us to eat....but again, big difference between wild chickens and cows versus a domesticated dog or cat...

again though, there are humane ways to kill and eat animals. the quicker the death the better, such as using a rifle when hunting...the animal normally dies a lot quicker than a deer with a bow who runs around for an hour and you gotta follow a blood trail a mile long...or in slaughterhouses don't keep a calf with it's mother while the mother's head is chopped off....clean the places up, down the massive scale of them and increase the prices of the food to account for such improvements, will lead to people growing their own food and going back to hunting or keeping their own chickens etc


sunshine in a bag
again though, there are humane ways to kill and eat animals. the quicker the death the better, such as using a rifle when hunting...the animal normally dies a lot quicker than a deer with a bow who runs around for an hour and you gotta follow a blood trail a mile long...

that doesn't always happen.
and if it does, it's not deliberate.

an ethical bowhunter does not shoot the animal in the ass and then run it down on foot for 20 minutes before punching it to death.

the size of the wound is larger vs riflehunting, the animal usually bleeds out rapidly and loses consciousness sooner.

seasoned hunters know where to place shots to deliver a fatal wound. all hunters aim for the sensitive body parts to ensure a quicker death. i'm not saying they're doing it out of compassion (more so to avoid the frustration and potential disappointment for tracking down an animal you've hit) but those guys know what they're doing.

i think hunting for food and living is a great skill humans have cultivated over the years.
i dont really care for sport hunting, i wouldn't do it. i don't see the point in killing an animal for the sake of killing them. i don't disagree with it, though. as long as it's not an endangered species, i don't care. i think it's dumb, but i am in no position to criticize how another man spends his <100~ years on this planet. if he wants to go to africa and kill a lion, okay. that's fine. it doesn't affect me at all. so fuck it.


that doesn't always happen.
and if it does, it's not deliberate.

an ethical bowhunter does not shoot the animal in the ass and then run it down on foot for 20 minutes before punching it to death.

the size of the wound is larger vs riflehunting, the animal usually bleeds out rapidly and loses consciousness sooner.

seasoned hunters know where to place shots to deliver a fatal wound. all hunters aim for the sensitive body parts to ensure a quicker death. i'm not saying they're doing it out of compassion (more so to avoid the frustration and potential disappointment for tracking down an animal you've hit) but those guys know what they're doing.

i think hunting for food and living is a great skill humans have cultivated over the years.
i dont really care for sport hunting, i wouldn't do it. i don't see the point in killing an animal for the sake of killing them. i don't disagree with it, though. as long as it's not an endangered species, i don't care. i think it's dumb, but i am in no position to criticize how another man spends his <100~ years on this planet. if he wants to go to africa and kill a lion, okay. that's fine. it doesn't affect me at all. so fuck it.

Take it from someone who has hunted for years, I have seen MANY, many more deer shot with a bow run much longer and have seen many doe and buck instantly fall from a well-placed shot. The target is near the shoulderblade, right behind it but not too low. A well placed shot with a bow or rifle can drop a deer, but again, in my years of experience i have yet to see someone instantly drop a deer with a bow - not that its not possible, it very well is, im just going on experience.

'fuck it' may be your way of life, but other people have a tendency to care about things in the world. "it doesnt affect me at all"...you sound very self-centered and apathetic.
i really dont give a fuck about animals unless they're my animals.

not really out of sight, out of mind, just out of mind. i am not on this earth long enough to have the time to care about them.

it's all about me baby. me, me, me.

just because something is cute does not mean it deserves to be here.
i certainly don't deserve to be here.
in the animal kingdom, i am a freeloader, i want it all, i want more than everyone else.

because fuck it.

i hope people keep killing animals, because they are tasty.
i mean, i'm not saying i endorse or encourage torturing animals or inhumane business practices, i mean chicken farms are fucked up, animal lab testing is fucked up, but really.

i dont care.
just animals.
like us.


sunshine in a bag
'fuck it' may be your way of life, but other people have a tendency to care about things in the world. "it doesnt affect me at all"...you sound very self-centered and apathetic.

i care about people that care about me, people that depend on me, and people i relate to.
that's all.

the rest of the world can fuck off, for all i care, or have a nice day, for all i care.

and i am pretty apathetic. i just don't care, to be honest, sorry if that offends you broski


Cannabrex Formulator
"They were put here for us to eat"

This is the 100% bullshit fucking line I hear from so many people when the meat eating argument begins.....what a load of self-justifying, ego-centric BULLSHIT!!

That makes about as much logical sense as "black people were put here to work for white folk" or "women were put here to serve and pleasure men"

The planet is not our personal shopping center, toilet and garbage dump, people....it is our only fucking home, and a very fragile one at that.


Hey fuck it, if you wanna run an animal torture factory, which is what these mink farms boil down to thanks to the conditions.

hardly, its a heavily regulated and monitored industry thats getting closed down in 2012

then you better be prepared to deal with people who think torturing animals isn't cool.

is decimating the local wild life cool?

this is Donegal, fishing and foul hunting are the main reason people go near the place this is like the bp oil spill for them

then again in a county of gun nuts this is a wet dream come true:jump:


They have the freedom to farm these animals. As they have the freedom to dislike it. Just because those people think it's wrong does not mean they have the intelligence to act on those feelings, sit the fuck down.

These animal idiots are a part of the problem as they are certainly not part of the solution. Problem with 'activists' they lack the brain capacity the protein and other yummy and very helpful goodies in MEAT helps to give us.

El Toker

They can't be against fishing can they? That's fucked up.

They're not fish they're "Sea Kittens"

These people like to anthropromorphise animals and suggest that they should have "rights" equivalent to our own.

It's much simpler for me, if it's alive and it's not human then it's food. I think that food should be treated decently at all stages in it's progression to it's natural place in the universe, my plate. I think that it should be protected from pain and suffering while it's in it's living stage. But most importantly I think that we all should keep reminding ourselves that it's food, not a person.


I'm not an animal activist. I love meat.

That doesn't mean I condone animal torture, there is a lot to be improved on how animals are kept commercially. I just don't do anything about it. If I did something about everything I disagreed with, I'd never get anything done for myself.

These activists feel the same as I do, but they do something about it for a variety of reasons. They do it for publicity mainly, not because they think these mink will live happily ever after. They also do it so the farm loses profits, since their the ones profiting from the mink being kept in awful conditions.

I respect those that risk their freedom for a bigger and worthwhile cause. You may disagree with how they do it, but in my eyes, it's infinitely better than what most of the population are doing - being a sponge.

The planet is not our personal shopping center, toilet and garbage dump, people....it is our only fucking home, and a very fragile one at that.

Great point! It is only our home and not for very long at that, but most of us treat it like we own it, without considering generations to come.

The world is 4.5 billion years old. Would you treat your Gran with the same inconsiderate attitude?

Cookie monster

I respect those that risk their freedom for a bigger and worthwhile cause. You may disagree with how they do it, but in my eyes, it's infinitely better than what most of the population are doing - being a sponge.

I find it hard to respect idiots who release animals that are not native, especially when these animals are going to destroy the native wildlife.

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