On parmeter/luxmeter/photoneapp.I also checked with Photone app, and it says tops get 500 to 900 ppfd, depending on height and location. Ofc, it's nowhere near as accurate as it should be, I think the real value is probably a bit higher, cause my eyes hurt even when looking twards the general direction of the light. And we are just around 50-60% on the dimmer.
Thank you, @Absorber !
Par meter is really only necessary for measuring blurple. Or if you want to add lots of blue and reds. Its quite expensive, especially for a really accurate response curve.
Luxmeter (for white led light) is enough in order to get an idea of how even your light is. Since you have proskills afaik, you can just use your eyes to estimate at what lux level is too much for your plants and the use the meter. Though you can usually give more lux if you have high humidity, good temps (in fact with leds its more important not to give high light intensity in cold environments) and great nute supply.
In the end its your plants that determine how much they can take, not forum guidelines. Good thing is that good lux meters are not very expensive, but they are not good at measuring outside the green range of spectrum.
There are conversion factors for lux but they depend a bit of what white cct/spectrum and how much red and other stuff is added. Back in the day i calculated roughly 150ppfd for 10k lux for 3000k 80cri whites. So 50000 is good intensity normally. For my tuned up lights i just estimate from there and add a percentage, sometimes as much as 25% for my GLA strips (UV and loooots of red).
Do you really have a pet beaver or just a fan? I was going to say Show me youre beaver but that could get me arrested but if you do have one id love to see it
Me im an Otter guy but love all the sea mammals. Something makes them look so happy, maybe the freedom of the sea.