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Experience with psoriasis?


ICMag Donor
I just take the infused kief coconut oil and lecithin capsules and I dont' use anything topically. No more plaque psoriasis at all. Some minor psoriasis symptoms, but its just inverse ( red skin) and isn't really an issue. Have Vtama to use if short term outbreak, its pretty safe pharmaceutical, but use it only as need.

Have to try to take 2 capsules a day, one in the morning and one after lunch for best effectiveness I think. Also smoke here and there to help with terpenes and enterauge synergy effect.

May make some topical salve since have a bit of surplus with harvest.


Well-known member
Psoriasis (plaque) tends to flare up every 4-6 weeks, having been on the receiving end for 15 plus years, it's safe to say we have become well acquainted with one another..
Having tried every remedy/potion in the book plus all the canna infused oils/butter/tinctures, the psoriasis returned, matter of weeks or several at that.

It's a auto immune disorder at the end of the day, the best you can do is learn to manage it.
I found a change of lifestyle helps keep it at bay for me, it still flares up but not as bad, I use to get it from head to toe. I know it can become quite soul destroying, at present it's more contained to my legs and elbows, this doesn't bother me as I don't wear shorts that often. I use to get a lot on my back until I covered it up with a back piece tattoo.(was always my intentions to cover it up)

When my legs clear up this time I'm booked in with the tattooist for work on them..
I use to take steroids from my doctor when it was severe, literally nuke my whole body.
This completely eradicated all traces of psoriasis after 5 days, though it would always return several weeks after that however, plus using all the medicated creams and change of diets to cutting out all dairy products, didn't make a blind bit of difference. Homeopathic route/healers proved fruitless as well as spending a small fortune with a dermatologist (telling me what I already knew) dabbing goats milk on it certainly helped with the soothing and the want to not scratch the fuck out of yourself, havent tried drinking snakes blood are jumping over hot coals bollox naked..

Not knocking anybodies magic cures or views, this is my personal experience, the study and research give me something to do...

There use to be a really good thread on psoriasis moons back, maybe started by Elmer? Pretty sure he was aussie..

It helps to get your blood levels checked as well, might tell you something about yourself, and keep affected areas well moisturised, one part of management..


ICMag Donor
Soaking in hot water bath for a new minutes in the morning also helps. Get your rest and heat healthy. Yeah have to stay on a routine as much as possible and get your rest.

Exercise helps keep your body going, also plenty of water is important.

I take some supplements from Global Healing including high bioavailability liquid vitamins and high power antioxidants and iodine to maintain health. Prepare my own food from scratch including bread and eat everything as basic ingredients and less processed is better. Organic is recommended where possible.

Time with family and friends helps because it boosts immunity.

Time in the sun, more is better, the best vitamin D.

Prayer and meditation are criticaal. Keep anxiousness in check. I meditate on and study God's Word in the Holy Bible every morning and try to in the evening.
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Well-known member
Soaking in hot water bath for a new minutes in the morning also helps. Get your rest and heat healthy. Yeah have to stay on a routine and
Certainly helps with the soothing process, adding seaweed is a massive beneficial.

Oats are fantastic as well, just fill a large sock or net sack with the oats and let it float in the water while soaking/bathing.

Seaweed bags can be bought in chemists/health stores if you can't access it yourself..
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