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end of the world ...no flames please

St. Phatty

Active member
Hey, St P ... what I was wondering was how come the Amazon has got dry enough to burn?

I always had this picture of Rain Forest myself.

High humidity etc.

Most of the fires are set by ranchers clearing land so they can sell beef.

I'm not sure what accelerants they use (e.g. slash fuel, 1 part gasoline 3 1/2 parts diesel).

They wouldn't have a problem with fire & smoke in Brazil's cities, if not for the people turning the Amazon into farm land.

There's plenty of ingredient #1, carbonaceous (plant) material.

But I always thought it was wet too.

Of course the end result is sort of predictable.

Like when rats sneak into a corn silo and manage to multiply to their heart's content.

Until there is no more corn.

The oceans are already close to un-fishable.

Eventually there will be no more Amazon to cut down.

Perhaps the plan by default is that people will eat less fish and more Brazilian beef.

If the farmers were smarter, they could free range pigs on the natural Amazon land. Pigs can turn ANYTHING into food. They would go nuts in the Amazon.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Wow, seems to be a lot of pessimism in this thread. While it's true that the world can be an awful place, it still has to be balanced, so there is as much goodness as badness. It's all a matter of perception. The problem I see is the incredible power that manipulative forces have been able to wield over society, for example the immediate access media (social and traditional) has to it's consumers. Fear is a huge motivator for humans and those who want to sell you something (ideas, or actual consumer goods) have realized this so they push anxiety and insecurity, like a dealer giving you the first taste of heroin for free knowing you'll come back. For me the trick is removing yourself from society for a time and trying to get back in touch with the natural world.

As someone who lives with depression constantly I completely understand the negative outlook and it can be incredibly hard to overcome that, especially when bombarded with negativity 24/7. For me I've found cannabis a great motivator to assist me with positive change. Shifting out of the negative mindset can be difficult and for me I generally need a catalyst to give me that little bump to get out and go work on my bike, go for a ride, go hiking, do some gardening etc... but when I do these personally enriching activities I find myself not dwelling on the negatives and it helps me to focus on being the best person I can be in this world, because that's all you really can do. If you focus on yourself and being the change you want to see in the world (somewhat of a cliche, I know, but still true) things will likely start to look up. Getting out of your environment can be very helpful too, even if only temporarily, maybe with your daughter going away you and the misses could go for a nice holiday somewhere naturally beautiful without access to media, could be a great way to reset your perception? Best of luck mate, I'm sure things will turn around soon enough.


Active member
Thanks Brother, you hit the nail in the head. My work puts me in constant contact with other bipedal hominids who have their own agendas. Recently it seems worse, more political more selfish and toxic. It's a great job and I get many intangible rewards, for personal reasons I'm not revealing what I do, it's one of the few jobs that people would be judgemental about if they knew I grew.

It's hard not talking about it to my friends, i am a truthseeker and believe integrity is my touchstone.

Finances kept us from going anywhere this summer so yes we are in needof a trip and time away. Grand going to basic will give us a chance to get away to San Antonio at least toe see her graduate boot camp. That's in October.

Typically when I take off work things fall to pieces and people "supervisor," who make duble my salary cannot deal with the shit that goes down.
Oh well.


Well-known member
Well you could just kill the messenger and go about your lives like normal but the Grim Reaper will still be making his rounds.

...... but the one thing you want to stay away from is books on world history and ancient civilization, they'll send you over the edge real fast, sorry!:tiphat:


Brother nature brightening dudes days. Good man!

Been stuck in a real negative world view for a bit and struggling to get out of it.


Well-known member
Man, you guys are crazy. Depression is awesome. You don't have to bath or shower. You can wear the same sweat pants and torn t-shirt for weeks on end. You don't have to go anywhere or do anything. You can just sit at home and live your 'no life' on the computer. You don't have to be happy. Happy can wear you the fuck out.

It sure beats what I'm going to do tonight. Get all cleaned up. Put on the most uncomfortable clothes I own. Shave (I hate that) and put on some smelly after shave the girls like.

Then, I will spend the evening chasing girls 1/3rd my age, only to be continually rejected, causing me to get more drunk which only leads to more rejection.

I'll end up coming home, all pissed off and frustrated that I can't fuck the young girls any more. I'll stuff my face with shit food right before bed. Tomorrow, I'll wake up with no pussy, a screaming headache and $100 less in my pocket.

I'll spend the day, depressed and wishing I were either young again, or dead.

What the fuck. Why go out and try to live a normal life. Stay home, be depressed, save 100 dollars and skip the hangover.

Fuck yeah, depression is awesome. Way better than real life.

It all depends on how you look at it.



Well-known member
Man, you guys are crazy. Depression is awesome. You don't have to bath or shower. You can wear the same sweat pants and torn t-shirt for weeks on end. You don't have to go anywhere or do anything. You can just sit at home and live your 'no life' on the computer. You don't have to be happy. Happy can wear you the fuck out.

It sure beats what I'm going to do tonight. Get all cleaned up. Put on the most uncomfortable clothes I own. Shave (I hate that) and put on some smelly after shave the girls like.

Then, I will spend the evening chasing girls 1/3rd my age, only to be continually rejected, causing me to get more drunk which only leads to more rejection.

I'll end up coming home, all pissed off and frustrated that I can't fuck the young girls any more. I'll stuff my face with shit food right before bed. Tomorrow, I'll wake up with no pussy, a screaming headache and $100 less in my pocket.

I'll spend the day, depressed and wishing I were either young again, or dead.

What the fuck. Why go out and try to live a normal life. Stay home, be depressed, save 100 dollars and skip the hangover.

Fuck yeah, depression is awesome. Way better than real life.

It all depends on how you look at it.

i will say this is a novel perspective


Well-known member
Life is not about waiting for the rain to stop. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

It's been raining depression most all of my life. I embrace my depression and dance with the bitch. She's not much of a partner but she's all I've got. (Not actually a bad dancer, either. LOL)



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Man, you guys are crazy. Depression is awesome. You don't have to bath or shower. You can wear the same sweat pants and torn t-shirt for weeks on end. You don't have to go anywhere or do anything. You can just sit at home and live your 'no life' on the computer. You don't have to be happy. Happy can wear you the fuck out.

It sure beats what I'm going to do tonight. Get all cleaned up. Put on the most uncomfortable clothes I own. Shave (I hate that) and put on some smelly after shave the girls like.

Then, I will spend the evening chasing girls 1/3rd my age, only to be continually rejected, causing me to get more drunk which only leads to more rejection.

I'll end up coming home, all pissed off and frustrated that I can't fuck the young girls any more. I'll stuff my face with shit food right before bed. Tomorrow, I'll wake up with no pussy, a screaming headache and $100 less in my pocket.

I'll spend the day, depressed and wishing I were either young again, or dead.

What the fuck. Why go out and try to live a normal life. Stay home, be depressed, save 100 dollars and skip the hangover.

Fuck yeah, depression is awesome. Way better than real life.

It all depends on how you look at it.


Orange is the new black they say, but this is the first time I saw anyone say depression is the new lazy.

Not bad, not bad at all. :tiphat:


So you've discovered the Zen of Depression, right?! (In the wondrous Land of Oz, depression is known as "the Black Dog". Stalked by the Black Dog.)

Life is not about waiting for the rain to stop. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

It's been raining depression most all of my life. I embrace my depression and dance with the bitch. She's not much of a partner but she's all I've got. (Not actually a bad dancer, either. LOL)



Well-known member
I have to wonder if Mick Jagger was talking about death or depression when he talked about dancing with Mr. D.

And, yes, the depression zen yoga position is to sit with your head up your ass. Took me years to master.



Well-known member
I'm home. Drunk. No pussy, eating cantaloupe, salami and dry roasted peanuts. No pussy (did I say that already?), short 80 bux and, still no pussy. Going to go to bed with a headache.

At least, before I go to bed I can say... I told you so.



Boreal Curing
I'm home. Drunk. No pussy, eating cantaloupe, salami and dry roasted peanuts. No pussy (did I say that already?), short 80 bux and, still no pussy. Going to go to bed with a headache.

At least, before I go to bed I can say... I told you so.

If you keep getting the same results, maybe you should change your approach. Like POF. lol


Well-known member
Release the swine!! They'll fix it.



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