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end of the world ...no flames please


Boreal Curing
I am going to ignore those who want to popoo these worries. I know enough science to know we are in some deep shit. Remember the Northwest passage LaSalle and Champlain and even Lewis and Clark looked for? It now exists!

I am thinking more and more about moving back, I guess it comes down to who you want to spend your last days with.
In January I turn 60, I find myself thinking about such things more and more.
I suppose when neighbors start guarding their cattle herds with riflemen I will know it's time to blow.

Seriously dude. Quit listening or reading your news. Absolutely. Stay away from apocalypse and conspiracy shit like infowars and animated preachers.

I promise you, give it 2 weeks and you'll feel better. 1 month and you'll be in a different world.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I will be 60 next year - and I reckon civilization (as we know it) - will hold together for quite a few more years - and if it doesn't - well, I have had a rather good innings already - there is still life in me yet.


Active member
Seriously dude. Quit listening or reading your news. Absolutely. Stay away from apocalypse and conspiracy shit like infowars and animated preachers.

I promise you, give it 2 weeks and you'll feel better. 1 month and you'll be in a different world.

Actually I get this way Every time I eat an edible before bedtime...lol.
I was raised on the Revelations diet as a Baptist chile....I need a new religion.


Boreal Curing
Actually I get this way Every time I eat an edible before bedtime...lol.
I was raised on the Revelations diet as a Baptist chile....I need a new religion.
Reduce the dosage. Lol

Stop listening to what everybody says god wants and start searching for him yourself. Go searching.


Well-known member
thing is, the 1 man survival crew is not a sound strategy
it's as a group that it works
in which case it's
1) be part of some survival militia
2) be part of the community survival plan, i.e. existing institutions and the like

by all means plan for yourself, just be prepared for group activities
that's going to be inevitable


Boreal Curing
A few people can hunt. A few can grow stuff. Fewer still can do both. If the proverbial fan starts turning, the population of the world will be reduced by 50% within 6 months. Another 25% in a year. Global population would drop to 100 million in 2 years and 50 million in 3 years. Poor 3rd world countries would suffer the least. They already know how to live off the land and from hand to mouth.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
You haven't talked with em in a while, eh? Or they just forgot to tell you that Czechoslovakia was peacefully dissolved and split into the two sovereign states of Slovakia and Czech Republic on January 1st, 1993..?


And when was the last time you talked to your friends there? Because now it's called Czechia. :D

Everybody there still calls it Czech though.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Lots to think about.

Many ways to end the earth as we know it, mostly due to economics.

And remember the possibility of:

Yellowstone super volcano eruption
Asteroid impact
Magnetic field collapse/reversal
Super Solar Flares
Rampant viral epidemics
Global thermonuclear events

However even at current resource consumption there is a high point at which current
enjoyment of the planet has been reached, even without the aforementioned possibilities.

Prepare for a downward trend of convenience and comfort at the very least,
and say a prayer for biodiversity coupled with environmental calamity.

Sleep tight.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
And when was the last time you talked to your friends there? Because now it's called Czechia. :D

Everybody there still calls it Czech though.

Czech Republic has been the official name of the country since 1993.
Czechia is a short version of the name for English speakers, used officially since 2016. But like you said, everyone calls it Czech.

"Czechia'self before ya wreck yaself"

- Ice Cube



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Czech Republic has been the official name of the country since 1993.
Czechia is a short version of the name for English speakers, used officially since 2016. But like you said, everyone calls it Czech.

"Czechia'self before ya wreck yaself"

- Ice Cube




Active member
Never has there been a more calmer time in history
if we could only kill socialism, it would be the greatest time to be alive

And never have so many people lost the plot, because of the socialist lies

we are all going to fry, then die apparently

:grouphug: :biggrin:


Quoted are the ravings of a right wing lunatic who probably lives in an Australian city.

Out here in the bush the Apocalypse is already with us. Most of the mammals are almost gone from drought. Haven't heard or seen a Koala for years. YEARS!

Only the birds are doing ok except the ground nesters who were eaten by domestic cats gone wild.

On the other hand I 've got a good sun tan now ...

Never has there been a more calmer time in history
if we could only kill socialism, it would be the greatest time to be alive

And never have so many people lost the plot, because of the socialist lies

we are all going to fry, then die apparently

:grouphug: :biggrin:


Active member
In southern Missouri we started seeing armadillos and road runners a few years ago. Winters are much milder but flooding an ice storms are much more common.
Bermuda grass is now grown in Missouri. It used to be only grown South of the Strawberry river in North Arkansas.

In Oklahoma we are seeing more tornadoes and weird storms every year.
So yes let's blame socialism.

Or not.
I don't really want to discuss politics. It's too depressing.


Boreal Curing
We're doomed.

All evolved intelligent life in the universe hits a barrier at one point that stops them in their tracks, or wipes them out completely. If there wasn't some type of barrier, we'd see aliens all the time.

1. Destroy ourselves with Nuclear, biological or some other efficient method.
2. The planet gets fried and sterilized by a Gamma Ray burst, or Coronal Mass Ejection.
3. Big ass asteroid vaporizes an ocean.
4. The planet's super volcanoes wake up. We only need one to go off. There are 20.
5. The weather turns on us.
6. Satan comes back. And Wins!
7. Aliens harvest their crop of humans.

and my favorite

Mr D

I woke up this morning with a new feeling...and wondering at what point do I need to do something?
Let me explain...the Amazon so burning, my country is ruled by a madman, the election will cause widespread animosity if not conflict regardless of the results...I'm surrounded by people with assault rifles, mass shootings a a daily occurrence...do I need to be worried?

I am.
I have more resources than most.
I could cough up the cash for a good rifle. I currently have some bolt action guns, and I can shoot. I never wanted an automatic weapon but I'm wondering if I need one!
If bad enough I can leave Oklahoma and move back to my hometown and settle back into my family's little valley where we collective own about 1000 acres.
Or...I have friends in Czechoslovakia and in Australia...
I have reasons for not moving back to my hometown, it's infested with meth, my ex lives there and I don't get along with family.
I love it here and have 5 acres, a long driveway and a shop and studio, veg garden and fruit trees.

How bad does it need to get before I bug out? From my bug out spot?

Don't let the news and media shape your opinion of the world around you. In the run up to Y2K depending who you were listening to you might have been held up in a bunker armed to the teeth waiting for the pending apocalypse. It was FEMA camps and depopulation agendas post 911 that had some folks prepping. And now we have Trump and Climate predictions of 12 years remaining on the clock. I've been seeing predictions of an economic apocalypse for the last 5 - 10 years. Who knows?

A little prepping isn't a bad thing but if the shit is going to hit the fan I'm going to just enjoy life , family , friends and the beauty that can found in the world around us and step away from the dooms dayers.


Well-known member
Roll with it. You can't prepare for every possible scenario, but you can't sit on your ass either. Learn to make fire with something other than matches or a lighter. Light and heat go a long way toward making you feel secure, even if you have an empty belly.

Try foods you normally don't eat. If it walks, crawls, swims or flies, you can eat it (with a few exceptions).

Get a good knife. It is the single most useful tool you can own. Keep it sharp. Few things are more useless than a dull knife.

Don't worry so much. Even if the shit seriously hits the fan, the dumbasses will be the first to go, the stupid will self cull. Once panic dies down you can get your bearings and sort things out.

This is nothing new. The world moves on. We're just fleas on the back of a big old dog. Every now and then that dog gets up and shakes off some fleas. Roll with it.

White Beard

Active member

Stop with the hysterical mainstream news bullshit. The Amazon burning really isn't that big of a deal. It's been going on at a similar rate for literally decades, so if you weren't crying about it five or ten years ago, you shouldn't be crying about it now.

Tell me how you’re breathing in 5-10 years...then again, if you weren’t attentive enough to to notice then, I’m sure you’ll not keep up just fine.

I’d love to see your paper on the relative unimportance of specifically the Amazon forests in maintaining the atmosphere, I certainly could have missed something an expert like you would’ve picked up in a second, eh?