Autistic Diplomat in Training
About 30wpsqft with SILs for nice sized female flowers, and a whole lot less for male flowers. Even with only 13w in such a small setup, I really wouldn't spend much time on reflective side walls. With males, you're going to get a significant amount of pollen (for a small breedeer) without reflective sides. No worries.
As long as those filters are rated to stop pollen they should work great! Even if they're only 'mostly 'effective, doubling up will help a lot. Good job.
Interesting about the darker genetics, I've always steered clear of the purples anyway... they tend to mess up my brain. lol Looking good, appreciate the updates.
As long as those filters are rated to stop pollen they should work great! Even if they're only 'mostly 'effective, doubling up will help a lot. Good job.
Interesting about the darker genetics, I've always steered clear of the purples anyway... they tend to mess up my brain. lol Looking good, appreciate the updates.