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Effects of burning/vaping


Hi ho here we go
Vaping is different...

Vaping is different...

I have had a Vapor Brothers for years.

I just bought a Volcano Digital because smoking is causing me to choke.

I vape at 365f and throw the leftovers in a jar to use in making CanaCoconut Oil.

None is wasted (except me) :party: Vape On - gonna vape some shatter later


Active member
the subtle nuances in vaping over smoking....

I see many of you mention the volcano here in this thread, well the volcano is not a flavor chaser vape. it combines the up front terpene goodies and then mixes those flavors later with the popcorn vaped off taste/smell as the bag fills to full. of course you can run at a lower temp to retain flavor longer but then miss the high heat sedative compounds.

personally I like a vape that starts low temp and you then bump it up in temp through the session to get at the high heat compounds later or last in the sesh. after the terps evap I then use a bubbler to pull even more actives out of the fibers of the flower/bud. then the left overs ( ABV) get stored in a jar for edibles later. generally I use 2 to 3 grams ABV ( already been vaped) per edible. my abv is a very dark dark brown because I use the bubbler every sesh and pull most of the actives out but at two or three grams per serving the abv still has a punch in edibles. my max was 7 grams abv first time I tried it and had a grin from ear to ear all day!


Active member
You get a more full spectrum effect by smoking, combusting the psychoactive substances. This is why I dont vape. Contrary to the general populus' assumptions, there is no negative long term health problems associated with smoking cannabis. Not even a 20 year 5000 person study found any negative effects on pulmonary function. Smoke on.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Cannabis may not have the belligerent effects of tobacco on the body, but the latter is covered in big commercial pesticides and fertilizers, some of which are radioactive (polonium?). Any one with serious health conditions will absolutely notice the effects of smoking.

In 2009 I started noticing that I would get weaker after smoking. My lungs stopped handling burnt material a while back. I started vaping back in 2011 or so. And even that eventually started causing me to get weak. So I'm trying to go to nothing but oral or non-smoking. I haven't vaped in about 5 days. I hope to keep going but it's hard when I get a heavy metal headache which requires immediate relief that only vaping or smoking can help.

As one medical user to others, beware. Limit smoking and vaping to when it's necessary.


The thing is, are other smaller or different terpenes being vaporized before others and therefore occupying our receptors first and messing with the high? And is this also why different temperatures have different effects is because different sets of them are vaporized before other sets?

Bongo Fury

I've been smocking for over 30 years , found the vapo and since then never come back. I can vape almost everywhere with my grasshopper , the stone is high , use a 0,3 during the day, easy to clean , never back. Also my friends ask me how could I do so, but it's another way of life. Don't forget paper , which combusted is not healthy. And papers finish always on sunday , like cigarettes . And filters ? Where did I put the filters ? No thanks . I also practice a lot of sports , in particular mountain bike . Since I vape I did increase my breath capacity. One man does not a statistic , but...


; said:

Also, i feel vaping is influenced much more compared to smoking by the quality of your ganja: better ganja produce much more vapour and works much much better! i know this is quite stupid to say, but it's a much bigger difference. When compared to dabbing with a percolator rig then don't be surprised on the difference! :D

When I first used a vape I could not of been more disappointed. But once I invested in a quality pen there is no looking back. I nearly only vape and my stamina has improved so much now I can finally drop the smoke out of my diet!


Active member
A portable handheld device may be the reason a vaporizer sometimes leaves me cold. When my tolerance is through the roof, it simply is not raising to the occasion. I still prefer vape to everything for those crystal clear health reasons. Edibles are ok, but regarding effects themselves, meh so far, that's worth a new subject.
And doing sports is cool, I've too suspected vapour slightly increases lung capacity. That would help explaining my results. :D Keep on doing your own thang.


New member
buying my Volcano Digit 8 years ago was quite possibly the best purchase of my life. Even if you don't believe vaping is healthier, the efficiency is crazy compared to smoking. 1 gram in the volcano lasts me and my girlfriend 2 days, whereas 1 gram in a nice bong lasts about half a day, plus I just feel kinda gross after I smoke.

Not only that, but I save all the vaped weed and make edibles with it, it's about as effective as using trim, maybe even moreso. I've also used it to make bubble has then made Rosin out of that bubble hash, turning spent weed into dabs, you can't do that with a bong.


pro tip: use a little weed in your vaporizer. tiny bit, few hits. Then roll ONLY a half j for yourself. You'll get the best of both worlds with that.


i've tried pen vapes and once took a single off a volcano at a cannabis cup, but i was already blasted off multiple dabs so i couldn't really accurately judge the effects. i was under the assumption that the volcano was the only vaporizer that truly gave you a "stoned" affect.