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Eddy Lepp Gets 10 Years!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Not the happiest day of anyone's life, today was a tragedy for Eddy Lepp.

Yes there were a lot of plants.

However, this was not Eddy's weed.

It was for about 1600 medical marijuana patients who paid for or were granted varying size "plots" or numbers of plants. All these folks were members of his church, and felt they were using it for religious as well as medical use, which is allowed under California law medically; and under terms of the Federal RFRA allowed for religious sacramental use.

Eddy stood up like a man and took the rap for us all. May he be honored forever for his kindness and compassion.

Now how can we help in his appeal?

After sitting through at least ten hearings and attending the entire trial, I observed so many instances of misconduct on the part of the federal prosecutor, as well as by the judge, that I feel certain this case will be dismissed on appeal.

After sitting through a travesty of justice this morning, Eddy and his family joined us at the home of Dennis Peron in San Francisco, to honor the man, and give him a big energy boost that he so badly needs right now. Lots of hugging, crying, planning, and talking went on and on and on. I just now returned from my day in the city at 8 pm...

What can I say but God bless Eddy Lepp. And thanks for everything you have done.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Written by Dale Gieringer
Monday, May 18 2009

SAN FRANCISCO - US District Judge Marilyn Patel sentenced Eddy Lepp to ten years mandatory minimum for having grown over 1,000 marijuana plants for a medical marijuana garden in Lake County.

Patel called the sentence "excessive," but said she had no choice under federal law.

In addition, she sentenced Lepp to five years of supervised release with drug testing. She invited Lepp to file for a rehearing in case the law should change.

Lepp called it "very, very sad" that the government showed no compassion, saying"I've broken no laws of the state in which I reside." He asked that he be allowed to surrender himself voluntarily, noting that he had met every court date over the seven years of his case and that his daughter had health problems.

US attorney Dave Hall opposed the request, arguing that the government had new evidence of Lepp's involvement in a marijuana grow that was traced to a neighbor's property last week. Lepp's friends staunchly deny that he had any involvement in the grow.

Patel granted Lepp's request and set a surrender date of July 6th, while inviting the government to submit any additional incriminating evidence it might have to demand an earlier surrender.

Patel ruled that Lepp was ineligible for the "safety valve" exemption to the mandatory minimum on two grounds. First, the evidence showed that Lepp had been a leader or organizer of other people in his activity. Secondly, the government claimed that he had failed give a full and truthful account of his activities. At his trial, Lepp had testified that he did not grow any marijuana, but simply let his land be used for cultivation by other patients. The government had asked Lepp to recant this claim and admit that he grew the marijuana.
Lepp refused, saying he had testified truthfully.

"I've never seen a man work harder to get time in prison than Mr. Lepp," remarked Mr Hall.

"I would rather do ten years and be able to look myself in the eyes than never be able to look myself in the eyes again," said Lepp.

The courtroom burst into gasps and sobs as Patel pronounced her sentence. Lepp's attorney, Michael Hinckley, called it an "incredible sentence." Patel responded, "Incredible is what the law requires."

Patel noted that Lepp's driving passion appeared to be legalizing marijuana. "Maybe you want to be a martyr for the cause," she said.

California NORML coordinator Dale Gieringer commented: "This case sadly illustrates the senselessness of federal marijuana laws. The last thing this country needs is more medical marijuana prisoners. Hopefully, we can change the law and get Eddy out of jail before he completes his sentence."


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
My thoughts and respect go out to eddy when has MJ ever hurt anybody well this is the only time...
Where is the victim? 10 years for hurting who, for violating whose rights, for damaging whose property? You are right Benji. The only victim here is Eddy Lepp. Well, him and every taxpayer with a government gun to their head forcing them to help pay to lock Eddy Lepp up.


Active member
My advise to him:
Run. Do not surrender yourself. A 10 year sentence for a man his age could be a life sentence. No way would I surrender myself to the feds. There's no "good time", no parole, no "early release" due to overcrowding. It's the feds. He could live in South America. He has a couple months to formulate a plan, and friends in other countries.


I agree with retro...

I sure as hell would not wait around for july 7th
Can we just take over some tiny country somewhere and make it a refuge for cannabis convicts? Anyone about to face jail for cannabis gets a plane or boat ticket to our country and we'll grant them amnesty and safe harbor from human rights violations in countries like the US. One last option for freedom.


Freedom Fighter
My advise to him:
Run. Do not surrender yourself. A 10 year sentence for a man his age could be a life sentence. No way would I surrender myself to the feds. There's no "good time", no parole, no "early release" due to overcrowding. It's the feds. He could live in South America. He has a couple months to formulate a plan, and friends in other countries.

He is only 55-- He would be out in 6 to 7 years-- He is a Warrior...he can do this!!
Hopefully his Appeals will work out, and he doesn't have to do this insane sentence...but if he has to, at least he will be able to kick those fucking cigarettes!! 3 packs a day will kill him sooner than Prison--:fsu:
Sorry Eddy...but yeah, Stay Strong Man-
Fuck the fucking Pigs!!!:mad:


Active member
None of us knows how much time we have left, but no way at that point in life would I surrender myself to the feds. There's no "good time" with the feds. He will do the whole 10, if he survives in there. There are some bad folks in the penitentiary. No way a civilized man should be locked up with them. It's a crying shame that our government is that ruthless. Not a shred of integrity on the part of the oppressors. I would run, and hope that the law changes in my absence, not while I'm rotting in there.


Life is one big grow........
Sad news....Eddy is fighting for all of us......for all ur right...
..............RESPEKT EDDY.................STAY STRONG.........

better run, run, run to the small caribian island


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
He's not in jail now. Good..RUN FOR YOUR LIFE EDDY! Get the fuck out of the states if you have any brains at all!


Brazil is a great place......They also don't extradite. Lived there for almost 5 years and can't wait to go back. Nothing like the Brazilian people and culture. I'd get the hell out of dodge, go to Brazil and never look back.


Bow to Leppah Messiah.

Bow to Leppah Messiah.

You people build him up to be a big hero.He Heads a religious Cult that plants marijuana in massive amounts besides Highways.
Now let me see? What Country? Oh yeah the One Bleating on about FREEDOM.
Heady Eddy.
Some people are just greedy.

WAR on Everything.

and bush did Chong for selling bongs...

That hypocrit smokes 3 packs a day.


Registered Non-Conformist
We all hope for the best for EL.... Of course. However, the grow was majorly flagrant, and the result is Martyrdom... Although he may get out on appeal, or a technicality of some sort, it is still not smart to grow such a volume of (or any) plants in plain view in this USA police state.... Throw it in their faces, and they will make you pay..... Or thieves will do away with all the hard work.

I would wait a bit to see if I was gonna win an appeal, and if it appeared NOT so: I would Get the Hell out ---- Pronto...

Hang in there Eddy....
This is just complete foolery. He failed to admit to cultivating Marijuana. I understand this guy may be some of your friends... but consider this: What protection did he provide for those growing this Marijuana from thugs and thieves who might physically harm those cultivating it? None. What arrangement did he work out with local law enforcement in the event that someone tried to rob and steal this $80million worth of cannabis?

If he wants to be such a die hard martyr, then he should have moved to the mountains of Afghanistan. He could have had a lot more luck pulling this off there than here.

He is a completely retard, in my opinion, for thinking he should try to challenge the laws so flagrantly. I can only hope that other people, like Thundurkle, don't go down this same path thinking they are some sort of messiah to challenge the establishment.

Being a martyr only pays off after you're dead
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I'm glad Eddy was not as much of a coward as some of the people in the last posts. Anybody who knows Eddy and has spent time at his place knows how kind and peaceful he is. Growing a bunch of flowers near a highway doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Wev, you are the hypocrite, go to hell.

heavy dank nugg

Wev makes a point.. also no one said a peep about how he basicly screamed FUCK YOU. to the state legislator by planting 32,000 plants near a hwy... He may be a great guy but he brought this on himself


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh

Eddy's not going to run. I'm surprised anyone even thinks thats a possibility.
Eddy allowed himself to be caught, has respected the laws that he disagrees with and took that wrap for others. All out of principle. He is a man of honor, courage and faith. We all owe him a big thanks for giving his life as an advocate for that which he believes. He will live longer than any of us even if it is in the history books as MMJ martyr.



Active member
Brazil is a great place......They also don't extradite. Lived there for almost 5 years and can't wait to go back. Nothing like the Brazilian people and culture. I'd get the hell out of dodge, go to Brazil and never look back.

Brazil is my second home. Would love to live there permanently. Yes, Eddy could have a good life there. They do extradite there now, depending on the crime. There is no capital punishment, so they will not extradite someone charged with a capital crime. The great bank robber lived there openly for many years and British government couldn't touch him.

To all those who posted that he got what he deserved for flaunting it, I say F you. It should be legal! Get your heads out of your asses.

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