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Andinismo Hierbatero
Little old Cuba sends 300 qualified doctors to go fight Ebola in Africa, the US sends 4000 soldiers with 4 hours of ebola training behind them, hm....

a buddy helped quite a few Cuban doctors escape Venezuela into Colombia once their duties in Venezuela were over, they certainly did not want to go back to 'little old Cuba'.

they crossed into Colombia the same way people use to smuggle gasoline out of Venezuela into Colombia... I wonder where some those Cuban doctors are today and what are they doing to make a living? life is not easy for sure...


point is would you rather have 300 qualified doctors helping to contain ebola or 4000 trained killers, with 4 hour course in ebola prevention. why can't the US send 4000 doctors. if Cuba can send doctors why is the US sending it's military, specially as ill equipped as military generally is at saving lives. military is made for destroying things and killing people, what they need is doctors and nurses, not killing machines wearing white hats.


Andinismo Hierbatero
point is would you rather have 300 qualified doctors helping to contain ebola or 4000 trained killers, with 4 hour course in ebola prevention. why can't the US send 4000 doctors. if Cuba can send doctors why is the US sending it's military, specially as ill equipped as military generally is at saving lives. military is made for destroying things and killing people, what they need is doctors and nurses, not killing machines wearing white hats.

they are medical military personnel. they are not sending the deltas...

what would a Cuban doctor know about Ebola that a medical military team would not? they both know as little about it as anyone else in the medical field...



Active member
Amidst the propaganda surrounding ebola and the specter of forced quarantine, mandatory vaccination, the police state, fear porn exposing ebola around every single corner and under every single bed, as well as credible suggestions that ebola is not actually infecting anyone in the cases presented by the government and media, it is hard to determine the seriousness of the threat posed by the disease to the United States.-Activist Post

I found this article interesting.


Active member
Long story short, Ebola right now isn't a threat with a competent government trying to stop it. The question becomes, how competent is our government right now. That is how it boils down to me.


Senior Member
they are medical military personnel. they are not sending the deltas...

what would a Cuban doctor know about Ebola that a medical military team would not? they both know as little about it as anyone else in the medical field...


I thought our military was building infrastructure to contain victims and support med personel. Both good missions...just our level of commitment seems less. But both far more effective than simply trying to isolate your country.

Turns out the scintists were right...not an easy virus to catch. Imagine that...scientists being more rational than politicians. Wonder if that is true in other areas the two disagree?


Active member
Long story short, Ebola right now isn't a threat with a competent government trying to stop it. The question becomes, how competent is our government right now. That is how it boils down to me.

Don't count on the Government, your immune system fights disease much more efficiently. And no congress-critter has to 'appropriate funds' to make it strong. :dance013:


if it smells like fish
self quaranteen ,check temp 2 x a day and stay in touch with health officials every day 21 days.....ya like that's gonna work....


Active member
Ebola may not be the "one"

An infected person can depart LAX and land in Beijing in about 12 hours. The most populated country in the world. Couple that with about 200 people breathing infected air for about a half a day.

Back in the day of Black death, it took months to cross the seas.

Keep your immunity game tight y'all.

Grass Lands

Here is a nice little read...


Scientist calls for death to humanity

by John Ballantyne

News Weekly, April 15, 2006
A Texas scientist advocates killing nine-tenths of the world's population by an airborne Ebola virus, writes John Ballantyne.

An award-winning Texas scientist was given a standing ovation after he advocated the extermination of 90 per cent of the Earth's population by an airborne Ebola virus.

The University of Texas evolutionary ecologist, Dr Eric R. Pianka, was addressing the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, in early March, after the academy had named him 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.

Present at Pianka's speech was Forrest M. Mim III, a popular science writer and editor of the bi-weekly journal, The Citizen Scientist. He reported:

"Something curious occurred a minute before Pianka began speaking. An official of the Academy approached a video camera operator at the front of the auditorium and engaged him in animated conversation. The camera operator did not look pleased as he pointed the lens of the big camera to the ceiling and slowly walked away.

"This curious incident came to mind a few minutes later when Professor Pianka began his speech by explaining that the general public is not yet ready to hear what he was about to tell us. Because of many years of experience as a writer and editor, Pianka's strange introduction and the TV camera incident raised a red flag in my mind ... I grabbed a notepad ..." ("Meeting Doctor Doom", The Citizen Scientist, March 31, 2006).

Pianka began his speech by condemning anthropocentrism, or the idea that the human race occupies a privileged position in nature. He exclaimed, "We're no better than bacteria!"

He argued that the sharp increase in the human population since the onset of industrialisation was destroying the planet. He warned that Earth would not survive unless its human population was reduced to a tenth of its present number.

He then offered drastic solutions, accompanying his remarks with a slide depicting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

War and famine were insufficient for solving global overpopulation, he explained. Instead, disease was far more efficient and swift. At this point, Pianka displayed a slide showing rows of human skulls.

AIDS took too long to kill people off, he explained. His preferred method of exterminating over five billion human beings was via airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and kills its victims in days rather than years.

However, as Mim observed: "Professor Pianka did not mention that Ebola victims die a slow and torturous death as the virus initiates a cascade of biological calamities inside the victim that eventually liquefy the internal organs.

"After praising the Ebola virus for its efficiency at killing, Pianka paused, leaned over the lectern, looked at us and carefully said, 'We've got airborne 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that.' "

After he finished his address, the audience burst into applause.

Mim reported: "It wasn't merely a smattering of polite clapping that audiences diplomatically reserve for poor or boring speakers. It was a loud, vigorous and enthusiastic applause. ...

During a question-and-answer session, Pianka praised communist China's draconian one-child policy, and suggested that IQs are falling because only "uncaring people" (i.e., people with below-average intelligence) have large families.

Mim recalls how, once the questioning was over:
Dr Eric R. Pianka (left), with an
appreciative member of the audience.

"I watched in amazement as a few hundred members of the Texas Academy of Science rose to their feet and gave a standing ovation to a speech that enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90 percent of Earth's population by airborne Ebola. ..."

"Some even cheered. Dozens then mobbed the professor at the lectern. ..."

A few hours later, the Texas Academy of Science presented Pianka with a plaque in recognition of his being named 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.


Executive director of the Society for Amateur Scientists, Dr Shawn Carlson, later warned in The Citizen Scientist (April 2, 2006):

"I believe, with the terrible experience of the bloodiest century in human history behind us, that all men and women of conscious in the 21st century must be proactive in our opposition to genocidal or apocalyptic philosophies, before they have the chance to inspire some new champion with the will to take their conclusions to the next step.

"When the professional scientists have lost their sense of moral outrage at such ideologies, then it falls to America's great community of citizen scientists to be the conscious of science."


by Amaterasu Solar

Below you will find an article seemingly so wild that you may question the sanity of the writer, Amaterasu Solar. She’s really sane, more than most of us. But she has done her research with open eyes, not trusting anyone else. Only her eyes, ears and experience. There is so much info out there, surrounding the Ebola hype with the biggest of question marks. You should read the article below for what it is, one possible answer of several. But whatever you do, don’t fall for the fear virus they obviously want to contaminate us with. This virus is far more dangerous and contagious than Ebola ever has been! (Editor State of Globe)

Today We are told of a horrible new disease spreading across the globe: Ebola!!! But when examining the evidence, there really isn’t any. Take the footage They show Us…

A man, rolling about in front of a makeshift “clinic” (We know it’s a clinic because there is a banner tacked sloppily to the wall saying it is) “obviously” sick and unable to do anything but lie there moaning. Yet later in the footage He is sitting up, just inside the camera view, and looking well and aware. And then a camera follows the “father” who has been spouting about being turned down at all the clinics and otherwise bemoaning the “ebola plight.” He carries a wad of cash, as if He has just been paid for a performance.

A naked boy, quite healthy-looking, walks through a gate to a sheet laid out on the ground and lies down. He is reported as one of the “dead…”

A plane opens its door and an isolation bed is handed out to two waiting men in the head-to-toe protection by People, not by People in any protective gear, but by men in military uniform. The two “protected” men pull the isolation chamber onto the elevating platform They are on, and it drops down (why only two? Protocol is for four People on such medical transfers). At the bottom are other waiting men, and We see an ambulance arrive. One of the men salutes the ambulance. Huh? When do ambulance drivers merit a salute? Two men remove the chamber from the lift and roll it to the ambulance (again, two?), pushing it in. It is hard to make a case that there is anyOne actually in that chamber. And then, a whole line of vehicles leaves with the ambulance like a presidential parade…

Nowhere do We see rows and rows of beds, filled with obviously sick patients. Nowhere do We see efforts by the People around these “victims” trying to cover Their airways and avoid contact with these “sick” People. Except for the “workers” the “sick” are being taken to – They are all covered head to foot.

Initially, the word went out that “ebola” requires direct contact with bodily fluids to spread. And that the fluids also must contact mucus membranes or open wounds. People who have studied the virus for 20 years have said this. But then…conveniently…”ebola” mutates! It’s “airborne!!!” OMG!

No effort is made to contain this “disease,” as People are brought to the US and other countries – as if there really is no threat, but scapegoats are needed to create the idea that “ebola” has come to a hospital near You. We are told that some patients died, and others lived… We are told that case after case is springing up around the hospitals these People went to. But there is no evidence except that We are told a test (that really is useless – read Jon Rappaport’s blog to see why) “proved” it was “ebola.” A nurse, who reminds Me of a crisis actor, is interviewed about failures in protocol…

There are other pieces that point to a psyop. Like the choice to put a lobbyist in as the “ebola czar” (WTF!?! No doubt HE can sell this “outbreak”) and a sudden increase in all the usual outlets of articles extolling the “virtues” of vaccines – which, if researched, prove to be damaging (toxic ingredients injected into the bloodstream just can’t be good!) and often cause the disease they are supposed to protect against.

And then there are the reports out of Africa… A claim of a man paid to put formaldehyde in a water supply explaining that drinking the tainted water will produce “ebola-like” symptoms and death. The locals in the outbreak areas are connecting the disease to vaccinations from the Red Cross. Others are saying there is no “ebola outbreak” but that the idea is to get boots on the ground to secure oil and put down strikes at diamond mines – which makes much more sense that fighting “ebola” with soldiers and guns…

And all these companies creating “ebola” vaccines. The money They stand to make on this if We accept such nasty concoctions is staggering. And all They have to do is keep up the pretense of the evil virus infecting People long enough to get a few vaccinated, who will then actually get the virus from the jab. It will be claimed that They were already infected and the vaccine came too late – so better get Yours NOW!!! Before it’s too late for YOU!

The fact that FEMA coffins were stacked around the US years ago also suggests that They had this all planned. “Oh, look! We have all these People dying! How CONVENIENT that We have coffins to deal with Them!”

A “state of emergency” was declared in the state that brought Us Sandy Hook… With ZERO cases of “ebola” reported. Does this not strike You as odd? My assessment? This fear porn the media is spouting (the same media that assured Us of the veracity of Sandy Hook – which research shows was anything but a real event, manufactured to justify removing Our right to defend ourselves) is an effort to get Us to voluntarily roll up Our sleeves and take the (deadly) jab. Failing that, it will be used to justify forcing Us to do so.

And it gives the perfect excuse to then suspend what’s left of the tatters of freedom, per Obama’s (the puppet) convenient executive orders that will install Him as dictator in the event of any “emergency,” manufactured or not.

The fact that Obama is CEO of the corporation of THE UNITED STATES, created in 1871, when the first “executive order” was made (there is no provision for such a destruction of the balance of power the founding Individuals worked so hard to put in place in the original US Constitution) is irrelevant, I’m sure… Heh.

And meanwhile, some areas where this “uber-dangerous” virus was reported are saying that it is no longer there (corporate bio-weapon labs nearby not withstanding).

We are being Sandy Hooked all over again. And this time it is not for Our guns…it’s for Our lives.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Here is a nice little read...


Scientist calls for death to humanity

by John Ballantyne

News Weekly, April 15, 2006
A Texas scientist advocates killing nine-tenths of the world's population by an airborne Ebola virus, writes John Ballantyne.

An award-winning Texas scientist was given a standing ovation after he advocated the extermination of 90 per cent of the Earth's population by an airborne Ebola virus.

The University of Texas evolutionary ecologist, Dr Eric R. Pianka, was addressing the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, in early March, after the academy had named him 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.

Present at Pianka's speech was Forrest M. Mim III, a popular science writer and editor of the bi-weekly journal, The Citizen Scientist. He reported:

"Something curious occurred a minute before Pianka began speaking. An official of the Academy approached a video camera operator at the front of the auditorium and engaged him in animated conversation. The camera operator did not look pleased as he pointed the lens of the big camera to the ceiling and slowly walked away.

"This curious incident came to mind a few minutes later when Professor Pianka began his speech by explaining that the general public is not yet ready to hear what he was about to tell us. Because of many years of experience as a writer and editor, Pianka's strange introduction and the TV camera incident raised a red flag in my mind ... I grabbed a notepad ..." ("Meeting Doctor Doom", The Citizen Scientist, March 31, 2006).

Pianka began his speech by condemning anthropocentrism, or the idea that the human race occupies a privileged position in nature. He exclaimed, "We're no better than bacteria!"

He argued that the sharp increase in the human population since the onset of industrialisation was destroying the planet. He warned that Earth would not survive unless its human population was reduced to a tenth of its present number.

He then offered drastic solutions, accompanying his remarks with a slide depicting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

War and famine were insufficient for solving global overpopulation, he explained. Instead, disease was far more efficient and swift. At this point, Pianka displayed a slide showing rows of human skulls.

AIDS took too long to kill people off, he explained. His preferred method of exterminating over five billion human beings was via airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and kills its victims in days rather than years.

However, as Mim observed: "Professor Pianka did not mention that Ebola victims die a slow and torturous death as the virus initiates a cascade of biological calamities inside the victim that eventually liquefy the internal organs.

"After praising the Ebola virus for its efficiency at killing, Pianka paused, leaned over the lectern, looked at us and carefully said, 'We've got airborne 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that.' "

After he finished his address, the audience burst into applause.

Mim reported: "It wasn't merely a smattering of polite clapping that audiences diplomatically reserve for poor or boring speakers. It was a loud, vigorous and enthusiastic applause. ...

During a question-and-answer session, Pianka praised communist China's draconian one-child policy, and suggested that IQs are falling because only "uncaring people" (i.e., people with below-average intelligence) have large families.

Mim recalls how, once the questioning was over:
Dr Eric R. Pianka (left), with an
appreciative member of the audience.

"I watched in amazement as a few hundred members of the Texas Academy of Science rose to their feet and gave a standing ovation to a speech that enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90 percent of Earth's population by airborne Ebola. ..."

"Some even cheered. Dozens then mobbed the professor at the lectern. ..."

A few hours later, the Texas Academy of Science presented Pianka with a plaque in recognition of his being named 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.


Executive director of the Society for Amateur Scientists, Dr Shawn Carlson, later warned in The Citizen Scientist (April 2, 2006):

"I believe, with the terrible experience of the bloodiest century in human history behind us, that all men and women of conscious in the 21st century must be proactive in our opposition to genocidal or apocalyptic philosophies, before they have the chance to inspire some new champion with the will to take their conclusions to the next step.

"When the professional scientists have lost their sense of moral outrage at such ideologies, then it falls to America's great community of citizen scientists to be the conscious of science."

So whats ur opinion of this idea grass lands?

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