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Active member
the king of lies is behind the cover up. who the fukk elce ya think it would be. he dont want you to know the truth. The truth is the et's are fallen angles and the devil. they share theyr tek with the people of earth because its the only way they can get us to work for them. They appeal to our vanity and promis us the stars. The stars aint theyrs to give. They belong to God. The Great Creator. Jehova. :abduct: they dont want earth folks to realize that the begining of this earth was a Great Project from God. God was makin Adam. Adam was Adam geniticly. Pure. Just like God made him. God dug Adam alot. He liked him above satan. satan got pissed and did what all pissy pussy li'l girls do. He had a fit and tried to break up Gods good work. he tried to destroy Adam by defusin him geneticly. :abduct: Thats just one facet of this coal chunk. On toppa this the devil started makin earth people smarter by interbreadin with man, and by introducin them to Shrooms. he got them some Herbs too once he breached the Garden. he used all this earth people inteligents to get them diggin up rocks and grindem up and make mettals and stuff so they can continue on to theyr other objective, buildin ships so they can go back to Heavin. :abduct: They want to destroy Gods Plan and get back to Heavin. Thats what theyr doin. Fukkin squishey neak bastards. :abduct: Someone said something interesting earlier bout "Never lettin this happen again." -Like the origional sin. The origional sin was made by Adam. It was the origional sin of the chosen ones. Gods Adam line. --Thats a good thing to do. We all should make shure this dont happen again. If we are chosen or saved we haveta make shure that NONE of us ever get the notion to go against God again. Thats who Hes "choosin and savin. Them who He knows wont go against Him.:abduct: Personaly I think Gods prolly gonna get all His chosen and saved together sometimes after the rapture and get some genes outta them and put His Beautyfull Adam back together again. Those who are chosen and saved should be carefull of jelousey and shitt like that cause Gods likley to tell us to serve His NEW Adam. Imma SERVE Him brudda! No more of that rebellion shitt here. Those who do it will be subject to what it says in the Bible will happen to them if they do. My plan is to cry out to Him like a wounded cat, and if He takes me Il fight for Him like a big fukkin tooth wolf. :abduct: these ugley fukkin demons. these ugly fukkin squishey neak geeks. theyr runnin ther show here just like God said they would. they deserve to be dead forever. Dead. And Gods gonna give it toem.:abduct:


New member
I joined IC to learn about the great cannabis plant (obviously),
but I never imagined I stumble upon these other subjects.

I, too, like to keep an open mind. And as such, much thanks for your posts.

I joined IC a little less than a year ago, as a lurker to learn everything I could.
Nothing in these last 9 months until now has prompted me to make an actual post.

And I'd say thats quite an achievement.

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
TBaggins, that's a really cool video. Some of these sightings seem inter-dimensional to me, not simply aliens sending orbs into our skies.

If we could only see one dimension, anything of three dimensions would look very strange to us. But we see in three dimensions, so anything 4 or more dimensions would look very strange to us three dimensional beings.

Carl Sagan did a video about the "Flat Landers" where he described this interesting concept. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9KT4M7kiSw


TBaggins, that's a really cool video. Some of these sightings seem inter-dimensional to me, not simply aliens sending orbs into our skies.

If we could only see one dimension, anything of three dimensions would look very strange to us. But we see in three dimensions, so anything 4 or more dimensions would look very strange to us three dimensional beings.

Carl Sagan did a video about the "Flat Landers" where he described this interesting concept. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9KT4M7kiSw

In the words of Jeff Goldbloom... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JFfN5pKzFU

But what I mean is, it is deep shit. Something I have given thought to from time to time (usually when high).

Anything is possible with math.


Active member
Still no proof I see,all speculation and babble!!Its funny(not really) how such open minded people can believe the most insane outlandish bullshit but stumble and choke on truth!!!
But I guess if your gonna believe anything than whats it matter anyway rite?I just love all the scientific YouTube videos as proof!!Crazy world huh!!!
Im glad Hairless knows what GOD is thinking and doing,the rest of us poor slobs gotta interpret for ourselves!!!Whats GOD's plan this week Hairless?


Still no proof I see,all speculation and babble!!Its funny(not really) how such open minded people can believe the most insane outlandish bullshit but stumble and choke on truth!!!
But I guess if your gonna believe anything than whats it matter anyway rite?I just love all the scientific YouTube videos as proof!!Crazy world huh!!!
Im glad Hairless knows what GOD is thinking and doing,the rest of us poor slobs gotta interpret for ourselves!!!Whats GOD's plan this week Hairless?

well what is "proof" anyways... of course it would be impossible for you to "prove" a negative like that ETs dont exist, and could never exist.. or god doesn't speak with HCA.. but lets see if you can....obviously you are here debate that ETs do not exist, right? (not to just troll).... whats the "truth" you speak of...will you be presenting philosophical or scientific arguments? go ahead take the lead... "prove" that ETs do not exist, and it is impossible for them to travel here.. :dueling:

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Proof? I know the only thing that makes certain types of humans believe... So... I have sent a small gray alien to Rojo via UPS. The tracking info says it'll be there by tomorrow, noon. How can I send a gray alien to Rojo? I have extras. No problem. And since I don't think there's a law against sending aliens through the post... yet... we should be all set legally. :)


Active member
I like to think of civilization as a constantly evolving form of life.

Think of what we have today that is common, fact, its just 'there'.

We know millions of diseases, we have computers that are literally the size of your finger, we have immense capabilities.

Go back just 100 years. Then what does civilization have as far as 'modern technology' goes. Practically nothing in comparison to today. We had wells, we had horses cows and ox to work the fields. computer? whats that? cell phone? huh?

this is 100 years people...

earth alone has been here for MILLIONS of years.

I refuse to believe that over tens of thousands of centennials that there hasn't been a species that is an intelligent life form, even on this earth.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
trip out on this video.... i wish i understood Spanish, but this is some of the best footage iv seen in awhile

Nice footage, thanks for the link. You can't see all the stuff thats happening with your eye you have to slow it down to truly see whats going on.

Its funny how people still want to debate the existance of ufos. Its pretty clear they exist, who's driving them is another question...

Rojo, you bring nothing to this thread. Please show yourself to the door.



St. Elsewhere
Good rec. Freeman. Behold, A Pale Horse is interesting to say the least.

William Cooper wrote it in 1990 and it was published in '91. In it, he describes how NASA was planning to crash Galileo into Jupiter to cause a nuclear reaction, turning Jupiter into another sun, Lucifer. (See 2010:The Year We Make Contact) Galileo was launched in '89, and on Sept. 21 2003, it was purposefully crashed into Jupiter to "protect one of its own discoveries", water under the frozen surface of Europa. Discovery? Verification maybe. Arthur C Clarke also wrote about these in his books.

Now there is a theory that they're trying it with Saturn and the Cassini satellite.

In the Spiritual Alchemical teachings, one would learn to transmute the "Lead" of one's soul into "Gold". Saturn is represented by a lead seal in Alchemy, and the Sun, a Gold seal.


sounds great.

sounds great.

Look, I don't know a single person on this earth, personally, who even comes close to the standard of open-mindedness I live my life by. I've always had the ability to trust that what a person tells me is truth... to them. In my mind it gets filed away as a "possibility".

The whole point of learning and giving respect to all of these various lines of thinking is... when shit starts to happen, IF shit starts to happen, I will be better of to understand what's going on than the person who accepted only one line of thinking and called it the truth.

I believe there are some truths out there pertaining to this subject. Like... The government and the government inside the government have been lying to us for a very long time. I believe many aspects of this subject are true. But you don't really know me, which is why you don't know that even things I call truth right now, are still subject to healthy scrutiny and can be changed (in my mind) overnight. I am a person who is NOT at all set in his ways about anything. All I'm sure about is... that it's not good to be eternally sure of anything. If we wake up tomorrow and the regular 3D world has gone away, and we now see things in the 5th or 6th dimension... ALL of what people consider truth will be changed overnight. To be ready for this possibility, and even stranger possibilities, one should accept nothing as permanent truth. This is how I believe, regardless of the impressions someone may get through the internet. :)

Ive been diagnoised with a mental disability...hearing voices.

didnt really understand what god was all about, so i asked..

If there is a god show me!

I now really believe...i dont go to church..i just believe.

dont try to be better than the next person...

I think the turning point for me was feeling what hell will be.

for 3 days...at night...1987....as i was falling asleep...i felt like i was falling....then an super hot painin my forhead..i could hear my brain moving in my head..and hearing the torment of voices low to high screaming..

i kept asking god..god..god..help me help me..and then the pain and the feeling would go away...3 days 4 hours a day...and ive never had it happen again.

this and many..many crazy things that can only be explained by a godlike control of this reality.

as far as other life...hell ya!

werea speck out of an untold amount od creation.

I BELIEVE!:abduct:

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
This is very interesting, scary, and all that. It's a former insider of the economic elite of the world who has been in contact with the Pleaidians. The contact with the Pleaidians changed his mind about participating with the elites in their plan to reduce the world's population "by any means necessary" by 2012. This is scary shit, but the way these elites think IS scary. Don't listen to this stuff if you don't want to know what your future holds.

DO listen to it if you want to know about the terrible plans of the elites, but want to join forces with the LIGHT to try and stop this insanity.

This conversation covers many topics, all shocking. From depopulation, to alien technology, alien doctrines regarding interfering with other worlds, like ours, and what the people of the Bilderberg Group are... and have been planning... and what they know about the ET presence.

George will talk about the bullshit lines the government gave him to throw people off from knowing about ETs, etc.

A must-hear for those of us who want to know the dirty truth. A must NOT-hear for the more sensitive among us.



Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
The belief that something looks real to one person, versus the belief that the same thing looks fake to another is an example of what the famous Rorschach test shows. These tests are those blotches of ink that the psychiatrist asks you "what do you see in this picture?" One person may see an alien, the next sees Bill O'Reilly. Or... one person sees a saucer, the other sees a republican elephant poster. One sees a truth too hard for most humans to allow themselves to believe, the other sees a blotch of ink resembling Glenn Beck. Get my drift?