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Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Haze, if you keep it up, you'll know why it's frustrating that more people don't look into this for themselves. I understand the warm, fuzzy feeling of thinking small, but if you want to know what really UP, you have to look for yourself. The media doesn't want panic, so they don't come right out with it. They're going slow, but it really looks like real disclosure is coming. There's a world-wide, possibly catastrophic event in the very near future. Somehow the ET issue is going to have something to do with this event, or so it seems right now. It would behoove ALL to learn the truth.


Active member
one night I saw 7 lights in a v formation juxtaposed against tree branches, then suddendly the lights stopped in place instantly and 2 on each side starting moving perpendicular to the original path, then after those 4 moved away in perfect straight lines, the..... crafts? ....the crafts instantly accelerated to their constant speeds and continued until out of the horizon. have you ever seen a car go 0-60 in an instant and then stay constantly at 60? does anybody have an explanation as to how government craft could do this or why the V would do what it did?

dont worry, they werent aliens though, they were my imagination or more logically government spacecraft. ha ha

I cant even pretend its the damn government...try convincing me its goverment craft and even then tell me what technology I have seen.


all praises are due to the Most High
hey CC, have you ever read J.J Benitez? author of the Troyan Horse series...

anyway, he has this tv show on spanish tv, called mundo encantando (enchanted world), there is an episode called Mirlo Rojo (mirlo red), where they show supposed 14 minutes of undisclosed video taken by the first moon-walkers. structures are shown etc...

they also say man dropped a few atom bombs on the moon to get rid of the aliens that were there and all... pretty far out stuff...

ever read about the asthar command? where i live, tons of peeps confirm contact with them, it is pretty common.

one of the strangest sites but interesting hehehe check it out www.universe-people.com

the warm fuzzy feeling or the fear paranoid mongering feeling is the same...

original feeling is what is up


Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Okay, I got strange news for you. Devilgoob. :) Most of the saucers in V formation ARE government saucers. The Germans had saucers in the late 40's. We have them now.

Our government has a deal with the ETs where the government gets alien technologies, and the aliens get to abduct humans at will. I know it's strange, but all evidence points to this being the case. The truth is much, much, MUCH stranger than fiction. ;) This information is out there.

Space Gate - Ultra Top Secret UFO Program


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
check ufo wtf?2009 canada,their in a boat...that's some creepy sheit....nice thread..cc

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Paz!!! The Ashtar Command is in contact with my neighbors. hehehe I'm serious, too!!! Dead serious. These are the beings who are telling them what's coming, and that where we live, we are safe for the polar shift event.

I haven't read Benitez, no.

As for the warm fuzzies... The trick is to feel positive about any posibility, thereby making reality bend to a more positive will. But you seem to know this already. :)

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Mike, that's a pretty cool video man! I've never seen such a craft. But there are supposedly several dozen species visiting Earth, so you never know what craft will show up, and where.

here's the link...
Flying Alien Ufo or WTF is that ??? Canada 2008
I don't think the US Government works with aliens, they had a hard enough time with Hippies.
They would love for us to think, that they have alien technology or evidence; it is sketchy at best. I find that animals are intelligent and "spiritual" but not as socially complex. Most intelligent creatures in this Universe are much like animals, I wouldn't be surprised if their societies evolved differently. Our social evolution, is totally marked by Europe; these were the most violent people and effected earth more than any other race. Drug laws came from Europe and they still do, that and humans are in love with slavery. We are probably a very stupid species, surely more like ours in that respect. I have a sliver of hope, that there are advanced life forms but I don't think they need to come here physically. I think they are so spiritually advanced, as people have been and a few are; that traveling in spirit is more likely.

It would be great if the Government was holding out on us, that would be something to respect. But they aren't, they are holding out on giving freedom more than anything. That is hard to find hope within and if it is alien technology nothing is more alien than the plants and chemical compounds that hippies revolted society using.


Active member
I don't think it's at all strange crazy composer...that's the problem. People do not like new ideas because ultimately Freudian psychology dictates it comes down to survival. So if someone has a bad thought with a negative emotion, they may either destroy what's causing it or run away. For now people can only TRY to reason away these thoughts of aliens.

What do you think an alien philosophy would add up to if they experiment on humans? Probably just as survivalist as we humans are...especially Americans with their aggression, ignorance and total lack of intellect. Not generalizng Americans..I live in the USA :)

It is really funny how little we know, I feel that feeling you feel crazy composer, I think about our small world..life..what it means and how little we know or have FELT. Some people just don't feel what's around them, they must argue or stimulate themselves while making asses of themselves. Stimulate, test, drug, over-the-top law making and just plain old invading my privacy. When the government tells me what I can and cannot do with my body, it's wrong. People have the choice to live or to die, so by that logic shouldn't we be able to "harm" ourselves anyways as they say it?

sorry I got a little off topic, but I really want to know what drives people in this world besides survival..and if all we need to do is survive...we should realize that unlike animals we don't have to destroy our "competitors" because our competitors gave us something. Without books or education..speech or anything else from other cultures or people who had different beliefs than us....we would still be fighting huge wars or territiory. We are progessing slowly and maybe eventually our attitudes will align someday with other countries and become a strong Earth as a whole.

If another planet with similar beings and technology wanted to harm Earth...Earth would defend itself. Would we suddenly be friends again? Pretty much. And the way I see it...if we are only working to survive or even going to war so we can have resources power and territory...then why can't we be a little more intellectual about things.

ya so I deleted the last half of my rant LOL....to spare your anguish ha ha

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Some what un-related to the ET subject, but not really THAT unrelated.

If you want to know what the real science of the 2012 event (December 21, 2012 to be exact), watch this lecture on the subject. I've seen lots and lots of 2012 info, and this is the best representation of this topic I've seen yet.

Ever hear of Noah's Arc? It might be a good time to start designing one of your own. It happens every 25,630 years, and it's looking likely to happen again on 12/21/2012, or close to that date.

Timeline To 2012 (Part 1 of 16) - Ice Age Core Data


Forgive the hate BUT;

All of the evidence you provide is utterly bullshit and obscure pictures always out of focus. Where is the hard facts? Why is it impossible to take a good photo of an ufo? And if they are so smart that they actually made it here, why do they not show themselves? I mean you dont travel 50 lightyears for nothing, and if you achieved that your not gonna let some beard-wielding asshat take photos of you while camping for bigfoot far out into shroomsland. This is like religion, however i do not buy it. I am completly and utterly sure there is life everywhere else in the universe, and im not even gonna list all the reasons why. But i do not think they are moving around in our neighbourhood as of now, they might have flown past our solarsystem some hundred million years ago, but they are not here now, if they were we would all know it with a 100% certainty, not in vague suspicions and in reguritated myths with a new layout.

The chances of meeting an alien within your lifetime is non existant at best, and the chances of aliens meeting humans somewhere in the future or in the past is very, very slim, but im still hoping tho.

And to the above post: do you want us to devolve? I refuse to believe in stupidity and i will never walk blindly backwards into it. My advice to you is; open your fucking eyes and see the truth for what it is, do not overcomplicate with the human element and conspiracy; we all know there is life in the universe, because we are here.
This is not up for discussion they exist. You stated what you stated because you only probably watched 1 video and it was probably a joke one or of a fuzzy image in the sky, watch one where it has real scientists/doctors speaking about the subject. Im not saying that all of us who believe in this alien topic are right its just we've got all the scientists and military people/ doctors/professors etc........ on our side saying that they are real and you have no one on your side who can dissaprove them so its a very confusing sitution.


all praises are due to the Most High

Good day Crazy Composer :)

last night I watched the whole conference on 2012 that you linked us to.

the first thing I noticed is that the info this guy provides about what is going to go down contradicts what the people from Ashtar Command are saying.

the biggest example being the issue about polar shift... this dude is expecting a big disaster and that the polarity and equator will change... while the Ashtar Command is saying that only change in the electro-magnetic field will occur as we enter deeper into the band of photons that is supposed to be located ahead in our way through the galactic plane.

the out-come scenerios for both are extremely different.

also, in the link you provided, the guy uses the bible as a reference point, as well as everyone else who is into 2012...

yet, his interpretation is 100% literal; on the other hand, you have Ashtar Command specific messages telling people that if they read only the literal meaning, they are simply not understanding anything at all...

too many discrepancies to try and blend together all these researches... it would seem many are just a lot of nonsense... how much money can one make in investing in stock that will rise if people start to follow through with preparations for 12,000feet tsunami waves?

plus, anyone predicting such a wave and thinking there will be survivors is just playing with you.

one love


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
WOW CC!!!! I spent 3 hours in this thread last night...lol. Have you done any research on the Annanuki? I buy that shit all day. How do the nay sayers explain a hieroglyphic art piece of an Apache helicopter? And cars? 3000 years ago?!?!?! I find it amusing as hell that there are still people denying these facts. Simple math proves we are not alone...

good vibes

Ima have to finish this thread! Keep the info coming guys!

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Personally, I no longer care what skeptics think about this, they don't know what it takes to say they know anything at all. This is evident by their being skeptical still. There is no doubting it any more, as long as you've done the necessary research. When you haven't done the research, you are prone to this doubt that the powers-that-be love for you to have.

PAZ, I know what you're saying, completely. The wife and I were telling each other that this guy contradicts himself with his theories. On one hand it's doom and gloom, and on the other it's heightened consciousness, etc. That video is full of information, but it's wise not to accept everything you hear, of course. The science is valid, the worries are valid, but his conclusions are just conjecture.

* I suggest people learn by using their gut instinct for everything. The "gut instinct" is supposed to be getting stronger and stronger as we approach the galactic equator, aka the galactic plane, aka the Dark Rift. My gut tells me there will be a pole shift at this time, or close to this time.

As for the Ashtar Command... we might need to consider that death of the body is not a big deal to enlightened beings who know what comes after death. If you KNEW you'd get another body, and were able to remember all your lives, you'd fear death about as much as you'd fear a mosquito bite, probably.

This being the case, if it is, and I believe it is... even the utter destruction of the planet and all life forms on it is no big deal in the grand scheme of things... since your spirit never ceases to be.

Of course, I'd like to still be tending my same garden in 5 years from now, living in the same area, living with my current family. I'd like to see this lifetime out, but if that's not to be the case, then so be it. All I can do, as an individual, is to learn about what's going on, and calmly make adjustments and preparations based on what my gut instinct is telling me.

THE most important task is to learn to meditate deeply, very deeply. Our higher senses are starting to increase at this time, as the Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light have said. As we approach the true galactic equator, we should have stronger and stronger psychic abilities. Eventually our consciousnesses will again become one, and the entire world will change. How can you lie when we all know what really happened? How can you murder when you'll feel the effects yourself? Why would you steal if possessions are irrelevant?

So, back to these videos, things you read, and what you're told about this stuff... It's hard to know what to incorporate into your mind as useful truth. It's probably a good idea to keep the 2012 info and the UFO/ET info separate. But they're already tangled at this point, so we'll just slowly move away from the 2012 stuff and keep with the ET stuff. The 2012 stuff is based on too much speculation and personal opinion. The science sometimes seems entirely plausible, but in the end it is humans casting their opinions about the science that scares us. :)