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Dutch Dragon, Swiss Bliss, Sativa Spirit, Schnazzleberry #2, and Sweetest Sativa


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ICMag Donor
As promised here is a little update all of these in this tent are 30 days flowering. I think the bud formation for 70 day sativas is decent we will see in about 20 more days how much weight I am looking at I suppose.



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ICMag Donor
The first 3 are pictures of one of the Sativa Spirits and it looks like blockhead to me so I snapped some pics (just how wide the top of the cola was from overview):



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ICMag Donor
When the other tent opens up I will probably post some more pics of it although alot of that one is 10 or so days behind they seem to be growing quicker as they are more indica dominant in that tent genetic wise.

Hope you guys like it day 45 or 50 will be the next update and should be significantly more interesting. I am guessing most of these will run until day 70 judging by their progression but its still too early to make an accurate assessment in my opinion.


Looking real nice there 40, they are getting pretty. In a month or so we will all be drooling.


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ICMag Donor
Here's some more pics of the other tent. This one contains Schnazzleberry #2 the 3 plants to the left and the one in the back directly center. The 5 swiss bliss are to the right and front center (the short bushier growth there are 5). There is another one in the center that one of the swiss bliss is blocking and it was a short mutated swiss bliss that now has some very nice looking colas with multiple tops going on but you can barely see it. The Drizzle is the first plant on the right...It got much taller!

Most of the plants are 10 days behind the other tent but look how much more progressed they are. Much quicker finishers I am thinking in this tent.

Here is one of the Swiss Bliss. The structure of all of the paradise genetics appears ot be like this. One cola in the middle shooting up and amazingly uniform strong side branches.

Bud site galore:

Here's one of the Schnazzleberry #2 plants.

Weaker side branches but the buds are looking rock hard especially on the main colas of these plants and the main stem are very hard and thick:



You have some beautiful ladies there. I like the structure of the Swiss Bliss. That girl would be fun running a scrog.
Keep those pics coming.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You have some beautiful ladies there. I like the structure of the Swiss Bliss. That girl would be fun running a scrog.
Keep those pics coming.

If you like the structure of the swiss bliss you will like all the paradise genetics I am running now. They all have the same form except the Dutch Dragon stretched more than the Swiss Bliss and the Sativa Spirit stretched more than any of them with very tall center colas.

I REALLY like the way they grow this way natural with 0 pruning or training. Hands off and easy.

They grow so similar I really think there is a common genetic in here used in the breeding of these 3 strains to come out with such a strikingly similar uniform structure.


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ICMag Donor
Had a question I meant to ask for some of the more experienced watching the thread. You can see some yellowing progressing from the bottom up alot of the plants have this now. I think its the natural growth of things like it did last grow, but I am wondering if I did not compensate with enough lime for using only well water instead of city water with cal and mag in it and perhaps it is a mag deficiency?

Blaze uses city water for his entire grow and I am wondering if this may have made a difference?


If it's only a gradual yellowing on the older fan leaves from the bottom up (what it looks like) then you're looking at a Nitrogen deficiency. Have you been using any N in your feedings at all?


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ICMag Donor
I used Foxfarm bigbloom twice which was probably stupid around 20 days....I was thinking since it was organic and only .02% N it would be fine...maybe not.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Bloodmeal is a fairly fast fert, almost immediately available, they've probably used most, if not all of what you've got in the soil...

There are some simple solutions, the easiest, and cheapest one, since you're pretty far into flowering is urine. Diluted 20 to 1 it will green them up almost immediately, and won't last too long as it's immediately available N, and what doesn't get used tends to become ammonia, and leave the soil as a gas.

Or you could buy something.. maybe make an alfalfa tea, or one of your veg ferts at 1/4 dose?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Bloodmeal is a fairly fast fert, almost immediately available, they've probably used most, if not all of what you've got in the soil...

There are some simple solutions, the easiest, and cheapest one, since you're pretty far into flowering is urine. Diluted 20 to 1 it will green them up almost immediately, and won't last too long as it's immediately available N, and what doesn't get used tends to become ammonia, and leave the soil as a gas.

Or you could buy something.. maybe make an alfalfa tea, or one of your veg ferts at 1/4 dose?

Yea, I will look into this possible N deficiency then and maybe give them some grow big. Thanks guys.


I like to gradually move them from the grow big to the big bloom/ tiger bloom over the first 4 weeks of flowering. Especially hungry Indicas; they usually need the N well into flowering....But I'm from the "keep em green until harvest" school of thought. In my observations yield is increased and with proper drying and curing there is no difference in taste IMHO....

Your Sats are looking great man...I've found that plants leaning towards the sat side do better on low to no N during bloom.

And as always checking ph and keeping it in a good range is key also. Soil is a little more forgiving than hydro but it's still important IMO.

good luck bro and nice show so far!!!!
Chomp :joint:


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ICMag Donor
Yea, I agree with your foxfarm use that's what I did when I was using them the first grow. This soil mix though is supposed to last the entire time with no feeding so I am apprehensive to add anything. I am gonna check with blaze before I do and see what he thinks hopefully he has time to answer.

May be if I need to add nitrogen I could just use this heh:



If you need N I would go with something that's high in N ...Something so high in P may cause even more problems for you if there's already enough P in your mix if you follow me. Something like a light feeding with grow big would probably work better for you since your plants aren't showing that they are starving for P


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ICMag Donor
I have 3 different pheno's all have the same growth pattern structurally the only difference is the look of the buds and slight heighth differences. Before they start showing buds you would think they were all one pheno...One of these girls has the wierdest looking buds I have ever seen. They are insanely frosty and smell very sweet/berry/skunky. I really hope the buds explode and get bigger in about 20 days...it has the smallest vertical wierd growing buds its alien to me :abduct:

Sweetest Sativa:

Did I say frosty?

Without flash:

This one really shows how wierd they are growing:

Here is a snapshot of one of the other phenos that has very compact large squat buds forming:

I'll get some more pics of it sometime to show how fat and squat the buds are on it they are going to be fat quarter oz buds by the finish in my opinion. Much bigger than pics looks.


Hey 40 they're starting to look pretty tasty bro!!!

My Schnazz#2 are finally into flower but I mixed them all up with my Bubblicious on their up-pot....so IDK what the hell is what! :D I got 4 Fems out of 9 total and they are about 1 week into bloom, I did start my last 5 Schnazz#2 beans a few weeks ago so at least I know for sure what they are cause they're vegging all by themselves.....lol

Did you get the yellowing under control? Just curious if you figured it out and how...

Good luck brother :joint:


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ICMag Donor
Had a sec to check im not using computer at my house...had a wierd security issue I did not want to take a chance on being just a coincidence and am still very on edge. So without detail very sorry but I chopped down the sativa spirit, dutch dragon, and sweetest sativa tent to kill my plant numbers at day 43 it weighed to a pound for 16 plants at day 43 I think thats not fuckin bad at all.

Very sorry but I can't take plant number risks where I am at and it really spooked me. We do more time than some murderer's or rapists...I am betting it was just a coincidence currently, but wondering is a bitch...I convinced my self to just finish the other tent if anything happens I am screwed anyways so why not atleast run the other half....

I'll check in whenever I can use internet elsewhere very sorry guys I am as bummed as you are. On a bright note the schnazz and swiss bliss are off the charts...looking insanely frosty and smelling wonderful. If I don't come back you all know whats up c ya aug 10~ hopefully.