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Dutch Dragon, Swiss Bliss, Sativa Spirit, Schnazzleberry #2, and Sweetest Sativa



Looking good 40AF nice and compact plants, i'll keep my fingers crossed for you and a couple of females.



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ICMag Donor
And first the female count which we will start off with a :woohoo: This is going to be a very worthwhile grow:

Sativa Spirit: 7/10
Dutch Dragon: 6/9
Sweetest Sativa: 3/3
Swiss Bliss and Schnazzleberry #2 (I mixed these up but it should be easy to tell apart when they get close to finish): 11/20
Drizzle: ?/2

So thats 27 girls so far :joint:

The green on my plants has just been incredibly vibrant. The plants are perfect in everyway. There are 0 deficiencies or excesses I can see on any of them and there is absolutely 0 brown tips on any plants; not even a speck:

This is the Dutch Dragon, Sweetest Sativa, and Sativa Spirit tent:

This is the Swiss Bliss, Schnazzleberry #2, and Drizzle tent:

Needless to say I couldn't be more happy with my slightly modified version of blaze's mix. It seems to be taking me to their leader :abduct:


hehe just make sure youre back for the harvest....

Its all look healthy.



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
The official plant count is:

Dutch Dragon: 9/10 healthy and going
Swiss Bliss: 9/10
Schnazz #2: 10/10
Sativa Spirit: 10/10
Sweetest Sativa: 3/5

41 plants hoping for 25 females heh...I was tempted to pop a couple of more seeds of something maybe drizzle heh.

with the amount of posts I read telling woes of bad to no germination rates, its wonderful to see you shooting for 41 for 45. Nice Darts Mister :D

the lady count is stacking up nicely too :)


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ICMag Donor
Well one of my plants in the big tent was completely balled out...definitely hermi and I took it out and chopped it up in the back yard. It was one of the Dutch Dragons.

Yesterday the light went out at its normal time and 2-3 minutes later I took pictures for a minute 2 max could this have caused it? I am thinking so, but I think that is extremely sensitive no? Something worth taking note on either way.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I've definitely got my eye on this one. I'm very interested in Sweetest Sativa. I recently had the chance to partake of what someone told me was ISS in a 5 way cross, called S15. It was THE perfect medicine for my condition; the taste and aroma were amazing (even the second hand smoke), it looked incredible in the bag, and the high was blissful.

If that's any indication of what SS brings to a hybrid, then I'm planning to be bowled over by an SSXBB mix!


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ICMag Donor
Found another one hermi and think I may have let two get 12 more hours of darkness accidentally. I switched plants from the smaller tent to the bigger one because smaller tent ended up with mroe females and just switched the timers. I think I may have left two in one tent that shouldve gone to the other so they get 12 more hours of darkness hope it doesn't mess them up at all. I'll know for sure tommorrow if my counting was off.

Put the drizzles into flower room today they were 6 and 8 inches tall and will get light for 12 more hours still. They look really good still and I am hoping they are both female now especially after two going hermi on me for whatever reason I can't figure it out as they have not really been stressed other than pictures with the flash but how a couple minutes messes up their photoperiod is beyond me.


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ICMag Donor
So, I open the tent this morning and wow are those the plants I moved in there yesterday? They got huge!

The leaves are looking spectacular I am really pleased. This is all the same leaf:

The side branching on the paradise genetics, all of them, just have really strong branches and they are everywhere, but spaced very uniformly. I find the side branching traits in all 3 strains to be very distinct from all other plants I have grown and very similar in all plants. I would venture to say they used a cross in all of these strains that makes their plants have this structure.This is just a random example to illustrate what I mean:

So, besides the two plants that started growing balls everywhere for whatever reason everything is looking great. I believe I miscounted yesterday and did not leave 2 plants in the other tent. I really want to figure out why the two plants I had hermi'd though as both were in seperate tents.


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ICMag Donor
Update on the drizzles

1/2 females

They showed sex within the first 24 hours of being under the light? Thats a first for me.


Hey 40,

Nice to see you got a nice female ratio there, some lovely smoke in your near future. :dance:

As for the hermi's, taking a few flash pictures immediately after lights out should not cause this issue, it's more than likely the genetics, light leaks, or they were simply late to show sex. How long into flower were they and I assume they showed female hairs so you suspected them female?

Did you end up taking any cuts, if so, you should have some nice moms in there to sort through. Who did ya end up keeping from the last run, C4 and GFxBB?

Take it easy, keep it green :wave:


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ICMag Donor
Hey aba good to see you around!

Story preface: I was out of town for 15 days and my caretaker did not apparently notice a hermid plant or think the massive yellowing/white tops were a sign of a significant problem...

Horrible story on the 4 I kept for moms heh. Basically all got off gassed on cuz I used PVC for the trellis net for the 2nd run I was doing and and the c-plus hermid....pollenating every damn centimeter of every plant. At harvest I basically had the covers of the seeds to smoke which still had some nice crystals but my god it was horrible lol. I honestly had no idea plants could get that seeded...it was worst than any regs I have ever seen.

I honestly don't mind being out of smoke now since that was my only choice heh

I've got a ton of f2's though....I saved a bunch of the c-plus x calizahr. even with all the horrible conditions it was subjected to it was super crystally when harvest came around it was honestly the only viable plant out of all of them. I think it yielded almost an ounce.

The two that went hermi on me were a 100% female and identifiable ~5 or 6 flowering on day ~12 over night they grew balls everywhere. I didn't even consider keeping them although I should've just cut off all the branches and grew colas because there wasn't any balls on the colas I remember seeing. I just didn't want to risk anything though.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I have 4 Schnazzleberry #2 plants and 5 Swissbliss and here is how I can tell heh:

The small one is the drizzle shes like 2 weeks behind or something...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Looking good man, Keep it up and keep us informed :)

Thanks for stopping by Blaze :wave: Hopefully they keep looking as good as they do we'll see!

The Sweetest Sativas have and incredibly thick stem. I've renamed it tree trunk heh...All the plants have started forming buds largest being a little smaller than a dime. I am glad I flowered at 6-8" as these guys are growing. Majority of the plants are at the perfect height I wanted 24-30" while the real sativa dominant ones are more like 40" I am guessing and there are about 5 or 6 of them that are just monsters.


Looking good 40Man! Beautiful green plants you got there!
Sorry havent got time to check your grow but my hurry gonna ease up in 2 weeks..

Good luck!!


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ICMag Donor
Sativa Spirit smells absolutely amazing. All of them smell like strawberries and cream mixed with orange cream.

To pin it down exactly it smells like Maltomeals version of Fruity Pebbles cereal called Dyno Bites, but add sweet cream to it. They sell it at Wal-Mart as their generic brand, but I swear everyone I have bought tastes better than the normal name brands. Go buy a bag and you will know what I am smelling off these plants. They have most trich production so far too going up and down some leaves lightly, but for almost the whole length of some leaves.

I am really excited about this plant it might be one I grow perpetually if it smokes good I can only imagine how its oging to be 20 days from now.


Hey man how's the schnazz#2 looking? My bubblicious and schnazz#2 are finally almost recovered from their near death experience from MG perlite. They were crispy and on the verge of being thrown out. I even started my last 5 schnazz#2 seeds to start over with...lol

Anyway man they are looking good keep it up...
Chomp :joint:


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ICMag Donor
Lookin really good glad I flowered them early lookin like 40 in plants now and very sturdy stalks. Buds are starting to cluster nice I will update with day 30 pics on Tuesday but the schnazz I think are bit behind 10 days or so? I'd have ot go back and look in the thread.