yeah i think thats probably the trick. re sift with the 61lpi or 220u to 250u to do a quick separation.
The 220 is loose screen you put the kief in the screen and twist the ends of the screen so you have a loose ball of the kief, and shake so the dust goes away. What is left in the ball is pretty good.
It would ruin mine as well, however you can make some really good and get a much better yield.
I'm not sure if any of you post over @ rollitup.. it's a pretty amateur site for the most part.. but anyways..
I got banned for not sharing this technique. LOL. Started a dry sift thread.. and it went great for a few pages until I refused to explain exactly how I did it, what screens I use, the sizes, setup, etc.etc..
I was told "if you don't share, you're not going to be treated well here" and "if you won't share, leave"...
LOL we seem to have forgotten to add that clause to our tos LMAO....
If the 60lpi is to big to "catch" anything is it "holding" instead?