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Don't legalize marijuana

I missed my elementary school DARE graduation... I don't remember why. I just know i feel gypped. Everyone else got a DARE bear but I didn't. What rip off.


Just Call me Urkle!!
It's a drug that's easily abused, it poses health risks, and the potential benefits of taxing and regulating it are overstated.

The California Board of Equalization estimates that taxing marijuana sales the way alcohol and cigarettes are taxed could add $1.34 billion a year to state coffers. But for every dollar in state and federal alcohol and tobacco taxes that is collected, CASA estimates government spends $8.95 to clean up the often tragic consequences of addiction, driving under the influence, domestic abuse or illness. That's right: A dollar coming in; $8.95 going out. Suddenly, that $1.34 billion doesn't seem like much,(WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!) particularly when one considers that it comes with significantly wider access to a habit-forming drug that has been shown time and again to be a gateway to even more dangerous drugs.

Despite the gains of the past two decades, substance abuse remains a serious drag on the health, productivity and safety of our nation. There is a connection between marijuana and fiscal solvency, but supporters of legalization have it backward. Reducing, not expanding, marijuana use can save billions. It's time to clear the smoke.

By Skip Miller
Skip Miller is chairman of D.A.R.E. America, the top drug-abuse prevention and education program in the United States, and a partner in the Los Angeles law firm Miller Barondess.

Copyright © 2010, The Los Angeles Times

The false statements in that are just RIDICULOUS!! Damn near all the shit he said had be proved false WTF!!! :tumbleweed:


I looked up the Columbia university testing program, CASA, that this asshat lawyer used for statistics and what did I find? I found a great artical that says, in effect, that the gateway drug is Alcohol, and most kids buy their drugs at school or from friends and are easier to obtain as alcohol. And that perscription drugs are gaining on MJ in popularity for abuse.

This is a great set of statistics that go more toward proving our cause than this guy. If this guy is a real lawyer he isn't a very good one!!!


Like a lot of people on this board, I have friends wasting away in prison for daring to possess the flowers of the cannabis plant.

It´s high time to end this sort of BS. Overgrow the government.


Active member
Seriously my doc said it's a good thing, esp. if you don't get enough exercise. He said it makes the body think it's working out, it increases the blood flow, rushing that THC into your brain.
I believe it! :D Ever meet an athlete that complained of rapid heartbeat when using cannabis? LOL

I could be wrong... but I was under the impression that the blood was rushing to your brain because more of it is suddenly working properly and it needs more oxygen/food. If you 'use' your brain all the time or you have a strong heart.... your heart shouldn't have to 'beat fast' to supply that blood flow.

My brain has been going a million miles an hour since birth.... not even the raciest cannabis raises my heartrate...... at least not noticeably. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
The proof is in the pudding.

Ive smoked daily, heavily for just over 40 years and the only negative effects i have experienced have been from law enforcement and unregulated product.

Im standing testimony that anyone and everyone claiming cannabis is harmful is wrong ,lying and completely full of horseshit.

Contrary opinions are disengenuous and undeserving of respect.


Active member
Legalization will bring many changes. One thing will definitely not change. There will not be a significant rise in the number of people using pot. Why would there be?
There most definitely will be around me.... my entire extended family is on some kind of Rx or another for something that Cannabis can take care of properly.
I have several family members that are pain patients like myself.

As soon as cannabis goes legal... yeah, they'll be using cannabis. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:


There most definitely will be around me.... my entire extended family is on some kind of Rx or another for something that Cannabis can take care of properly.
I have several family members that are pain patients like myself.

As soon as cannabis goes legal... yeah, they'll be using cannabis. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:
He's referring to when Oregon decrimmed it in the 70s. I think the increase was like 1%.

But yeah, I know a bunch of people who don't do it solely because it's illegal.


New member
cannabis has several well-documented beneficial effects. Among these are: stimulation of hunger in chemotherapy and AIDS patients ,the amelioration of nausea and vomiting, lowered intraocular eye pressure as well as general analgesic effects. Weed should be legalize :D


cannabis has several well-documented beneficial effects. Among these are: stimulation of hunger in chemotherapy and AIDS patients ,the amelioration of nausea and vomiting, lowered intraocular eye pressure as well as general analgesic effects. Weed should be legalize :D

Pharmacies probably know this just as well as you do.


New member
It's just like on the show a while back where the DEA cops in helicoptors were complaining growers were setting traps, yet mentioned no one getting hurt. Then they say they have to spend hundreds of thousands in Hawaii cleaning up the "hazardous chemicals" they are using. I saw a water hose,and I doubt VERY seriously they are putting ANYTHING hazardous to anything or anyone when there's no need to. They never showed any 55 gallon drums,or for that matter,little bottles of anything harmful. More bullshit so they don't lose their gravy jobs of riding around tied to ropes under helicoptors. And Skip Miller sounds as stupid as the lady DEA agent/supervisor who called Marc Emery "the most dangerous drug dealer alive". Has anybody seen the headless bodies all over the place between Mexico and Arizona? Lets cut that shit out. No demand,no supply. Hell, I'd much rather grow a small garden,or seeing I'm a chronic pain patient in a backwards state,buy it here and let the taxes send kids to school to EDUCATE them. An education is INVALUABLE!!!!!!! Only way to get back on top and stay there.