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Don't legalize marijuana


Active member
The one article I linked to before says that Skip Miller represents the City of LA, Beverly Hills, Bob Dylan and Nick Nolte (two guys who NEVER, EVER smoked ganja...)


I wonder if he still represents these guys and whether they are aware he also is the chairman of D.A.R.E.? Maybe an email to their agents would help.
this guy just made me a top ten list of phrases that make my blood boil..
this guy makes me so fucking angry...im gonna own his ass into next week, one sentence at a time....
fuck you cocksauce mcmiller.
karma is a bitch.

It's a drug that's easily abused, it poses health risks, and the potential benefits of taxing and regulating it are overstated.
cite your sources...ass.
shit you can abuse cheeseburgers too...maybe we should outlaw those?
maybe we should let economic experts determine how much will be made...oh yeah! we did! and guess what they said?
why are we letting cops give us economic advice?

The City Council's vote Tuesday to shut hundreds of so-called medical marijuana dispensaries across Los Angeles was a welcome move, but the larger battle over pot has just begun.

does this guy not realize this ordinance will be abolished in no time? laws are determined by the will of the people...and the people want their cannabis..
i can hear the tremble in his voice...

Across the country, lawmakers and residents of cash-strapped states are edging ever closer to legalizing -- and taxing -- marijuana. In California, the first state in the nation to pass a medical marijuana law, backers of an initiative to legalize the drug expect to gather enough signatures to qualify the measure for the November ballot. And a Field Poll last year showed more than half of California voters would support such a move.

exactly...so why are you trying to outlaw something that the majority of people support?

Two beliefs drive this push to make pot legal: that new tax revenue will stave off deeper budget cuts and that marijuana is a relatively benign drug. Neither is true.
hes missing the part about, driving down healthcare costs with safe alternative medicine..
every scientific study has PROVEN time and time again the cannabis is the most benign
psychoactive substance known to man.

Legalization almost certainly would bring with it additional substance abuse in the state, and the long-term public costs associated with that would vastly exceed the relatively modest amount of new revenue legal weed might bring in. Baby boomers who hazily recall their own experimentation with marijuana often are stunned to learn that the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol -- or THC, marijuana's primary psychoactive substance -- in domestic sinsemilla has quadrupled since the late 1970s.

with outlandish claims like this...you MUST have some kind of proof to back up these statement you make....oh you dont? why not? are you citing your ass? thats what is sounds like to me.
additional substance abuse costs? why do you have to lump cannabis in with all these "substances" you speak of? why would legalizing cannabis make more people do heroin?
again we should be asking an "expert" what they think...maybe someone like a DOCTOR who would know such things..
nonsensical. fuck this guy.
ah yes, the stronger weed hypothesis....again, total bullshit.....everyone knows this...
what a stroke of our own ego to think we could boost thc to unheard of levels within a century when theres been cultures producing cannabis for drug use since the beginning of recorded history.....

According to Dr. Sheila Kar, clinical chief of cardiology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (and a member of the D.A.R.E America board of directors) marijuana has serious short- and long-term health consequences. It has been shown to cause an immediate rise in the heartbeat by 20 to 30 beats per minute along with an increase in blood pressure, thus increasing the workload of the heart. Marijuana is an irritant to the lungs and contains proportionally more carcinogens than tobacco smoke. It is associated with increased incidence of cancer of the head and neck area and lungs. It works on the brain, causing short- and long-term memory loss and impairing judgment, and it affects the sensations of taste and smell. One of its more pernicious effects is that it reduces inhibitions and can lead a person under its influence to try even more harmful substances.

a rise in heartbeat isnt a bad thing....and 20 to 30 bpm? who cares?
like skip said...maybe we shouldnt excercise because it raises our heart rate...
increase in blood pressure? they dont say by how much so i can safely assume its probably not much of an increase......
doesnt aspirin increase BP?

It works on the brain
best quote yet.....NO SHIT!
and actually it works on your whole body...
do some research into cannabinoids...fuckwad.

back to cancer again....if this guy ACTUALLY did some research into the subject hes typing an essay on, he would see that smoking cannabis LOWERS your risk for head and neck cancers....what a dipshit!
Marijuana is an irritant to the lungs and contains proportionally more carcinogens than tobacco smoke.

really, thats interesting...considering tobacco fields are sprayed with radioactive fertilizer...hmm i wonder where the cancer is coming from?
thats also interesting considering cannabis has, get this; cannibinoids...that have been shown to inhibit cancer growth.
In other words, there's a reason the federal government classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug with a high potential for abuse.

and what reason is that? i seem to have missed where you mentioned that...

It is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States, and more teens are in treatment for marijuana addiction than for alcohol or any other drug.
because they HAVE TO...its either jail or treatment.....duh,

Do we really want this habit-forming drug easier to get, particularly as the nation has made significant strides in reducing illegal drug use?

well, keeping it illegal is the best way to keep it in the hands of kids and TOTALLY out of your control...idiot.

when high level drug dealers want weed to stay illegal....you need to scratch your head and do some thinking....thats if your even capable of thought, because your little "scare report" has little evidence of thought being put in.

Between 1979 and 2007, the rate of illegal drug use fell by half.

lies. nuff said.

Programs such as D.A.R.E. taught schoolchildren the facts about drugs, alcohol and tobacco and bolstered their critical thinking and decision-making skills so they can do more than just say no. In conjunction with Penn State University, the new D.A.R.E. middle school curriculum has been vetted and proved effective at reducing drug use. In recent years, D.A.R.E. has added units on prescription and over-the-counter medications, abuse of which is growing among teens -- another reminder, along with abuse of alcohol, that just because something is legal, it doesn't necessarily reduce the risk of abuse.

programs like dare, teach kids to put alchohol and tobacco in a seperate category from drugs like there ok....
and also slump cannabis in with harmful drugs and blur the lines between inanity and sensible policy.
And that abuse costs all of us. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, or CASA, at Columbia University estimated last year that substance abuse and addiction cost federal, state and local governments $467.7 billion in 2005. Break out federal spending on substance abuse and addiction as its own budget item and it would rank near the top with defense, Social Security and Medicare.

and all that "substance abuse" money is your gravy train.....and its going to derail...

i cant keep doing this...this guy is pissing me off too much i think im going to burst a blood vessel....


Ok skip

i sent him a link to watch "In pot we trust"

hopefully he can open his mind a little!

action causes change!


Gene Mangler
Bringing Nolte's & Dylan's agents into it is a great one, do it do it do it lol

Take another chunk of his parasitic income ;)

Shan Diego

My roommate used to collect money on the streets for DARE. His share was 55% of whatever he collected. So, basically, he would go door to door asking for money, then he would come and buy a sack from me with the dough. Personally, I love their organization, they certainly helped me pay for college.


What scares me is the thought process required to actually believe that non-sense, and what OTHER things a person like that thinks about..


Active member
My roommate used to collect money on the streets for DARE. His share was 55% of whatever he collected. So, basically, he would go door to door asking for money, then he would come and buy a sack from me with the dough. Personally, I love their organization, they certainly helped me pay for college.
LMAO! Good one!
Gateway to harder drugs...? What is this agenda-ridden fool talking about? If that's truly a concern then how come alcohol is legal and accepted? My intelligence feels somewhat insulted by his ignorance (or rather blatant deception)...


Active member
What's this crap about raising your heartbeat?

That lie's as old as the 70's weed they spoke of.

I've never felt my heart rate increase when I'm getting high. Seems to relax me.


Active member
What's this crap about raising your heartbeat?

That lie's as old as the 70's weed they spoke of.

I've never felt my heart rate increase when I'm getting high. Seems to relax me.
No, it's true, but it only raises it for like 5-10 minutes or so after toking. And ONLY if you smoke it. I don't think that holds for eating it.

After the 10 minutes (of exercising your heart), yes it goes back to normal, no harm done.

Seriously my doc said it's a good thing, esp. if you don't get enough exercise. He said it makes the body think it's working out, it increases the blood flow, rushing that THC into your brain.

To me that's a built-in feature of cannabis, complete with its own express delivery system. For other drugs to work as quickly they have to either add another drug, or do something special in the process to quicken its absorption. One reason why cannabis "pills" will never work for everyone, esp. those who need fast relief from their symptoms.


of course this idiot named Skip Miller does not want Cannabis Legalized because he makes a living out of this witch-hunt.

so sincerly, Fuck You Skip Miller, you have a bill with Karma, bitch.

Ditto ::yeahthats
OK so we know WTF Skip Miller is,,,,,,I can still honestly SAY. "HE DOES NOT KNOW, WTF he's talking about....

"Wait a minute------I'll find the DA, and tell him myself." What A Butt Nugget.

Can we put him in a microwave?:microwave: maybe it will realign his brain cells.


This is Pun Right

This is Pun Right

Smith miller is my knew hero.....Ill be sending in money to help the dare program ...Prevent legalization,,,,,,Hippys trying to ruin The game !!!:witch:

Need more Crusaders and im sure there coming to prevent it...I pray

Need that big quake to make cali fall into the sea !!! for fucking up this Thing We have !!

Dont be shy with the KArma Comments ~

Or JUST WTF are you saying.:spank:


Active member
Everyone needs to realize it's propagandists like this Skip Miller who are the enemies of legalization. They need to be called out, and confronted about their lies or they win!

I do find it interesting that D.A.R.E. should be the first to start this battle. It seems the only organizations left to fight cannabis are those that have the most to lose. So therefore, other organizations that used to fight cannabis, but don't have a big stake in it, are no longer getting into this battle.

Perhaps they are learning that the Cannabis Lobby, which consists of HOW MANY MILLIONS of individual AMERICANS now, is a very powerful force, and if people or organizations get in our way, they will get what Starbucks just got, and Kelloggs before them - MORE than an earful! A boycott. And many of these orgs rely upon public donations as well as gov't handouts (which may become fewer and fewer under Obama - hopefully). So if their donations dry up they can't continue and may fold.

In situations like this, we gain nothing complaining about this to politicians. We must take it directly to these people via an email/phone/letter campaign. We must take it to their supporters, in this case, their legal clients, and get them to stop supporting such propaganda full of lies.

From now on there should be consequences for those who oppose cannabis, just like there are legal consequences for those who use it. Oppose it and we will be on your case until you change your tune...


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
y are all you so upset with this? the longer it stays illegal the higher the price gets. why would we want it any other way guys? lets keep it in our hands not the governments! marijuana being illegal has allowed for us to create our own underground community. dont let these cocksuckers infiltrate your minds and make you think that legalization is a good thing. ya its good for them. in the sense that there putting there hands in our pockets...

If we just keep our heads on straight, watch our backs, and stay or our toes. we be good. keep marijuana illegal, and let us rob the government BLIND.


Active member
Here's their client list with contact info, let's contact these ppl's agents and ask them why they are using a law firm that is fighting against cannabis legalization?


City of Los Angeles
City of Beverly Hills
City of Riverside (CA)
City of Pasadena (CA)
City of Anaheim (CA)
City of Monterey Park (CA)
County of Los Angeles

Rod Stewart - contact: http://www.headlineentertainment.us/cntct.html [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2]888.552.6737[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
Elton John - contact: http://www.headlineentertainment.us/cntct.html [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2]888.552.6737[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
Larry King
Nick Nolte
Bob Dylan - contact: http://www.headlineentertainment.us/cntct.html [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2]888.552.6737[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
Sean Connery
Lionel Richie
Motley Crue
Don Felder (Eagles) - contact: http://www.headlineentertainment.us/cntct.html [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2]888.552.6737[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
Meat Loaf (Bat out of Hell)
Estate of Tupac Shakur
Boxing Champion Roy Jones, Jr.
NBA All Stars

Rod Stewart? Elton John? Estate of Tupac Shakur, Don Felder, Meatloaf? surely these guys toke up! We can threaten the musicians with boycotts too if they don't drop the law firm...
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
y are all you so upset with this? the longer it stays illegal the higher the price gets. why would we want it any other way guys? lets keep it in our hands not the governments! marijuana being illegal has allowed for us to create our own underground community. dont let these cocksuckers infiltrate your minds and make you think that legalization is a good thing. ya its good for them. in the sense that there putting there hands in our pockets...

If we just keep our heads on straight, watch our backs, and stay or our toes. we be good. keep marijuana illegal, and let us rob the government BLIND.

WTF it's not about keeping prices high for the greedy. Its about all the people that are incarcerated for growing/consuming cannabis. It's about proving Medicine to those that need it. Its about my right to grow what I want without the fear of being prosecuted for it. Keeping it illegal is the worst thing anyone could do. It's easier for our children to get cannabis then it is to get alcohol/cigarettes.