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Doin' That Rag

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Good evening old friends, and hopefully some new friends soon as well :wave:
It has been far to long since I frequented Icmag, longer since I've done a thread, and even longer since I did a worthwhile one. Time to fix all of that.

Please forgive me, but this shall be a very slow start. As I have not even begun to build the building this diary will take place in. However ground will be broken any day now, and the building will be up by the end of this month, hopefully lol.

I also have no mothers yet, but I do have kind friends. So a short list will be provided once I have them in house. This thread will not only cover my cannabis grow, but also a few other projects that I plan to be doing. Minimally, as this is a Cannabis forum.

The first pictures. I took the first one from the road where the drive will be going back into the woods. And then the rest from the building site, it's all just woods at this point. But it's the view from all four sides, so you can get the picture of where i am at. The red dot covers the realtor sign, I need to take it down yet.





There is a small clearing, but unfortunately it is not big enough, and a few trees shall have to come down. Firewood for next winter. The building will be 30' wide and 48' long.
Again, this will be a slow start. Please bear with me and I shall update as often as I can.
I love you all !
(~) ;}

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ICMag Donor
Nothing but love for you BroBear! I've got a crazy update to that story from Christmas a few years ago. :respect:

Glad to be the first to pull up a chair. :lurk:


Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Dank Frank - I had a feeling you would be the first to show up �� Send me a message and tell me the rest of the story then ��

Weird - It sure has been, honored to have you stop in brother :friends:

DARKSIDER - Thank you sir ! I'll try not to disappoint

(~) ;}
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Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
I looked at the pics before I read and saw what I thought was a red balloon...was waiting for the IT clown to pop up! Lol.

Gonna pull up a chair and chill.... :lurk:

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Cannared - :wave:

GOT_BUD? - Hope you enjoy the show.

star crash - Hello yourself and see how you like it :friends: thanks for stopping by to visit here so early on.

Vanilla Phoenix - HaHa I didn't think of that lol. Thanks for the visit.

Well I had a chat with a wonderfully nice and generous man. I was searching to get the Pre 98 back again. I need her in my life. Anyhow he offered me more than just that particular cut. So I gave him a wish list and whatever he feels like sharing he will. :respect: Thank you again good sir !

And sorry the one picture flipped on its side for some damn reason. But this is what I be spent my day doing. Boiling Rye grains then pressure cooking in half gallon jars. These are to be master jars, meaning I will be using each on to do grain to grain transfers. I've made enough to make 250 more jars. They will be going into 66qt monotubs. Alot of them



Good day everyone
(~) ;}

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
SuperZero - We shall all certainly see don't we 😁 either really good or a spectacular failure ! Should be fun either way.

packerfan79 - Honored to have you watching.

nickman - Thank you !

mean mr.mustard - Already got the plans sir. Filter and fan picked out as well. You will see a 4×8 laminar build in this thread. Just waiting on the shop to be built first. Going to slum it with a S.A.B. in the mean time.
Thanks for stopping by :friends:

dank.frank - 😉 Of course you knew, I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve this time around as well.

shawkmon - :wave: welcome friend



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Like that movie "Field of Dreams": If you build it, they will come.
Sure it's not a baseball stadium/field, but then I always found baseball a bit boring.. So better build a field of weed anyways ;)

Good luck with the project Brother B bro! :tiphat:

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
BadTicket - That's right and Thank you !

And we are started 😁 Sorry for the dam sideways pictures. I turned them on each side in my editer and they always came out this way ? Ill try taking them sideways from now on and see if that helps





Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
First round of cuts has come in. And a "BIG THANK YOU" to the gentleman who shared them :friends:
Hope my clone game isn't off.

More coming in sometime soon 👍

