Jack Crevalle
ADD is total bullshit!! Most kids that are claimed to have ADD dont have a disorder, they just have bad parents. when i was a kid if i didnt pay attention or focus on the task at hand my father gave me many good reasons to pay attention or else. And it worked like a charm. Most parents today suck at parenting and dont give their children discipline, instead they see a kid not paying attention and take em to a doc for a pill that makes th kid more manageable. When in fact its not the kid with the problem its the parent with the problem.
ADD is bullshit and so is RLS ( restless leg syndrome) . RLS justmeans you need to get your fat ass off the lazyboy and go for a walk or do something. They make shit up just to sell more pills
Oh yeah, Erectile dysfunction is also bullshit. If you got pussy staring you in the face and your dick cant get hard you dont need a pill. You're gay and a pill wont change that. Those viagra commercials crack me up. My gir can walk by me and rub against me by accident and im at attention. If you need a pill to make your dick hard, you are either gay or your girl is to fat to make you wanna fuck her
Finally someone with some sense. I would have typed the exact same thing. It's a market niche the farmy industry is not willing to give up, BILLIONS of dollars. Prozac and Ritalin cause kids and adults to go off the edge daily. I wouldn't be surprised if the docs don't get incentives to diagnose and administer this shit it's so common nowadays. Look at the colombine and Virginia tech kids, all fucked up chemically, all prozac fuck ups, moms drowning kids on prozac, same shit..Yummy, get a life and talk about Cannabis once in awhile. It's getting old. Can't you apply Cannabis to all your fucked up perceived problems? LOL Cannabis man, change the record