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Do-it-yourself Haze


Well-known member
21 Weeks and Done

The outback haze #1 cross is pretty much done at 141 daya, into her 21st week of flowering. She's such a beautiful plant. And her effect is spectacular. I've been smoking the shake I got from the seeded buds and it's just really great weed, euphoric, delicious, potent, and very long lasting with no tolerance build or harsh come down. Smells are difficult to describe. Sticking my nose in the cola the first thoughts are citrus/grapefruit and wood or pine, but on top of something not very floral. More like over a musky smell. Not skunky or unpleasant at all, just decidedly not floral. I'm in love with the fenotrigo bud structure.

This plant is the star of the show. Really extraordinary herb. I wish I could share it with all of you.

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Absolutely Majestic


Well-known member
DIY Haze - Round 2

Now with a 6-month cure, I've been enjoying this smoke immensely. The outback haze #1 x OJD grail male is by far my favorite. Leaves a lingering odor in the room, not frankincense but a sweet smelling incense-sandalwood. Incredible high and aroma. The other highly fenotrogo plant, the NH19 x OJD grail male, is potent and fun but the comedown is decidedly sleepy. Great weed, but not a keeper. The Outback haze #2 phenos are good but not as good in my opinion, and I've given away most of it. Still very good weed but not as energizing. The Vietnam herb is great, V2 maintained its juicyfruit aroma but V1 was lacking in the terpene department.

So I've recently planted some seed for my fall/winter indoor crop. On deck are:
  • IC Mag haze, courtesy of @flower~power
  • (Outback haze #1 x OJD grail male) x punto rojo
  • (Outback haze #1 x OJD grail male) x Angeldorado (Angeldorado is Angel's Breathe F2 x 78 Colombian gold)
  • (Outback haze #1 x OJD grail male) F2
  • Vietnam #2 x (Outback haze #1 x OJD grail male)
Stay tuned...

DIY haze round 2 seedlings 07152022.jpg


Well-known member
Initial Smoke Report

I harvested the two Vietnamese plants at 14.5 weeks, trichomes were mostly milky, some clear, none amber. V2 outyielded V1 despite being in a smaller pot.

At this point I've smoked test samples of each plant, and here are my initial thoughts on the effects. Too soon to call out aromas and flavors.

Vietnam #1: Sample from 13 weeks is pretty similar to V2, perhaps a bit less intense. 3+ hours duration, very potent head high.

Vietnam #2: Sample from 11 weeks gave a 4 hour high, and was really psychedelic, a little scary at first. The world seemed more 3D. Colors are brighter. Very potent high that still allows me to get stuff done.

Outback haze #1 (wild pheno) cross: Tiny sample from 13 weeks, only about 3-4 puffs over a couple hours. Instant euphoria, and the big smile on my face lasted for 4 hours. Super clean high, no drowsiness, nothing narcotic about it in the least. Highly functional and aware effect. Primo herb, and it looks like it needs to go another 5+ weeks to full maturity.

Outback haze #2a (grail pheno) cross: Sample from 11 weeks gave me a really clean 4-hour high. The kind of high where you don't notice how high you are until you realize how high you are. The high is pleasant and not overly intense.

Outback haze #2b (grail pheno) cross: The 11-week sample hit hard. Seriously potent, and the effect intensified linearly as I smoked more. Causes a some spaciness and confusion, and I won't drive after I smoke it. At the risk of repeating myself, yet another 4+ hour high. This one has a bit of body high to it, possible a little more NL5 influence, or something in the Mullem...buds are densest also and look like they could be found in a dispensary. This will be the biggest yielder and should be done at 16 weeks. In any other normal grow or pheno hunt, this plant would be the keeper. In this grow it's the least interesting (to me).

NH18 x MM cross: Star of the show (for now) with the racing stripe fenotrigo bud structure. I took my first toke about 3 hours after smoking some #2b, so I was still buzzed, but this stuff absolutely kicked my ass. The effect on top of other cannabis was instant and almost devastating. The next day I tried again with a clear head and found the high to be intense but extremely enjoyable. All head, no body, very motivational herb. This is a 4-hour-plus hour electric high, with no anxiety or paranoia. Gave me some synesthesia effects...can't wait to try it on the GF. :) If I smoke it before I go to sleep I kind of get visions. I'm not seeing God or anything, but the weed lets my brain interpret the patterns that we see when we shut our eyes into moving and morphing images. I've also had this effect with my best 20-week Colombians. Extraordinary herb.

Summary: The planets really aligned for me on this grow. I'm very fortunate to have found what I'm looking for in this grow, not once but multiple times!

The Vietnam: Is it haze in seed form? I think the answer is yes, because these two plants can hang with the best hazes from Nevil's magnum opus. I regret culling the other two Vietnam plants, one of which was probably a male and could've been used to make F2s. An excellent southeast Asian cultivar, IMO.

OJD's grail haze: Extraordinary. All four I grew were excellent, and two appear to be grail plants in my book. If my grow is representative, I believe the hit rate of excellent haze plants in OJD's gear is similar to the F1 hazes that came from Nevil's hands - multiple keepers in every pack. I congratulate OJD for selecting a long-flowering male (NH21 x MM-long) that gave me a bunch of 16-week plus plants. Too many breeders (including Nevil, Shanti, Sam and pretty much everyone else) watered down the gene pool over the last 50 years by selecting for faster flowering plants. I applaud any breeder who realizes that the absolute best quality effects come from the longest flowering plants, and select for quality over speed or quantity.

Lastly, this grow has reinforced my notion that the very best effects among sativas and hazes are to be found in the longest-flowering plants that exhibit a fenotrigo bud structure.


Im curious what lights you run to get the full expression from these plants


Well-known member
DIY Haze - Round 2

Now with a 6-month cure, I've been enjoying this smoke immensely. The outback haze #1 x OJD grail male is by far my favorite. Leaves a lingering odor in the room, not frankincense but a sweet smelling incense-sandalwood. Incredible high and aroma. The other highly fenotrogo plant, the NH19 x OJD grail male, is potent and fun but the comedown is decidedly sleepy. Great weed, but not a keeper. The Outback haze #2 phenos are good but not as good in my opinion, and I've given away most of it. Still very good weed but not as energizing. The Vietnam herb is great, V2 maintained its juicyfruit aroma but V1 was lacking in the terpene department.

So I've recently planted some seed for my fall/winter indoor crop. On deck are:
  • IC Mag haze, courtesy of @flower~power
  • (Outback haze #1 x OJD grail male) x punto rojo
  • (Outback haze #1 x OJD grail male) x Angeldorado (Angeldorado is Angel's Breathe F2 x 78 Colombian gold)
  • (Outback haze #1 x OJD grail male) F2
  • Vietnam #2 x (Outback haze #1 x OJD grail male)
Stay tuned...

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awesome, good luck & have fun!


Well-known member
Thanks for the props folks. The seed plants remain in tiny 4" containers and they've stayed outside until now...it's time take some cuts and flower them in a month or so. Most have shown sex; the latest to show were the Vietnam x Outback Haze cross; the outback haze x (NH21xMML) male I found was very late to show sex which I consider a leading indicator of long flower time and a good indicator and I'm excited to test his progeny. Also interested to see what the punto rojo male brings to the table, as well as my angeldorado (Angel'S Breathe x 78 Colombian gold) male performs when put to the outback haze #1 x (NH21 x MML). I'll refer to these crosses as OH1 going forward.

The plants are now 50 days from germination and will start flowering outside if I don't move them in soon. They've been sort of neglected so have lost a lot of their lower fan leaves.

All the DIY Haze Round 2 seedings at 50 days
2022-09-05 DIY Haze Round 2.jpg

OH1 x PR - The punto rojo is bringing the jungle sat mojo! Three ladies.
2022-09-05 OH1xPR.jpg

OH1 F2 - Two girls and a boy.
2022-09-05 OH1 F2.jpg

Vietnam x OH1 - A boy and two girls.
2022-09-05 V2xOH1.jpg

OH1 x AD - Two females.
2022-09-05 OH1xAD.jpg

IC Mag Haze - A girl and a boy. Sexiest leaves by far and red stems.
2022-09-05 ICM Haze.jpg


Well-known member
My indoor flowering setup has been down for over a year as I was upgrading my HVAC system to geothermal. Going forward, I'll have much better control of my indoor environment. I set the above plants up in a temporary 4x4 tent and vegged them under 240 W LEDs beginning last September. Long story short, I neglected them, and the only thing I have left to show for it is a couple clones of the IC Mag haze girl (the other one was a boy but never dropped any pollen).

So starting in mid February I started popping some seeds for my next run. After a too-long veg period for most, I flipped them to 12/12 on April 14. Until I can definitively identify sex, I currently have:
  • Three holy hanh;
  • Two Swiss Thai Nevil x (NH21 x MML) from @ojd;
  • One Sour Thai Nevil from @ojd;
  • One of my puntodorado BX bagseed plants;
  • One Burmese from RSC's latest release; and
  • Two IC Mag haze clones that miraculously rooted last week.
So this is a little bit of everything. My cloning game is way off as I managed to kill viable cuts from some of the plants I vegged all winter, then I tried again managed to kill off a couple cuts of THH x NH that I got from @flower~power. Thankfully, I still have clones of his #1 and #3 plants doing well outdoors at the moment. One or two of those cuts may join the party if there are more males than expected.

This is also my first run with LC's organic soil recipe, which I have found to be too hot for these hazes and sativas. Thus, the very dark green leaves.

Here are a few pics as of today, after three days of flowering (F03).

A very kind IC Mag member shared some Holy Hanh seeds with me. I had some germination problems but got three to come up. The first had super skinny leaves and I was psyched, then it seemed to really dislike the hot soil mix I'm using. After a few weeks, I realized it's a mutant. Sometimes mutants work out. The one in the middle is suspect female, and the tall one on the right is suspect male.

F03 HH plants.jpg

Here's OJD's Sour Thai Nevil. First feminized seed I ever popped. Broader leaves than I usually work with but variety is the spice of life and OJD thinks the world of this churchy haze hybrid.

F03 Sour Thai Nevil.jpg

Lastly, for now, the Burmese. This is going straight from seed, which was germinated a couple weeks ago. I think it will outgrow everything else within the next two weeks. Seems to be happier with this soil mix than the hazes.

F03 Burmese.jpg


Well-known member
OK, we're 2+ weeks into flower under a measly 240 W LED. Lots of males in here...

The burmese was a male and absolutely huge at two weeks. Mainstem almost the diameter of a quarter, massive fan leaves. He would've been a beast to tame. Removed from the girls, but not culled yet. I may stress test him and keep some pollen if he comes through.

Both of the Swiss Thai Nevil x (NH21 x MML) plants were male. I culled the short one and am flowering the stretchy sativa leaner.

My Puntodorado x Angeldorado bagseed plant was a male; culled.

One of the three HH plants was a male NL leaner with fat first leaves, tight internodes and absolutely no smell on the stem rub; I culled it. One female looks beautiful with very dark leaves, and the other one, the runt, is a female. Here's a pic of the Holy Hannh plants...

F17 HH plants.jpg

The Sour Thai Nevil from @ojd is looking awesome. So are both of the IC Mag haze clones; the only thing that survived from the seeds I started last summer. When I threw out the mother plant that these girls came from, I thought I noticed a sassafras or root beer smell, so maybe this is the root beer pheno. Super skinny leaves. As I understand it, these seeds were made by @JohnnyChicago and came to me via @flower~power - thank you gentlemen. They went into flower as barely rooted clones, so their root mass is currently very small.

Here's all the plants at 2+ weeks: HH in back, Sour Thai Nevel in the middle, IC Mag hazes on the right, and the Swiss Thai Nevil x (NH21 x MML) male front left.

F17 all plants.jpg


Well-known member
Update at ~ 6 weeks

F40 all plants.jpg

Top left is Sour Thai Nevil from @ojd, top right is Holy Hanh, bottom right are two ICMag haze and lower left is the Holy Hanh runt. I let the plants get too dry a couple times and I was getting some weird spotting and drying or fan leaves and premature darkening of pistils, but they seem to be doing better now. They will be moved into a larger tent with 640 W of COBs in the next couple days and joined by rooted and vegged cuts of the Sour Thai Nevil and Holy Hanh plants, as well as a couple NH x THH cuts from @flower~power. I erred in not vegging the ICMag haze plants at all before flower; they obviously need more root mass as well as support poles. The Sour Thai Nevil plant is a vigorous and resilient beast with a great incensed aroma, but for better or worse, this is not one of the pearl phenos.

Can't wait to get these girls and their friends (to be introduced in the next installment) into the new tent under some serious light.

St. Phatty

Active member
I've been studying where the elements and chemical compounds come from, which are known in academia as "Nucleosynthesis" and "Cosmo-chemistry".

One of the better books on the subject was Geologist Robert Hazen's book, "Symphony in C", all about Carbon.

Long story short, what happens in Nature is, what can happen - a combination of chemicals and energy, where the energy is usually sunlight but sometimes "Earth Heat" (like a geyser or volcano).

They use the term "LNRE" - Large Number of Rare Events - to describe the rarer minerals that geologists have discovered.

Cannabis is not an LNRE-based plant. It is a common plant.

What we know about Earth, tells us that the same or similar chemistry is duplicated on Many other planets - which are impossibly far away.

If I had to bet, I would bet that Cannabis occurs on many of those other planets.

Which means they have Haze ! It's only 100+ light years away.

If I was in charge of the Earth Object capsules that are put on some space-ships, I would include a variety of Cannabis. Along with a note, "This cannabis will probably be 100+ years old by the time you find it. But, being potheads, we thought you'd still like it !"

Signed, from the NASA potheads to the Alpha Centauri potheads.

What if ET lands and the first thing she wants to do is, smoke a joint ?

Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
I've been studying where the elements and chemical compounds come from, which are known in academia as "Nucleosynthesis" and "Cosmo-chemistry".

One of the better books on the subject was Geologist Robert Hazen's book, "Symphony in C", all about Carbon.

Long story short, what happens in Nature is, what can happen - a combination of chemicals and energy, where the energy is usually sunlight but sometimes "Earth Heat" (like a geyser or volcano).

They use the term "LNRE" - Large Number of Rare Events - to describe the rarer minerals that geologists have discovered.

Cannabis is not an LNRE-based plant. It is a common plant.

What we know about Earth, tells us that the same or similar chemistry is duplicated on Many other planets - which are impossibly far away.

If I had to bet, I would bet that Cannabis occurs on many of those other planets.

Which means they have Haze ! It's only 100+ light years away.

If I was in charge of the Earth Object capsules that are put on some space-ships, I would include a variety of Cannabis. Along with a note, "This cannabis will probably be 100+ years old by the time you find it. But, being potheads, we thought you'd still like it !"

Signed, from the NASA potheads to the Alpha Centauri potheads.

What if ET lands and the first thing she wants to do is, smoke a joint ?
In the late 70's, I stumbled across a physics book about black holes and the Universe written by two Berkeley University scientists. At the beginning of first chapter was a short sci-fi story in italics. Some of it related to the subject in the chapter. I discovered this 'story' was continued at beginning of each chapter. I quickly discovered this was no ordinary science book. The gist of these little prequels established that a group of space explorers (Cyril Zaki and Top Dog) had found that human endeavour had become chronically affected by risk averse pressures. Nearly everything had to be insured against. The kicker - our space hero had a penchant for smoking these little numbers called 'mellaroons' when times got gnarly. Right at the end of the adventure - 15 chapters worth - this glorious little nugget of a quote by our mellaroon infused space hero is revealed thus:

"One thing is for sure, times of mellaroons and no insurance are better than times of insurance and no mellaroons'. Boom... instant enlightenment!" Not just any old scientists huh?

A few years later I formed a little local band. Did quite well an all for a few years. Built most of my first house with the saved proceeds. We called ourselves "The Mellaroons". Still refer to a nice little one paper race horse number as a 'mellaroon'. You're welcome.

PS: I still have the photo copy of the story.


  • MellaroonBook-web.jpg
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St. Phatty

Active member
In the late 70's, I stumbled across a physics book about black holes and the Universe written by two Berkeley University scientists. At the beginning of first chapter was a short sci-fi story in italics. Some of it related to the subject in the chapter. I discovered this 'story' was continued at beginning of each chapter. I quickly discovered this was no ordinary science book. The gist of these little prequels established that a group of space explorers (Cyril Zaki and Top Dog) had found that human endeavour had become chronically affected by risk averse pressures. Nearly everything had to be insured against. The kicker - our space hero had a penchant for smoking these little numbers called 'mellaroons' when times got gnarly. Right at the end of the adventure - 15 chapters worth - this glorious little nugget of a quote by our mellaroon infused space hero is revealed thus:

"One thing is for sure, times of mellaroons and no insurance are better than times of insurance and no mellaroons'. Boom... instant enlightenment!" Not just any old scientists huh?

A few years later I formed a little local band. Did quite well an all for a few years. Built most of my first house with the saved proceeds. We called ourselves "The Mellaroons". Still refer to a nice little one paper race horse number as a 'mellaroon'. You're welcome.

PS: I still have the photo copy of the story.

That Domain name is still available !

I would love to see a REALISTIC sci fi film where they travel at a realistic speed, 1/1000 to 1/100 of the Speed of Light max.

The sci fi thing about using black holes to travel ... well, it works as long as you can survive 1 Million or 1 Billion G's. Though I think it might be a bigger number of G's.

I planted a Fem Ghost Train Haze yesterday !

St. Phatty

Active member
>>> For the record, about 153,000,000,000,000 Gs

Someone actually did the calculation and came up with 153 Trillion G ?

Whether it's 1 Million or 153 Trillion, a human body still becomes a thin film of mush.

I guess at the higher #, there are fewer lumps in the mush.