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Do-it-yourself Haze


Well-known member
looking great OldSchool. Good job on the breeding OJD
It's amazing how big they get, are they in 5 gallon pots?
How are the smells on the vietnamese now?


Well-known member
Awesome job! Really, really upset had so many of These up to 9 feet tall budding before having to prematurely cut it all because of a security issue. Didn’t get to take any cuts either. Again great job OJD, they were some of the most vigorous plants I have grown. When/if you sell the line I will be a buyer! I just really really want a do over! They look great!


Well-known member
Appreciate the comments, weed amigos. Sub, too bad you lost your crop; they looked great back in September. OJD, these genetics are awesome...thanks for getting them out into the world where they belong.

Ringtail, they're all in 3-gallon pots except Vietnam#1, which is in a 5-gallon pot. That plant has almost no sweetness to its aroma, unlike Vietnam #2, which still smells spot-on like Juicyfruit gum. Vietnam #1 smell is pretty complex, lime citrus at first, then something astringent, them a wood / earth background. Maybe a bit of pine in there too. Not as loud as #2 either.

All plants are still covered in white pistils at 11+ weeks. I did pluck one tiny lower bud from my OH2a x OJD plant. I'll post my thoughts on how that smokes next week, along with some updated pics.


Curious Cannivore
Wow, those look fantastic. You're doing a super job keeping them under control. Hopefully you can keep nursing them to the finish line. ;)

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Great stuff, really enjoying it so far. Cheers.


Curious Cannivore
I had to look up fenotrigo but instantly recognized it as the loose foxtail structure in my CBG Punto Rojo that I harvested in July. And, wouldn't you know, I also have been favoring a similar look in my recent Red Snake adventures....I knew I was on the right track. Wispy buds rule! :)


Well-known member
12 Weeks

Here's a 12-week update. There are still a lot of swelling colas and white pistils in the tent, and none of the plants look like they're near done. Closest to the finish line, maybe 2-3 weeks from now, is probably Vietnam #2, still reeking of Juicyfruit gum. The last to finish will probably be the outback haze #1 cross, which I expect to go well into January. The problem I'm dealing with now is the buds are getting so heavy that I have to keep staking and tying up the plants. That's a good problem to have. :) They are each drinking a couple liters of water per day now, and I'm giving each plant a tablespoon of organic fertilizer every 3 weeks. Seems to be working as the plants are pretty happy.

The seeds I made are probably ripe enough to harvest the lower buds but I'm going to let them go the distance. More mature seeds = better germination rate. There will be lots of seeds with which to explore the progeny.

I smoked a tiny lower bud from outback haze #2 x OJD's grail male. It was a superb effect...nice relaxed high; I was motivated to finish a report I was working on and take a nice long walk with the pup, and the buzz lasted for 4 hours.

Vietnam #1 - aromas are complex and not nearly as sweet as her sister. Buds are quite dense.
F82 V1.jpg

F82 V1 cola.jpg

Vietnam #2 - the Juicyfruit pheno. Both Vietnam plants have much denser buds than I expected.
F82 V2.jpg

F82 V2 cola.jpg

Outback haze #1 x OJD's grail male - really packing it on...if I let it go long enough it'll reward me with long dreadlocks of hazy calyxes. This plant has the fluffiest buds of all, but they'll grow huge. Expecting 2-liter-bottle-sized colas at the end.
F82 OH1.jpg

F82 OH1 cola.jpg

Outback haze #2a x OJD's grail male - floppy buds, excellent 4-hour buzz and complex aromas that include grapefruit and metal shop.
F82 OH2a.jpg

F82 OH2a cola.jpg

Outback haze #2b x OJD's grail male - this plant has some seriously dense buds that continue to stack calyxes. May be the largest yielder by weight.
F82 OH2b.jpg

F82 OH2b cola.jpg

(NH18 x MM) x OJD's grail male - man, I just love this plant and the fenotrigo bud structure. Lower buds were drooping and were tied up to the main stem.
F82 NH18.jpg

F82 NH18 cola.jpg


Curious Cannivore
Those are all looking amazing, hard to pick a favorite. They do take forever to finish though...

Hey, whatever happened to the old seeds you were trying to revive in another thread awhile back, any success? Sounded like a possible treasure trove.


Well-known member
Those are all looking amazing, hard to pick a favorite. They do take forever to finish though...

Hey, whatever happened to the old seeds you were trying to revive in another thread awhile back, any success? Sounded like a possible treasure trove.

I still have them in the freezer. I went through about 20% of them without any germination, so I decided to hold off until for in-vitro / tissue culture germination technology gets better.


The Haze Whisperer
OldCoolSativa i have lurking here things are coming along nice.

I will shoot you a PM with 3 options for old seed germination so not to derail the thread.


Curious Cannivore
Too bad on the old seeds....

Looks like the Vietnamese might finish in a few weeks, the haze's not so fast. Will you judge doneness by trichomes if they keep throwing pistils? My CBG PRojo this spring went 20 weeks and looked a lot like some of these hazes structurally. I did manage to finish her with mostly clear but some cloudy trichomes, and pistils mostly died back. Great energetic clear smoke.


ICMag Donor
12 Weeks

Here's a 12-week update. There are still a lot of swelling colas and white pistils in the tent, and none of the plants look like they're near done. Closest to the finish line, maybe 2-3 weeks from now, is probably Vietnam #2, still reeking of Juicyfruit gum. The last to finish will probably be the outback haze #1 cross, which I expect to go well into January. The problem I'm dealing with now is the buds are getting so heavy that I have to keep staking and tying up the plants. That's a good problem to have. :) They are each drinking a couple liters of water per day now, and I'm giving each plant a tablespoon of organic fertilizer every 3 weeks. Seems to be working as the plants are pretty happy.

The seeds I made are probably ripe enough to harvest the lower buds but I'm going to let them go the distance. More mature seeds = better germination rate. There will be lots of seeds with which to explore the progeny.

I smoked a tiny lower bud from outback haze #2 x OJD's grail male. It was a superb effect...nice relaxed high; I was motivated to finish a report I was working on and take a nice long walk with the pup, and the buzz lasted for 4 hours.

Vietnam #1 - aromas are complex and not nearly as sweet as her sister. Buds are quite dense.

Vietnam #2 - the Juicyfruit pheno. Both Vietnam plants have much denser buds than I expected.

Outback haze #1 x OJD's grail male - really packing it on...if I let it go long enough it'll reward me with long dreadlocks of hazy calyxes. This plant has the fluffiest buds of all, but they'll grow huge. Expecting 2-liter-bottle-sized colas at the end.

Outback haze #2a x OJD's grail male - floppy buds, excellent 4-hour buzz and complex aromas that include grapefruit and metal shop.

Outback haze #2b x OJD's grail male - this plant has some seriously dense buds that continue to stack calyxes. May be the largest yielder by weight.

(NH18 x MM) x OJD's grail male - man, I just love this plant and the fenotrigo bud structure. Lower buds were drooping and were tied up to the main stem.

Nice update
All looking great bro , nice work.

Metal shop on outback 2 is a great description , very uniqe old school smells on alot of these strains from Nevilles grail project.


Well-known member
Here's a few thoughts on the smoke quality as I wait patiently into the 14th week of flower.

This is some great weed! Last week I harvested a lower bud from Vietnam #2 and from the outback haze cross #2b, and dried them for a few days.

The V2 smell changed from Juicyfruit to something different and more complex as it dried out (some sort of a baking ingredient smell?..), but there's still some great flavor that comes through in the smoke, even smoking quick-dried, uncured bud. The fresh V2 flower made me sneeze (four times!) when I crumbled it beneath my nose. The high is strong in the head and not in the body, long lasting, and allowed me to get stuff accomplished. Great weed and at least as good as the Colombian landraces I've been growing and smoking for years. One big difference between V2 and the Colombians is the size of the seeds. I found two seeds in the V2 bud and holy crap, they're huge. Biggest pot seeds I've ever seen. Consistent with RC Clarke's description of Thai plants and their large seeds and calyxes in his Marijuana Botany book.

The outback haze cross smoked great too, although it needs more of a cure to assess aromas and flavor. The high was a bit more intense than the V2.

Now at 13 weeks of 12/12, it looks like Vietnam #2 will get the chop in the next 10 days or so. All the other plants will go 15-20 weeks. I'll reduce the light cycle over the next week down to 11/13 and try to keep these beauties going to the finish line.
Nice to see genetics preserved and kept together, too many hazes today are geared toward yield and smell and the high.glad u have some original genetics.grow on


Well-known member
14 Weeks

This is really fun. I can't remember a grow where every plant was this interesting and potent. As the buds continue to swell, I've now test smoked V2, OH2a and OH2b, while small samples from the remaining plants are drying and await their turn for a test smoke. All are powerful, long-duration highs. Not for beginners. I don't recommend driving after partaking in this haze.

Vietnam #1
F97 V1.jpg

F97 V1 cola.jpg

Vietnam #2
F97 V2.jpg

F97 V2 cola.jpg

Outback Haze #1 x OJD's grail male
F97 OH1.jpg

F97 OH1 cola1.jpg

Outback Haze #2a x OJD's grail male
F97 OH2a.jpg

F97 OH2a cola.jpg

Outback Haze #2b x OJD's grail male
F97 OH2b.jpg

F97 OH2b cola.jpg

NH18 x OJD's grail male
F97 NH18.jpg

F97 NH18 cola.jpg


ICMag Donor
14 Weeks

This is really fun. I can't remember a grow where every plant was this interesting and potent. As the buds continue to swell, I've now test smoked V2, OH2a and OH2b, while small samples from the remaining plants are drying and await their turn for a test smoke. All are powerful, long-duration highs. Not for beginners. I don't recommend driving after partaking in this haze.

Vietnam #1

Vietnam #2

Outback Haze #1 x OJD's grail male

Outback Haze #2a x OJD's grail male

Outback Haze #2b x OJD's grail male

NH18 x OJD's grail male

Nice update bro , all looking great.
Outback 1 x NH21XMML and NH18 x MM X NH21XMML from your pics look my favourites