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Desert Southwest Growers Union

  • Thread starter Thread starter EatShitake
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No, it's not a real problem. I just don't want to punch any more holes in my house that I already have for this hobby, I guess. The only alternative is to run a hose from a bathroom which will work, but it's kinda ghetto, which is NOT bad, but the rest of my house looks like a normal suburban robot lives there, and I have people coming and going that have absolutely no clue what I'm up to.

This just means I have to decide whether to do serious grows on the second floor or be happy with pimpin out my downstairs space to the max!




Active member
Yeah E S I know what you mean about holes and shit in your home.Sounds like you got it all under control, just trying to help. Im so fucking bored without my grow, Love doing what I do best. Next time you come to sin city let me know , I would love to sample some of your gear. Peace and much respect. Joesey (grizz)

Bumble Buddy

Active member
I've only ever used a swamp cooler for cooling and have had no problems with heat over the hot summers. The only major problem I ever ran into was when the the monsoon rains hit and humidity soared just as the buds were starting to fatten up, had some mold attack (white/grey cottony stuff, botyritis?). That was on my first grow which was some shwag mexican baleseed. I cut all the mold out with clippers and put an oscillating fan in the flowering area, that stopped the mold till I could harvest.

I tried to fire up my swamp cooler the other day but the damn motor went out again, the electric motors sold at local big box seem to go out on me yearly... I've got a nice 8" Elicent inline duct fan that I'm not using though... I'm certain that it would be a heck of a lot more efficient at moving air than the clunky squirrel cage arrangement that every swamp cooler I've ever seen has. I'm wondering if maybe I can make a manifold out of sheet metal for the inline fan and screw it into the swamp cooler... I'm a little concerned about how it would react to the moist air being pulled through it, but I think it would be ok... What do you guys think of that?


Active member
Bumble Buddy said:
I've only ever used a swamp cooler for cooling and have had no problems with heat over the hot summers. The only major problem I ever ran into was when the the monsoon rains hit and humidity soared just as the buds were starting to fatten up, had some mold attack (white/grey cottony stuff, botyritis?). That was on my first grow which was some shwag mexican baleseed. I cut all the mold out with clippers and put an oscillating fan in the flowering area, that stopped the mold till I could harvest.

I tried to fire up my swamp cooler the other day but the damn motor went out again, the electric motors sold at local big box seem to go out on me yearly... I've got a nice 8" Elicent inline duct fan that I'm not using though... I'm certain that it would be a heck of a lot more efficient at moving air than the clunky squirrel cage arrangement that every swamp cooler I've ever seen has. I'm wondering if maybe I can make a manifold out of sheet metal for the inline fan and screw it into the swamp cooler... I'm a little concerned about how it would react to the moist air being pulled through it, but I think it would be ok... What do you guys think of that?
I think the moisture would eventually l\kill your motor.Ihave been running the same motor in my old box swamp cooler for 4 years. The new cooler the bon aire doesent have the squirle cage set up and uses a 3 blade fan set up and is much quiter and cools so much better. It also has a 3 speed motor witch makes it easer to keep temps where you want them. I was running 3 1000w bulbs in a 6ft x 8ftx 8ft high room this winter.I dident have any water hooked up to the cooler yet and the temps would climb too 100 degrees within 30 minuts after lights on , with the bonaire on low speed the temps would fall to 70 degrees within 10 minutes. I havent got to try it in the summer yet but will soon. Its about the only thing leo dident take out of my grow room.


Active member
dale gribble said:
anyone else use dr.qs filthy rich?? its ok substrate, but i think its infested with nats/whiteflies...i have used it a few times, with mixed results... i prefer pro-mix but there is only one source in the whole valley..and their seasonal..
dale I used the filthy rich for a year before switching to ffof. It was all right but I noticed a change for the better with ffof, I then started rebuilding the ffof after each grow and it just got better. Dident get any white flies or nats in it at all.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
I think the moisture would eventually l\kill your motor.Ihave been running the same motor in my old box swamp cooler for 4 years. The new cooler the bon aire doesent have the squirle cage set up and uses a 3 blade fan set up and is much quiter and cools so much better.
I've never seen an evaporative cooler using a 3 blade fan ("axial fan"), sounds like a nice product. I think an inline ducted fan would be even better though because they are the most efficent in forced air applications due to so little back draft/back pressure being able to get around the impeller. Frankly I'm surprised that inline ducted fans aren't used more often in things like air filters, computers, and consumer electronics (maybe the Playstation3 uses one? I'm not sure), I think cost or engineering ignorance may be the main factor.

Yeah, I'm concerned that the moisture from the evaporative cooler pads would affect the motor, though supposedly the inline fan motor is "sealed", so I'm wondering, I'll probably try it out... I'd be more a lot more efficient and a lot quieter than the squirrel cage monstrosity.

Its about the only thing leo dident take out of my grow room.
Sorry to hear about that josey, how did you get busted? I'm just curious, but also, detailed info about busts can be of help to others in avoiding it...


Active member
Bumble Buddy said:
I've never seen an evaporative cooler using a 3 blade fan ("axial fan"), sounds like a nice product. I think an inline ducted fan would be even better though because they are the most efficent in forced air applications due to so little back draft/back pressure being able to get around the impeller. Frankly I'm surprised that inline ducted fans aren't used more often in things like air filters, computers, and consumer electronics (maybe the Playstation3 uses one? I'm not sure), I think cost or engineering ignorance may be the main factor.

Yeah, I'm concerned that the moisture from the evaporative cooler pads would affect the motor, though supposedly the inline fan motor is "sealed", so I'm wondering, I'll probably try it out... I'd be more a lot more efficient and a lot quieter than the squirrel cage monstrosity.

Sorry to hear about that josey, how did you get busted? I'm just curious, but also, detailed info about busts can be of help to others in avoiding it...
don't know for sure who but I was ratted on. Pretty sure a guy that bought indirectly through someoneI sold to rolled on me to get off some charges he was faceing. I agree with your thinking on your inline fans, just don't think they would be close enough to the cooler pads to get the performance you would get with the old style or the bon aire. Have you looked at the bonaire usa.com site I posted earlyer? Im really impressed with it and I have been using swamp coolers for over 30 years, thats all we had in arizona to cool our homes when I was a kid and have seen about everything ever built, The master cool is also a great product for larger applications I had one of these on a metal shed in phx az. that was 48ft x 32 ft x 13 ft high at peak and uninsulated with 13 metal halides and grew all year around and you know how hot it gets in phoenix.


sci-Click on the User Menu link at the top of the page and click on edit signature. There's an icon to insert a hyperlink. It's right under the [Font] [Size] [Color] pulldown menus. Click on that and a little popup will let you enter the URL for page one (you gotta copy it and then paste it in the popup). If you know any html you can go apeshit with stuff, but I only have functional knowledge, not anything artistic.

Bumble-You might be on to something. I think the centrifugals are sealed, but you might wanna look up the operating environment ratings. Humidity should be one of the ratings. I do know that for a bit more money you can get motors that are sealed and rated for explosive gas environments. They might offer more resistance because of their better sealing/sheilding construction. They're used to ventilate fume hoods, laminar flow hoods, tanks, and voids, etc...But they are pricier. Check out Grainger supply- they've got almost everything to build anything.

joesy!-Where'd you pick up the new cooler? I'm thinking of getting a smaller one for just around the house. Something in me HATES paying summer time electric bills!


Active member
EatShitake said:
sci-Click on the User Menu link at the top of the page and click on edit signature. There's an icon to insert a hyperlink. It's right under the [Font] [Size] [Color] pulldown menus. Click on that and a little popup will let you enter the URL for page one (you gotta copy it and then paste it in the popup). If you know any html you can go apeshit with stuff, but I only have functional knowledge, not anything artistic.

Bumble-You might be on to something. I think the centrifugals are sealed, but you might wanna look up the operating environment ratings. Humidity should be one of the ratings. I do know that for a bit more money you can get motors that are sealed and rated for explosive gas environments. They might offer more resistance because of their better sealing/sheilding construction. They're used to ventilate fume hoods, laminar flow hoods, tanks, and voids, etc...But they are pricier. Check out Grainger supply- they've got almost everything to build anything.

joesy!-Where'd you pick up the new cooler? I'm thinking of getting a smaller one for just around the house. Something in me HATES paying summer time electric bills!
E S I picked mine up here in sin city , the web page I gave out should have locations of distributers, If it don't Pm me and I will give u the addy
Hey everyone, wondering if you can help me out. I just made a small replica of the EZ cloner (only 12 sites) and I don't use a humidity dome, b/c it gets too hot for the clones and just cooks them up and it's too hot without a humidity dome at 80-85 degrees. With a humidity dome on the temps get to 90 degrees. What should I do? I was thinking about making a humidity dome with an output fan and cut holes for passive air... do you think that will work? I tried putting a small weak fan on them, and it took the temps down to 75-78 degrees, but it also killed 3 of my clones. What would you do? I was also thinking about just building a seperate chamber for my cloner with only 20-40 watts, That would bring down temps right?
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Active member
Man what kind of light are u using? A small floro of some sort is all you need. Put a dome on them with light about 3 inches above dome and keep the temp outside the dome around 70 to 80 degrees and you wont have any probs. inside temps should also be 70 to 80 with 70 to 90 rh for at least a week after taking cuts. then start airing them out every day untill you get roots.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Hey everyone, nice weather lately eh? Beautiful mild days and finally warm enough to enjoy my late night walks. :smile:

I've been thinking about the possibility of somehow putting my HPS ballast outside in a shed thats near where my grow closet is. I read a report on the boards somewhere that indicated moving a 1000W ballast outside of a growroom (and its airflow, i.e. outside) lowered the temps by 10 degrees F.

I'm not quite sure what the best way to do it would be though... maybe install some PVC or similar conduit that is big enough to get the electrical plugs through (about 2 inch diameter)? I could probably just bury the electric lines but am thinking that might not be optimal. Any ideas?


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on nice to see this thread still alive

pics are last wk day 19 of 12/12 400w mh in air cooled hood 400w hps against the wall 1ft away in cooltube. far as duder haven problems with his ez cloner ive tried alot of methods for cloning ez cloner isnt 1 of them lol tried RW cubes 50% lived RR 50-60% lived plugs stright into dirt 25% lived dome on they didnt like it vents open dome off peachy. the best method i found for me is a clone bubbler 99-100% live and turn into plants in the above pics. i made a small 15 site and have less then 20$ invested

small 1 gal rubbermaid 3$
small fish tank air pump 6$
pk 8ft air hose 1.99$
2 pk's small air diffusers .99 cent ea.
1-4pk of air hose T's 1.99$

i used blk magic marker to cover the top and blk duct tape for side's and onto bottom to block light it takes 3.5-4 months to even see alge in mine

and they still root look at the alkli deposits lmao.

as for lighting 1 have 2 - 2ft single buld fluros from walmart sold as 17w grow light 10$ ea as seen in pic :)
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