Common name or active ingredient (Trade name) | Class | Mode of action | Reentry interval | Labeled pests | Additional products |
abamectin (Avid) | Macrocyclic lactone | Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) chloride channel activator [6] | 12 hours | spider mites, thrips, leafminers | |
acephate (Orthene/Precise) | Organophosphate | Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor [1B] | 24/12 hours | aphids, whiteflies, scales, mealybugs, thrips | |
acequinocyl (Shuttle) | Napththoquinone | Mitochondria electron transport inhibitor [20B] | 12 hours | spider mites | |
acetamiprid (TriStar) | Neonicotinoid | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor disruptor [4A] | 12 hours | aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, scales | |
azadirachtin (Azatin/Ornazin) | Botanical (insect growth regulator) | Ecdysone antagonist [18B] | 4/12 hours | aphids, fungus gnat larvae, thrips, whiteflies, caterpillars | Aza-Direct and Neemix |
Bacillus thuringiensis spp. israelensis (Gnatrol) | Microbial | Midgut membrane disruptor [11A1] | 4 hours | fungus gnat larvae | |
Bacillus thuringiensis spp. kurstaki (Dipel) | Microbial | Midgut membrane disruptor [11B2] | 4 hours | caterpillars | |
Beauveria bassiana (BotaniGard) | Microbial (entomopathogenic fungi) | Direct infection of host by hyphae | 4 hours | aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies | Naturalis and Mycotrol |
bifenazate (Floramite) | Carbazate | Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) gated antagonist [25] | 4 hours | spider mites | |
bifenthrin (Talstar/Attain) | Pyrethroid | Sodium channel blocker [3] | 12 hours | aphids, caterpillars, fungus gnat adults, mealybugs, scales, plant bugs, thrips, leafhoppers, whiteflies | |
buprofezin (Talus) | Benzoylurea (insect growth regulator) | Chitin synthesis inhibitor [16] | 12 hours | whiteflies, mealybugs, scales and leafhoppers | |
chlorfenapyr (Pylon) | Pyrrole | Oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler [13] | 12 hours | spider mites, broad mite, cyclamen mite, fungus gnat larvae, thrips | |
chlorpyrifos (DuraGuard) | Organophosphate | Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor [1B] | 24 hours | aphids, caterpillars, fungus gnat larvae, leafhoppers, mealybugs, shore fly larvae, thrips | |
clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil (Triact) | Botanical | Suffocation or membrane disruptor | 12 hours | aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, scales | |
clofentezine (Ovation) | Tetrazine | Growth and embryogenesis inhibitor [10A] | 12 hours | spider mites | |
cyfluthrin (Decathlon/Tempo) | Pyrethroid | Sodium channel blocker [3] | 12 hours | aphids, caterpillars, fungus gnat adults, mealybugs, scales, thrips, whiteflies | |
cyromazine (Citation) | Triazine (insect growth regulator) | Chitin synthesis inhibitor [17] | 12 hours | fungus gnat larvae, shore fly larvae, leafminers | |
diflubenzuron (Adept) | Benzoylurea (insect growth regulator) | Chitin synthesis inhibitor [15] | 12 hours | fungus gnat and shore fly larvae | |
dinotefuran (Safari) | Neonicotinoid | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor disruptor [4A] | 12 hours | aphids, whiteflies, scales, leafminers, thrips, leafhoppers, mealybugs | |
etoxazole (TetraSan) | Diphenyloxizoline derivative (mite growth regulator) | Chitin synthesis inhibitor [10B] | 12 hours | spider mites | |
fenbutatin-oxide (ProMite) | Organotin | Oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor [12B] | 48 hours | spider mites | |
fenoxycarb (Preclude) | Carbamate (insect growth regulator) | Juvenile hormone mimic [7B] | 12 hours | aphids, caterpillars, leafminers, mealybugs, scales, thrips, whiteflies | |
fenpropathrin (Tame) | Pyrethroid | Sodium channel blocker [3] | 24 hours | caterpillars, fungus gnat adults, mealybugs, whiteflies | |
fenpyroximate (Akari) | Phenoxypyrazole | Mitochondria electron transport inhibitor [21] | 12 hours | spider mites | |
flonicamid (Aria) | Trifluoromethylnicotinamide | Selective feeding blocker [9C] | 12 hours | aphids, thrips, whiteflies | |
fluvalinate (Mavrik) | Pyrethroid | Sodium channel blocker [3] | 12 hours | aphids, fungus gnat adults, thrips, leafhoppers, caterpillars, plant bugs, whiteflies | |
hexythiazox (Hexygon) | Carboxamide | Growth and embryogenesis inhibitor [10A] | 12 hours | spider mites | |
imidacloprid (Marathon/Merit) | Neonicotinoid | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor disruptor [4A] | 12 hours | aphids, whiteflies, scales, mealybugs | Admire, Benefit, Mantra |
kinoprene (Enstar II) | Insect growth regulator | Juvenile hormone mimic [7A] | 4 hours | aphids, fungus gnat larvae, mealybugs, scales, thrips, whiteflies | |
methiocarb (Mesurol) | Carbamate | Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor [1A] | 24 hours | aphids, thrips, snails/slugs | |
milbemectin (Ultiflora) | Macrocyclic lactone | Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) chloride channel activator [6] | 12 hours | spider mites | |
novaluron (Pedestal) | Benzoylurea (insect growth regulator) | Chitin synthesis inhibitor [15] | 12 hours | thrips, whiteflies, caterpillars, leafminers | |
paraffinic oil (Ultra-Fine Oil) | Refined petroleum distillate | Suffocation or membrane disruptor | 4 hours | aphids, mealybugs, scales, spider mites, whiteflies | |
petroleum oil (PureSpray Green) | Refined petroleum distillate | Suffocation or membrane disruptor | 4 hours | aphids, mealybugs, scales, spider mites, whiteflies | |
potassium salts of fatty acids (insecticidal soap/M-Pede) | Insecticidal soap | Desiccation or membrane disruptor | 12 hours | aphids, caterpillars, fungus gnat adults, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scales, spider mites, whiteflies | |
pymetrozine (Endeavor) | Pyridine (Azomethine) | Selective feeding blocker [9B] | 12 hours | aphids and whiteflies | |
pyridaben (Sanmite) | Pyridazinone | Mitochondria electron transport inhibitor [21] | 12 hours | spider mites and whiteflies | |
pyriproxyfen (Distance) | Pyridine (insect growth regulator) | Juvenile hormone mimic [7C] | 12 hours | fungus gnat and shore fly larvae, scales, whiteflies | |
pyrethrin (Pyganic) | Botanical | Sodium channel blocker [3] | 12 hours | aphids, caterpillars, beetles, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies | Pyreth-It and Pyrethrum |
pyrethrin and silicon dioxide (Diatect V) | Botanical | Central nervous system disruptor and desiccant [3] | 12 hours | aphids, caterpillars, whiteflies | |
spinosad (Conserve/Entrust) | Spinosyn | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist [5] | 4 hours | caterpillars, thrips, leafminers | |
spiromesifen (Judo) | Tetronic acid | Lipid biosynthesis inhibitor [23] | 12 hours | spider mites, broad mite, whiteflies | |
Steinernema feltiae (Nemasys) | Biological control (entomopathogenic nematode) | Penetrant through insect cuticle and degrades internal contents | 0 hours | fungus gnat larvae | NemaShield, Scanmask, Entonem |
thiamethoxam (Flagship) | Neonicotinoid | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor disruptor [4A] | 12 hours | aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, scales |
Common name or active ingredient (Trade name) | Class | Mode of action | Reentry interval | Labeled pests |
azadirachtin (Azatrol/Neemix) | Botanical (insect growth regulator) | Ecdysone antagonist [18B] | 4/12 hours | aphids, fungus gnat larvae, thrips, whiteflies, caterpillars |
Bacillus thuringiensis spp. israelensis (Gnatrol) | Microbial | Midgut membrane disruptor [11A1] | 4 hours | fungus gnat larvae |
Bacillus thuringiensis spp. kurstaki (Dipel) | Microbial | Midgut membrane disruptor [11B2] | 4 hours | caterpillars |
clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil (Triact) | Botanical | Suffocation or membrane disruptor | 12 hours | aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, scales |
horticultural oils: petroleum oils (PureSpray Green), plant-based oils (GC-Mite/Golden Pest Spray Oil), fish-based oils (Organocide) | Refined petroleum distillate and botanical | Suffocation or membrane disruptor (some products have multiple modes of action; refer to label). | 4 hours | aphids, mealybugs, scales, spider mites, whiteflies |
kaolin clay (Surround) | Protectant | Multiple modes of action (refer to label) | 4 hours | caterpillars, beetles, tarnished plant bug, stink bug, thrips |
potassium salts of fatty acids (insecticidal soap/M-Pede) | Insecticidal soap | Desiccation or membrane disruptor | 12 hours | aphids, caterpillars, fungus gnat adults, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scales, spider mites, whiteflies |
pyrethrin (Pyganic) | Botanical | Sodium channel blocker [3] | 12 hours | aphids, caterpillars, beetles, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies |
spinosad (Entrust) | Spinosyn | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist and GABA chloride channel activator [5] | 4 hours | caterpillars, thrips, leafminers |
Pest | Common name | Trade name |
aphids | acephate | Orthene/Precise |
acetamiprid | TriStar | |
azadirachtin | Azatin/Ornazin | |
Beauveria bassiana | BotaniGard | |
bifenthrin | Talstar/Attain | |
chlorpyrifos | Duraguard | |
cyfluthrin | Decathalon/Tempo | |
dinotefuran | Safari | |
fenoxycarb | Preclude | |
fenpropathrin | Tame | |
flonicamid | Aria | |
fluvalinate | Mavrik | |
imidacloprid | Marathon/Merit | |
kinoprene | Enstar II | |
methiocarb | Mesurol | |
neem oil extract | Triact | |
paraffinic oil | Ultra-Fine oil | |
petroleum oil | PureSpray Green | |
potassium salts of fatty acids | Insecticidal soap/M-Pede | |
pymetrozine | Endeavor | |
pyrethrin | Pyganic | |
pyrethrin and silicon dioxide | Diatect V | |
thiamethoxam | Flagship | |
beetles | pyrethrin | Pyganic |
caterpillars | azadirachtin | Azatin/Ornazin |
Bt spp. kurstaki | Dipel | |
bifenthrin | Talstar/Attain | |
cyfluthrin | Decathalon/Tempo | |
fenoxycarb | Preclude | |
fenpropathrin | Tame | |
fenpyroximate | Akari | |
fluvalinate | Mavrik | |
novaluron | Pedestal | |
potassium salts of fatty acids | Insecticidal soap/M-Pede | |
pyrethrin | Pyganic | |
pyrethrin and silicon dioxide | Diatect V | |
spinosad | Conserve/Entrust | |
fungus gnat | ||
adult | bifenthrin | Talstar/Attain |
cyfluthrin | Decathalon/Tempo | |
fenpropathrin | Tame | |
fluvalinate | Mavrik | |
potassium salts of fatty acids | Insecticidal soap/M-Pede | |
larvae | azadirachtin | Azatin/Ornazin |
Bt spp. israelensis | Gnatrol | |
chlorfenapyr | Pylon | |
chlorpyrifos | Duragard | |
cyromazine | Citation | |
diflubenzuron | Adept | |
kinoprene | Enstar II | |
pyriproxyfen | Distance | |
Steinernema feltiae | Nemasys | |
leaf hoppers | bifenthrin | Talstar/Attain |
buprofezin | Talus | |
chlorpyrifos | Duraguard | |
dinotefuran | Safari | |
fluvalinate | Mavrik | |
potassium salts of fatty acids | Insecticidal soap/M-Pede | |
leaf miners | abamectin | Avid |
cyromazine | Citation | |
dinotefuran | Safari | |
fenoxycarb | Preclude | |
spinosad | Conserve/Entrust | |
mealybugs | acephate | Orthene/Precise |
acetamiprid | TriStar | |
Beauveria bassiana | BotaniGard | |
bifenthrin | Talstar/Attain | |
chlorpyrifos | Duraguard | |
cyfluthrin | Decathalon/Tempo | |
fenoxycarb | Preclude | |
fenpropathrin | Tame | |
imidacloprid | Marathon/Merit | |
kinoprene | Enstar II | |
paraffinic oil | Ultra-Fine oil | |
petroleum oil | PureSpray Green | |
potassium salts of fatty acids | Insecticidal soap/M-Pede | |
pyrethrin | Pyganic | |
thiamethoxam | Flagship | |
mites | ||
broad mite | chlorfenapyr | Pylon |
spiromesifen | Judo | |
cyclamen mite | chlorfenapyr | Pylon |
spider mite | abamectin | Avid |
acequinocyl | Shuttle | |
bifenazate | Floramite | |
chlorfenapyr | Pylon | |
clofentezine | Ovation | |
etoxazole | TetraSan | |
fenbutatin-oxide | ProMite | |
fenpyroximate | Akari | |
hexythiazox | Hexagon | |
milbemectin | Ultraflora | |
neem oil extract | Triact | |
paraffinic oil | Ultra-Fine oil | |
petroleum oil | PureSpray Green | |
potassium salts of fatty acids | Insecticidal soap/M-Pede | |
pyridaben | Sanmite | |
spiromesifen | Judo | |
plant bugs | bifenthrin | Talstar/Attain |
fluvalinate | Mavrik | |
scales | acephate | Orthene/Precise |
acetamiprid | TriStar | |
bifenthrin | Talstar/Attain | |
neem oil extract | Triact | |
cyfluthrin | Decathalon/Tempo | |
fenoxycarb | Preclude | |
imidacloprid | Marathon/Merit | |
kinoprene | Enstar II | |
paraffinic oil | Ultra-Fine oil | |
petroleum oil | PureSpray Green | |
potassium salts of fatty acids | Insecticidal soap/M-Pede | |
pyriproxfen | Distance | |
thiamethoxam | Flagship | |
shore fly larvae | cyromazine | Citation |
diflubenzuron | Adept | |
pyriproxfen | Distance | |
slugs/snails | methiocarb | Mesurol |
thrips | abamectin | Avid |
acephate | Orthene/Precise | |
azadirachtin | Azatin/Ornazin | |
bifenthrin | Talstar/Attain | |
chlorfenapyr | Pylon | |
chlorpyrifos | Duraguard | |
cyfluthrin | Decathalon/Tempo | |
fenoxycarb | Preclude | |
flonicamid | Aria | |
fluvalinate | Mavrik | |
kinoprene | Enstar II | |
methiocarb | Mesurol | |
novaluron | Pedestal | |
pyrethrin | Pyganic | |
spinosad | Conserve/Entrust | |
whiteflies | acephate | Orthene/Precise |
acetamiprid | TriStar | |
azadirachtin | Azatin/Ornazin | |
Beauveria bassiana | BotaniGard | |
bifenthrin | Talstar/Attain | |
neem oil extract | Triact | |
cyfluthrin | Decathalon/Tempo | |
fenoxycarb | Preclude | |
fenpropathrin | Tame | |
flonicamid | Aria | |
fluvalinate | Mavrik | |
imidacloprid | Marathon/Merit | |
kinoprene | Enstar II | |
novaluron | Pedestal | |
paraffinic oil | Ultra-Fine oil | |
petroleum oil | PureSpray Green | |
potassium salts of fatty acids | Insecticidal soap/M-Pede | |
pymetrozine | Endeavor | |
pyridaben | Sanmite | |
pyriproxfen | Distance | |
pyrethrin | Pyganic | |
pyrethrin and silicon dioxide | Diatect V | |
spiromesifen | Judo | |
thiamethoxam | Flagship |
number 1 this should be a sticky!
and 2.. acespicoli should be the only one to add to this thread. or
a offshoot thread where questions can be asked based on this thread should be made so it doesnt get clouded by questions. (yes, even like this post) or
a mod come in and clear up posts inbetween aces posts. move them later down. or reserve the first pages for ace only.
I have been reading cannabis related disease articles, studies and or scholarly articles for a long time, an this is by far one of the best consolidated Threads i have EVER SEEN.
In the link below there is a bunch of good articles from the university of ct hemp program
Resources | CAHNR Cannabis Programs
Hemp Growers Meeting at Tolland County Extension CenterPresentations from June 26, 2019 Growing Hemp in Controlled Environment, Shelley Durocher-Nesta Growi
Thank you acespicoli....![]()