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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member

Ahha. No wonder these boomers struggle with facts. Even their own goddess Maddow admits ‘literally’ actually means figuratively and her viewers are too stupid to understand literally is merely hyperbolic baseless opinion... what a timeline



Active member
Hello all,

In case you missed it:

Banks Must Provide Trump's Financial Records To Congress, Federal Appeals Court Rules.



Judge denies DOJ request for stay on Don McGahn testimony
The case, centering on testimony tied to impeachment efforts, is already on temporary hold while it works its way toward an appeal.


buahahahahahaha, conald is not gonna like that...



Active member
Hello all,

Oh no....

Report: Barr attorney can't provide evidence Trump was set up by DOJ.


What is this going to do for the "shock the conscience" of every American IG report?

well, the trumphumpers have always got Hillary's emails ay? buahahahahahaha


addendum: Now, both Horowitz and Durham have said there is no there there, whats barr going to say now?....he phuqued for credibility

further...will hannity speak abot this tonight or perhaps his show will be about how illegal migrants have defeated the 30 foot wall with sawzalls and rope ladders? or will he bail and have chafetz(sp) or the hack jarrart do the show tonight? soon


Active member
TV being the premiere counter insurgency tool of it's time.

Of course it is... look at all the deranged MSM sheep still believing a duly elected president will be impeached after 3 years of being jerked off with the promised reach around coming soon


Active member
Hello all,

Yup, any day now a boomeranging, shock the conscience of America avalanche that will sweep up Obama, Comey, Mccabe, strzok, page and et. al.

It will be glorious and then you will see that tRump was right. The deep state will collapse and laid bare for all to see.


Why so quiet? Where are all the trumphumpers?



Active member
Hello all,

The resident Faux hack, gregg jarret seems to be tripping over himself trying to reconcile his book called the witch hunt with the ig reprt and durham's finding that all is on the up and up and that there was no deep state conspiracy.

Buahahahahaha, still crickets.



Active member
Hello all,

Ooooooh, it'ds goona be here on Monday, it's gonna "SHOCK THE CONSCIENCE" of every murican.

Oh but wait, if you order now, we will double the offer for a separate fee. You will get the IG report plus the Durham report. Order now using promo code "tRumphumper". Order Today.



White Beard

Active member
There is no shame in recognizing proof that you’ve been wrong.
There is no shame in acknowledging that you’ve been wrong.

There is shame in perpetuating lies and the harm they do to save your own ‘face’.
There is shame in putting your nation and your countrymen/women at risk to do so.


Active member
Hello all,

Conald is up to his nose in it it would seem.

Trump heads to court in fight over emoluments.


In addition, there is the monies that conald skims off the top with his constant visits to his golf clubs.

But its ok cause orange jesus donates his paycheck to the US government.

So, one would be right to wonder what else he is cashing in on....hotels in Turkey...businesses in Saudi Arabia?

While I am on it...funny how coald is all about how the king of SA is all broke up and concerned about the Pensacola shootings....well, he did get a sword dance and all, so there's that.




Active member
There is deep shame in a citizen of the United states of America not acknowledging a duly elected president an unifying behind this choice for the respect of the process and office itself If nothing else...part of what makes America the strongest and longest lasting democracies in the world...
I've been a proud American since I was born....thru thick and thin,with Democrat or Republican leadership
We have always muddled thru and attempted to at least unify to some degree...but if the desire of the people is to blow er up...so be it...let's blow it up..just remember...when we go rogue...its every man for himself...anarchy is cruel and heartless for the meek
And once initiated,impossible to recoup...

Capra ibex

There is deep shame in a citizen of the United states of America not acknowledging a duly elected president an unifying behind this choice for the respect of the process and office itself If nothing else...part of what makes America the strongest and longest lasting democracies in the world...
I've been a proud American since I was born....thru thick and thin,with Democrat or Republican leadership
We have always muddled thru and attempted to at least unify to some degree...but if the desire of the people is to blow er up...so be it...let's blow it up..just remember...when we go rogue...its every man for himself...anarchy is cruel and heartless for the meek
And once initiated,impossible to recoup...

I *suspect* that most people, once Trump was elected, even though concerned, crossed their fingers and hoped he would try to rise to the occasion and put his ego and constant lying to the side, but as soon as he had the press conference at the (FBI? can't remember exactly) and all he could talk about was himself- facepalm's ensued.

So people think 'give it a little more time' but he keeps doing the same rubbish over and OVER again, and even gets emboldened and worse.

Who is going rogue? Nobody tried to overthrow anything. If Trump were impeached and removed Pence and republicans would still be in power.


Active member
There is deep shame in a citizen of the United states of America not acknowledging a duly elected president an unifying behind this choice for the respect of the process and office itself If nothing else...part of what makes America the strongest and longest lasting democracies in the world...
I've been a proud American since I was born....thru thick and thin,with Democrat or Republican leadership
We have always muddled thru and attempted to at least unify to some degree...but if the desire of the people is to blow er up...so be it...let's blow it up..just remember...when we go rogue...its every man for himself...anarchy is cruel and heartless for the meek
And once initiated,impossible to recoup...

Hello all,

If we must have an enemy at the head of Government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible, who will not involve our party in the disgrace of his foolish and bad measures.

tRump disrespects the office, the constitution, the rule of law and the people for whom he represents....So there is that. I do however agree with your premise, with this potus however, he himself has conceded all due respect to his buffoonery and blatant lies.




Well-known member
Large catches of CIA documents which had long been scheduled for release, have been delayed by the at the behest of this administration.
Same thing happens with each new incoming administration, however this one was
considerably more accommodating to the wishes of agency in terms of volume than previous administrations.
Long been said our capital is a place where little happens by accident.

White Beard

Active member
There is deep shame in a citizen of the United states of America not acknowledging a duly elected president an unifying behind this choice for the respect of the process and office itself If nothing else...part of what makes America the strongest and longest lasting democracies in the world...
I recall very clearly the shame I felt at the way the Republican Party lined up behind the obstruction of Obama and the failure of his presidency. Somehow I doubt that you’re talking about the deep shame YOU felt over not being able to support THAT President.

Which makes the rest of this poseur bullshit:

I've been a proud American since I was born....thru thick and thin,with Democrat or Republican leadership
We have always muddled thru and attempted to at least unify to some degree...but if the desire of the people is to blow er up...so be it...let's blow it up..just remember...when we go rogue...its every man for himself...anarchy is cruel and heartless for the meek
And once initiated,impossible to recoup...
I doubt you’re an American of the USA variety, and I very much doubt you’ve “always been proud”. I think you very much *want* anarchy. I think you think you are the sort of ruthless tough-guy who could ‘do just fine’ feeding off the low-hanging foolish. (The veiled threats are all over the net, in case you’ve been too busy dropping them to notice).

“Anarchy is cruel and heartless for the meek” you say - but it won’t be much better for the stupid - who could find themselves taken out ‘just in case’. Anarchy, they say, is cruel....


Well-known member
There is deep shame in a citizen of the United states of America not acknowledging a duly elected president an unifying behind this choice for the respect of the process and office itself If nothing else...part of what makes America the strongest and longest lasting democracies in the world...
I've been a proud American since I was born....thru thick and thin,with Democrat or Republican leadership
We have always muddled thru and attempted to at least unify to some degree...but if the desire of the people is to blow er up...so be it...let's blow it up..just remember...when we go rogue...its every man for himself...anarchy is cruel and heartless for the meek
And once initiated,impossible to recoup...

I find it a deep shame. That a person that show no respect for anything, is a pathological liar, sleeps with whores, refuses aid to the needy, denies proven science and really is not even a likeable person could be considered for president and that our society has such a narcissist need to keep all things American regardless of how wasteful, harmful or stupid it is. That the vote in a lying shithead who claims to fight for them while giving blowjobs to the ultra rich and russia.

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