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Deep State: Exposed


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The Right Curriculum? How PragerU Infiltrates Schools.

"Through its huge ad campaigns on Facebook and YouTube, PragerU has made itself known to Generation Z. Most parents, though, have never heard of it. Founded in 2009 by talk radio host Dennis Prager, PragerU is a nonprofit organization turned conservative media powerhouse. Known for its exceptionally slick content and conservative videos for young people, it’s grown exponentially in the last few years, operating on a $25 million budget in 2020 with a $35 million goal for 2021. The nonprofit is primarily concerned with producing polished content, capturing new clicks and viewers through its quick turnaround. And originally, it was all made possible through big financial backers, like fracking barons Farris and Dan Wilks.

Five-minute videos are PragerU’s bread and butter. With over 4.8 billion total views, the videos often go viral and have titles like “Just Say ‘Merry Christmas’” and “The Myth of Voter Suppression.” “It’s slick, it’s cute, it has amazing graphics, and their narrators are diverse,” said Ashley Woodson, the head of Freedom School, an educational program for the Abolitionist Teaching Network.

On Twitter and Reddit, dozens of students are saying that their teachers are assigning the right-wing content, especially in required history, government, and economics classes. What was reported as a single instance of the videos being assigned as extra credit in an Ohio public-school district last October only scratched the surface of a much bigger phenomenon. According to the students I spoke to, PragerU’s content has been in public schools for years."


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Upcoming PBS Documentary airing 4/13/2021 - American Insurrection


"Over the last three years, FRONTLINE has collaborated with ProPublica to investigate the rise of extremism in America. In the aftermath of the assault on the U.S. Capitol, FRONTLINE and ProPublica team up again to examine how far-right groups were emboldened and encouraged by former President Trump and how individuals were radicalized and brought into the political landscape."


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Gaetz ‘Extortion’ Figure's Levinson Obsession

Former USAF Intel officer Bob Kent raised $250,000 from 'ex-CIA' circles in aborted rescue plan years before approaching Trump Republican's father
The mystery man at the center of Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz’s charges that he was the target of an extortion scheme to make sex trafficking charges go away is a former U.S. Air Force intelligence officer with business interests in the Middle East who has been obsessed for years with rescuing former FBI agent Robert Levinson from Iran.

U.S. intelligence concluded years ago that Levinson, an FBI organized crime expert who disappeared in March 2007 during a covert CIA mission on Iran’s Kish Island, had died in custody, either in Iran or in the hands of Islamic militants. Levinson’s family accepted that finding last year.

But Bob Kent, an Air Force “special tactics/intelligence officer” from 2000 to 2007, according to his LinkedIn profile, remained undeterred. He never believed Levinson was dead and in 2018 began assembling a network of Iranian exile sources in Iraq, where he’s been involved in the oil business, to gather information on Levinson’s whereabouts and medical condition. Kent had also been an intelligence contractor with the U.S. government in Afghanistan.

His sources had contacts inside Iran’s security organs, Kent told me three years ago when I was preparing a story for Newsweek on his and other private efforts to rescue Levinson. He showed me interor ministry and other security agency documents he’d obtained, which upon expert examination turned out to be a mix of clumsy fabrications and authentic papers of unconfirmed provenance. He now claims to have “proof of life” videos that the FBI says are “inconclusive.”

Shady money trees

Back in 2018 he and his associates told me that men “with CIA connections" had offered to pay his Iranian helpers $100,000 for a proof-of-life package, including fingerprints and a blood sample and what he and Kent’s associates claimed was a recent, 41-second video clip of Levinson. "Another $150,000" would be needed "for the rescue," Kent told me. But just as he was preparing to leave for the Middle East on Dec. 10, 2018, with $250,000 cash in hand for payoffs, he said, the federal government short-circuited the caper over sanctions issues related to Iran
"I received a phone call informing me that the funding was withdrawn because the State Department and/or FBI threatened my sponsors" with prosecution, Kent told me.​

Three years later, according to reports this week, Kent went looking for funding for another Levinson rescue mission, this time from Matt Gaetz’s father, a wealthy Florida businessman. According to copies of messages obtained by the conservative Washington Examiner newspaper, Kent told Don Gaetz that he could make his son’s “future legal and political problems go away” if he backed a rescue plan that would end up wrapping his son in wreaths of glory. Kent allegedly told the elder Gaetz that he would give his congressman son “credit for the operation” and help arrange “a presidential pardon for unnamed legal issues” if he put up $25 million for the operation, according to the newspaper.

“Our strategy for Congressman Gaetz to mitigate his legal, and political, troubles would be for him, or someone else, to arrange for the funds required to obtain the immediate release of Robert Levinson from captivity in Iran,” the proposal said. “. . . In exchange for the funds being arranged, and upon release of Robert Levinson, Congressman Gaetz shall be given credit for facilitating the release of Mr. Levinson.”
Matt Gaetz, an ardent Trump Republican, is being investigated by the Justice Department over “whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl and paid for her to travel with him,” the New York Times reported Tuesday, citing three people briefed on the matter. The congressman has vehemently denied the accusation and said he’s been caught up in a $25 million shakedown for the Levinson rescue.

Don Gaetz says he met on March 17 with Kent, who gave him a three-page document outlining the “Project Homecoming” rescue plan, according to the Examiner. Kent asked in the document that the $25 million “loan” be deposited in the trust account of the Beggs & Land law firm, in the care of partner David L. McGee, a former federal prosecutor who has represented the Levinson family.

Matt Gaetz went on TV Tuesday night to name McGee as part of the alleged “extortion” plot.

McGee responded in the Daily Beast “that any claims that he or his law firm were involved in extortion are "completely, totally false," adding, “This is a blatant attempt to distract from the fact that Matt Gaetz is apparently about to be indicted for sex trafficking underage girls.”

Unlikely suspect

Karl Milligan, a former senior intelligence detective with the Prince Georges, Md., police department, who has worked with McGee on the Levinson case as well as several other investigations, told SpyTalk the accusations against McGee didn’t make any sense.
“We have worked on numerous international projects together and I’ve never seen him cross the line,” Milligan said of McGee in a phone interview.

“David McGee is the most honest professional I’ve ever worked with. I would be shocked if the allegations are true.”​

SpyTalk reached out to Kent for comment Wednesday. He said he would not make any public comment on the allegations at the present time.



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Can’t Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of the Modern World is a six-part series by Adam Curtis that explores how modern society has arrived to the strange place it is today. The series traverses themes of love, power, money, corruption, the ghosts of empire, the history of China, opium and opioids, the strange roots of modern conspiracy theories, and the history of Artificial Intelligence and surveillance. The series deals with the rise of individualism and populism throughout history, and the failures of a wide range of resistance movements throughout time and various countries, pointing to how revolution has been subsumed in various ways by spectacle and culture, because of the way power has been forgotten or given away.

Part 1 — Bloodshed on Wolf Mountain

We are living through strange days. Across Britain, Europe, and America, societies have become split and polarised. There is anger at the inequality and the ever growing corruption—and a widespread distrust of the elites. Into this has come the pandemic that has brutally dramatised those divisions. But despite the chaos, there is a paralysis—a sense that no one knows how to escape from this. Can’t Get You Out of My Head tells how we got to this place. And why both those in power—and we—find it so difficult to move on. At its heart is the strange story of what happened when people’s inner feelings got mixed up with power in the age of individualism. How the hopes and dreams and uncertainties inside people’s minds met the decaying forces of old power in Britain, America, Russia, and China. What resulted was a block not just in the society, but also inside our own heads, that stops us imagining anything else than this.

Part 2 — Shooting and F**king are the Same Thing

This next part traverses the story of what tore the revolutions in the 1960s apart. Jiang Qing in China, Michael X in London, Afeni Shakur in New York believed that millions of people’s minds were haunted by the corruption and the violence of the past. They wanted to show people how to escape those ghosts. But they hadn’t reckoned with the fact that the old structures of power still haunted their minds too. They too had been scarred by the past, and some of them wanted violent revenge. While psychologists and neuroscientists were starting to discover what they said were hidden forces inside the human brain that really controlled what they did. But the people weren’t aware.

Part 3 — Money Changes Everything

This is the story of how in the 1970s, those in power set out to create a world free of the dangerous big ideas of the past. They banished the grand dreams of changing the world. And replaced them with money. People would live from now on in their own heads—in their own dreams. And the banks would lend them the money to create those dreams. While China would supply a wave of cheap consumer goods on a scale never seen before in the world. But then money broke free across the world. And people started to get frightened that things were out of control. Not just money—but the world’s climate too seemed to be behaving in a strange, unpredictable way. The systems seemed to have a life of their own. Beyond the ability of anyone to shape and predict.

Part 4 — But What If the People Are Stupid?

No one trusted politics or politicians any longer. Instead we were all one world of free individuals. And we could intervene to save other individuals around the world without bothering with old politics and power. And people became what they as individuals truly were—emotionally and sexually. But power was mutating and finding ways to work its way back into our heads. The politicians realised that they no longer had the support or the trust of the people. So they switched sides and gave up being our representatives who would challenge the powerful on our behalf. Instead they began to tell us what to do on behalf of the powerful. And they made new alliances—with the psychologists who said that human beings were irrational and needed to be managed. But we didn’t notice because we were too busy shopping.

Part 5 — The Lordly Ones

It wasn’t just the Slave Trade: 150 years ago Britain had wrecked China by forcing opium on the country. It made Britain the richest and most powerful country in the world. But it enslaved the minds of millions of the Chinese and helped destroy the society. But then the British got frightened of what they had done and created a dream image of a Britain that had never existed, to hide from the fear. This film tells the story of how from the end of the 19th century a magical vision of Britain’s feudal past was created by artists and writers. How folk music and folk dancing was invented to create a kind of safe dream of the nation that could hide the violence and the horrors. The dream persisted under the surface of the 20th century. But as the fears and uncertainties and the chaos of the last few years rose up millions of people started to believe that dream: that it was real.

Part 6 — Are We Pigeon? Or Are We Dancer?

The final episode tells how the strange paralysis that grips us today was created. How all the different forces of our age—that started out as separate have come together to create what is a block against imagining another kind of future than this. How, money and debt, melancholy over the loss of empire, the strange roots of modern conspiracy theories, the history of China, opium and opioids, Artificial Intelligence, and love and power have all fed into creating the present time of anxiety and fearfulness about the future. And whether modern culture, despite its radicalism, is really also part of the rigid system—in the West and in Russia and China—where those in power have run out of all ideas. The film also lays out what are the different possible roads from here into the future, and the choices we will have to make about the very different futures we will have to choose very soon.



Active member
Hello all,

It is always best just before the first tear comes....BUAHAHAHAHAHA

You are entertaining



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.

I'm continuing to wait patiently for the "provable" part of the massive errors and fraud. Are the DHS watermarked ballots part of the provability?
Carry on, Counselor.

congress R ups on the same ballot

stupid is as stupid does


Active member
Hello all,

Just a friendly reminder that lawyers cost lots of money and the donald need your help(money)...Do not forget to donate..buahahahahaa



Active member
Psaki argued the Biden administration has been engaged on Haitian matters, pointing to $75 million in humanitarian and development assistance announced in January, among other steps. And she said the U.S. would be sending COVID-19 vaccines to Haiti "as early as next week

among other steps? Assasination?......
Send lawyers ,guns ,and money....oh and make sure everyone gets vaxxed



Pentagon Identifies 7 Suspects in Moise Killing Who Received US Military Training | Voice of America - English https://www.voanews.com/americas/pe...ise-killing-who-received-us-military-training

oh what we trained the assassins? some were informants for the dea? nah man, we are not responsible. just cause we trained the assassins to assassinate people, doesn't mean we are responsible when they use that training to assassinate the president of haiti. really lame American diplomatic foreign policy logic fail.


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Tucker Carlson & Viktor Orbán Plan Our Fascist Future

Ruth Ben-Ghiat

"You Should Know What's Happening Here in Hungary," read the Fox News chyron as Tucker Carlson kicked off a week of broadcasts from Budapest. Earlier that day, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had posted a photograph on his Facebook page of himself and Carlson deep in conversation, and Carlson did the same on Twitter. Carlson's a star attraction at MCC Feszt, a conference associated with the government-funded Mathias Corvinus Collegium, which aims to train a future right-wing elite.

The pompous title of Carlson's speech, "The World According to Tucker Carlson," may seem laughable, but there's nothing funny about this encounter. Carlson's world aligns to an alarming degree with that of Orbán, a wily political operative who claims Hungary is an "illiberal democracy" but as of 2020 rules by decree.

Orbán's embrace of ethno-nationalism ("Hungary for the Hungarians”) anti-Semitism (anchored in his obsession with destroying his former friend George Soros) and defense of “Christendom” and white European heritage have made him a beacon of the far right, and Budapest into a hub for a new generation of extremists. So have his "pro-family," and anti-LBGTQ+ policies. In 2018 he banned gender studies from higher education and in 2020 ended the legal recognition of transgender and intersex people.

All of these political positions are likely familiar to viewers of Carlson's show, as is the anchor's praise for Orbán. "Should we follow Hungary's example?" he asked his audience in 2019, lauding the country's pro-natalist policies in the wake of Orbán's visit with former president Donald Trump.
While Tucker's own political ambitions remain unclear, he may be the newest partner of the Hungarian leader, who has mentored right-wing political stars such as Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Italy’s Matteo Salvini, head of the racist League party.

The goal of these alliances has always been to mainstream far-right values. In 2018 Kurz met with Orbán and called for an “axis of the willing” against illegal migration among Hungary, Italy, and Austria (all Fascist or collaborationist states during World War II). Salvini and Orbán, together with right-wing Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, formed a new European Parliamentary group to foster a "European Renaissance based on Christian values" and "make Europe great again."

Orbán has arguably been among the most successful sitting leaders at creating an electoral autocracy - the 21st century way of being a strongman that entails keeping a veneer of democracy going while turning elections into sham events, taking judicial and press freedoms away, and suffocating society slowly. As Kim Lane Scheppele Lane writes, "the new autocrats come to power not with bullets but with laws," and "know how to game the system," rigging elections in technical ways, including threatening voting officials or harassing them with expensive legal proceedings.

This is where the GOP is heading, accelerating the agenda of the Trump presidency to undo our democratic freedoms and institutions. As I observed in 2019 on the occasion of Orbán's White House visit, the goal of the Trump presidency was also to align America with the global right.



Well-known member
Tucker Carlson & Viktor Orbán Plan Our Fascist Future

Ruth Ben-Ghiat

"You Should Know What's Happening Here in Hungary," read the Fox News chyron as Tucker Carlson kicked off a week of broadcasts from Budapest. Earlier that day, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had posted a photograph on his Facebook page of himself and Carlson deep in conversation, and Carlson did the same on Twitter. Carlson's a star attraction at MCC Feszt, a conference associated with the government-funded Mathias Corvinus Collegium, which aims to train a future right-wing elite.

The pompous title of Carlson's speech, "The World According to Tucker Carlson," may seem laughable, but there's nothing funny about this encounter. Carlson's world aligns to an alarming degree with that of Orbán, a wily political operative who claims Hungary is an "illiberal democracy" but as of 2020 rules by decree.

Orbán's embrace of ethno-nationalism ("Hungary for the Hungarians”) anti-Semitism (anchored in his obsession with destroying his former friend George Soros) and defense of “Christendom” and white European heritage have made him a beacon of the far right, and Budapest into a hub for a new generation of extremists. So have his "pro-family," and anti-LBGTQ+ policies. In 2018 he banned gender studies from higher education and in 2020 ended the legal recognition of transgender and intersex people.

All of these political positions are likely familiar to viewers of Carlson's show, as is the anchor's praise for Orbán. "Should we follow Hungary's example?" he asked his audience in 2019, lauding the country's pro-natalist policies in the wake of Orbán's visit with former president Donald Trump.
While Tucker's own political ambitions remain unclear, he may be the newest partner of the Hungarian leader, who has mentored right-wing political stars such as Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Italy’s Matteo Salvini, head of the racist League party.

The goal of these alliances has always been to mainstream far-right values. In 2018 Kurz met with Orbán and called for an “axis of the willing” against illegal migration among Hungary, Italy, and Austria (all Fascist or collaborationist states during World War II). Salvini and Orbán, together with right-wing Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, formed a new European Parliamentary group to foster a "European Renaissance based on Christian values" and "make Europe great again."

Orbán has arguably been among the most successful sitting leaders at creating an electoral autocracy - the 21st century way of being a strongman that entails keeping a veneer of democracy going while turning elections into sham events, taking judicial and press freedoms away, and suffocating society slowly. As Kim Lane Scheppele Lane writes, "the new autocrats come to power not with bullets but with laws," and "know how to game the system," rigging elections in technical ways, including threatening voting officials or harassing them with expensive legal proceedings.

This is where the GOP is heading, accelerating the agenda of the Trump presidency to undo our democratic freedoms and institutions. As I observed in 2019 on the occasion of Orbán's White House visit, the goal of the Trump presidency was also to align America with the global right.


Tucker just chillin with fascists meanwhile Boogie will still be asking "how are Tucker and the far right fascist?!?"