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Deep State: Exposed

knucklehead bob

Find the treasure on Oak Island yet?

Calvin-Hobbes-calvin-and-hobbes-23762778-1280-800-e1417821587253.jpg Calvin-Hobbes-calvin-and-hobbes-23762778-1280-800-e1417821587253.jpg Calvin-Hobbes-calvin-and-hobbes-23762778-1280-800-e1417821587253.jpg

What ???????? More Fairy Tales ??????? :woohoo:

Please tell us more about how there is no connection with the Bush Crime Family & 3rd Reich NAZI Germany & death camps & slave labor .

You may want to use your thinking cap 283700_513325458715016_691412665_n.jpg

Because there's no real connection at all . Don't you remember saying it was all PROPAGANDA ?


knucklehead bob

You’re drinking kool-aide

View attachment 532857 View attachment 532857 View attachment 532857

What ???????? More Fairy Tales ??????? :woohoo:

Please tell us more about how there is no connection with the Bush Crime Family & 3rd Reich NAZI Germany & death camps & slave labor .

You may want to use your thinking cap View attachment 532858

Because there's no real connection at all . Don't you remember saying it was all PROPAGANDA ?


Still waiting



Well-known member
Listening to the this weeks episode of the Ralph Nader Radio Hour.

Former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman is the guest.

Text book illustration of deckstacking.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
View attachment 532852 View attachment 532852 View attachment 532852

No NAZI connection at all View attachment 532852

1934: The Plot Against America

I’m back from the land of heather and thistles, not to mention wee drams and lukewarm ale, but on my way out a friend at the BBC alerted me to this, a not-to-miss program on the BBC this morning, accessible over the next several days by internet. It’s the story of the Plot Against America. I don’t mean the Philip Roth novel, nor even the Sinclair Lewis book, It Can’t Happen Here, but rather the historical events upon which these two works of fiction were based.

In November 1934, federal investigators uncovered an amazing plot involving some two dozen senior businessmen, a good many of them Wall Street financiers, to topple the government of the United States and install a fascist dictatorship. Roth’s novel is developed from several strands of this factual account; he assumed the plot is actually carried out, whereas in fact an alert FDR shut it down but stopped short of retaliatory measures against the plotters. A key element of the plot involved a retired prominent general who was to have raised a private army of 500,000 men from unemployed veterans and who blew the whistle when he learned more of what the plot entailed. The plot was heavily funded and well developed and had strong links with fascist forces abroad. A story in the New York Times and several other newspapers reported on it, and a special Congressional committee was created to conduct an investigation. The records of this committee were scrubbed and sealed away in the National Archives, where they have only recently been made available.

The Congressional committee kept the names of many of the participants under wraps and no criminal action was ever brought against them. But a few names have leaked out. And one is Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the incumbent president. Prescott Bush was of course deep into the business of the Hamburg-America Lines, and had tight relations throughout this period with the new Government that had come to power in Germany a year earlier under Chancellor Aldoph Hitler. It appears that Bush was to have formed a key liaison for the group with the new German government.

Prescott Bush, of course, went on to service as a U.S. Senator from Connecticut, and his son, George H.W. Bush emerged from World War II as a hero.

The Plot Against America portrayed in this episode of the BBC series “Document” gives fascinating insight into a dark and little known piece of American history in which the nation stood on the brink of betrayal. The role of the most powerful political dynastic family in the nation’s history in this whole affair is shocking.


Document uncovers details of a planned coup in the USA in 1933 by right-wing American businessmen

The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression.


No connection what so ever . Nope!


Your trouble is that you carry things to extreme in your responses. e.g. your response that because I knew some facts about microbiology you posted some strawman shit about CDC'S stance on cannabis.

Similarly now you have jumped to some wild conclusion that I do not know nor believe the Nazi infiltration aided by US agencies and the plot already written about by Gry. I do not know how old you are but I knew about this years ago and likely know some things you do not know [via underground life experiences]. My comment about the lack of connection was related to how the 'article' was written. There are not enough dots connected for the author to draw his present day conclusion regarding WW3, etc. Too much for you?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I look most forward to your corrections of the record.

This part Gry...C'mon eh? This was what hh's comment was about. No correction required.

The saving grace today is that the anti-fascist spirit of Franklin Roosevelt is alive in the form of modern anti-imperialists Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and a growing array of nations united under the umbrella of the New Deal of the 21st Century which has come to be called the “Belt and Road Initiative”.

Had Prescott’s grandson Jeb (or Prescott’s spiritual grand daughter Hillary) found themselves in the position of President of the USA at this moment, it is unlikely that I would be writing this now, as I’m fairly certain WWIII would have already been launched.

However, with President Trump having successfully survived nearly four years of Deep State subversion, and having called repeatedly for a positive alliance with Russia and China, a chance still exists to take the types of emergency actions needed at this moment of existential crisis to do what FDR had always intended, and win World War II.

knucklehead bob

Your trouble is that you carry things to extreme in your responses. e.g. your response that because I knew some facts about microbiology you posted some strawman shit about CDC'S stance on cannabis.

Similarly now you have jumped to some wild conclusion that I do not know nor believe the Nazi infiltration aided by US agencies and the plot already written about by Gry. I do not know how old you are but I knew about this years ago and likely know some things you do not know [via underground life experiences]. My comment about the lack of connection was related to how the 'article' was written. There are not enough dots connected for the author to draw his present day conclusion regarding WW3, etc. Too much for you?

Typical propaganda. Some semblance of truth jumping to an unrelated conclusion.

You nailed that...makes no connections.

Here you are claiming it's all PROPAGANDA with no connections & you knew all about it at the same time ?

There ain't no "STRAW MAN" in the C.D.C. stance on Cannabis .

I have passed "Too young to care" , I'm just "Old enough to know better" now .



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Here you are claiming it's all PROPAGANDA with no connections & you knew all about it at the same time ?

There ain't no "STRAW MAN" in the C.D.C. stance on Cannabis .

I have passed "Too young to care" , I'm just "Old enough to know better" now .


The strawman was changing the subject to CDC from how one can pick up a virus.

hh. said some truth but a failure to make a legitimate conclusion. This is what I'm addressing which is clearly defined in my reply to Gry. Are you able to perceive details or is it just generalities for you?

knucklehead bob

Typical propaganda. Some semblance of truth jumping to an unrelated conclusion.

You nailed that...makes no connections.

Please do show me where I said

Post #2637 , pg. 264 of this thread .

I could be wrong here but from what I'm reading ;

The first quote is from a person that suffers from cognitive dissonance talking about typical PROPAGANDA that I posted .

The second post is your analogy of the post that you quoted confirming what your friend said about being PROPOGANDA along with making a "no connections" allegation about the Bush Crime Family association with the NAZIS that I posted .

Last edited:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Post #2637 , pg. 264 of this thread .

I could be wrong here but from what I'm reading ;

The first quote is from a person that suffers from cognitive dissonance talking about typical PROPAGANDA that I posted .

The second post is your analogy of the post that you quoted confirming what your friend said along with making a "no connections" allegation about the Bush Crime Family association with the NAZIS that I posted .


You are wrong and used the incorrect words. Look at the conclusion of the article which I copied to Gry. Unfortunately, I believe he thought hh was talking about the article you posted after the fact.

Read again; hh. used that word 'conclusion'. It has a meaning.
And he is correct it is written like typical propaganda.

knucklehead bob

The strawman was changing the subject to CDC from how one can pick up a virus.

hh. said some truth but a failure to make a legitimate conclusion. This is what I'm addressing which is clearly defined in my reply to Gry. Are you able to perceive details or is it just generalities for you?

There ain't no "SRAW MAN" in the C.D.C.

They LIE about Cannabis .

They're LYING about CORONA

I think the FACT that 20,000 plus die daily is kind of significant & tells a very sad story .

Do you suppose that if people were bombarded relentlessly about the daily death rate of 19,000 plus people already just today , most of them children , that die from lack of nutrient intake , we might put a dent in STARVATION ?

3,000,000 million already this year ?


3 million dead already from starvation & I'm supposed to be worried about a new Flu with a .68 death rate ? Really ?

I guess this is just typical propaganda , right ?


knucklehead bob

Not mad at all. Just don’t read stupidity.

A paid troll will never acknowledge the truth , they don't get paid if they do . They just keep it up with their idiotic CIA counter speech attacking authors of articles with your typical replies & zero apposing documentation or citation . Which is exactly what you have done . :biggrin:
