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Deep State: Exposed

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It's smart strategy on Trumps part, as the virus was released to sabotage Trump and the election. So, Trump knowing this, put the responsibility on the state governors and then put Fauci front and center. The deepstate media supports him because he's their inside operative, but Trump can now shift any blame, weaponized against him, directly onto Fauci.

Chess moves.

Capra ibex

Maybe Joe Scott can help you conspiracy lovers understand your own desires to continually connect dots that aren't really even there.

I tried to convey something of a similar message in the past but i don't have the intelligence or the teaching ability of this good man. :ying:


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
...and now, as more gets exposed, more and more people can easily begin to see through the fake news and understand that there really is a deep state and it really is highly organized and mobilized including a terrifying infiltration of our media and other highly trusted institutions on behalf of mostly foriegn interests.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Maybe Joe Scott can help you conspiracy lovers understand your own desires to continually connect dots that aren't really even there.

I tried to convey something of a similar message in the past but i don't have the intelligence or the teaching ability of this good man. :ying:


That kinda bullshit isn't worth anybody's time ibex.
When someone who hasn't connected dots ridicules someone who has, that is a sign that something is wrong.

Maybe not interested in connecting dots??
Why not?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Maybe Joe Scott can help you conspiracy lovers understand your own desires to continually connect dots that aren't really even there.

I tried to convey something of a similar message in the past but i don't have the intelligence or the teaching ability of this good man. :ying:


What does Joe Scott think about the alleged conspiracy by Russia to collude with Trump? Connecting dots that were never there?

Capra ibex

That kinda bullshit isn't worth anybody's time ibex.
When someone who hasn't connected dots ridicules someone who has, that is a sign that something is wrong.

Maybe not interested in connecting dots??
Why not?

You have NO IDEA how much of a complete FOOL you are Hempy.... sometimes you may connect a few dots, but the vast majority are just irrelevant, inconsequential 'nothing dots' that you are weaving into a massive crochet of delusion.

Have a great time living like that though.... you once told me i should be a detective.... well, no i really shouldn't, and neither should you, because you would be absolutely bottom of the barrel.

Thanks for the laughs though. Love you. :ying:


Active member
That kinda bullshit isn't worth anybody's time ibex.
When someone who hasn't connected dots ridicules someone who has, that is a sign that something is wrong.

Maybe not interested in connecting dots??
Why not?
Nice call Hempy,it is good to see someone here can see the light of day.
Some folks are not able to paint by numbers.
You can not expect them to connect dots.

Some folks you just can't reach.
3 nurses state people are being murdered.
No need for connecting dots here.

See my signature below for the videos.

Capra ibex

Nice call Hempy,it is good to see someone here can see the light of day.
This dude is not able to paint by numbers.
You can not expect him to connect dots.

Some folks you just can't reach.
3 nurses state people are being murdered.
No need for connecting dots here.

See my signature below for the videos.

Yes, nice call :biggrin: :biggrin: :comfort: :comfort:

White Beard

Active member

Why not just call up Charlie Koch and ask him direct? But do it on your own time, ya lazy - if you’re not working, the people who paid for this story won’t get their money’s worth.

I read the article, and you left out the part about how this MAY mean lower lethality, but that’s going to be a hindsight perspective: there’s entirely too much noise and bullshit circulating at the moment, and no chance to collect and collate the data, much less digest it.

I find fault with their idea of a “potential” lethality of only .2%. US universe of confirmed cases has been hovering between 5.5-6.0% for a couple of weeks.

I find fault with the assumption that the antibody test has been validated as accurate and dependable; I find fault with the assumption that the presence of antibodies detected by this test guarantees immunity from C19, as that can’t have been determined yet, and without it, the real answer isn’t in yet. There remain entirely too many unanswered questions to grasp at wisps of certainty.

I notice that this is a very small, and very local, statistical universe, even in reference just to California: 3000+, is that even 1% of Santa Clara County? The US statistical universe is vastly larger than that. Applicability is in question.

Most of the answers that will do us the most good won’t be available until we’ve had a chance to sift back through it all and see what mattered.

Horses before zebras before unicorns: ignorance & fear are bad company on an acid trip - and we are all on a kind of very-drawn-out acid trip, and all we know is that it’s statistically likely that all of us dropped and didn’t know it - or *could* drop without knowing at some future point - and that we just have to ride it out, however endless that feels


Active member
...and now, as more gets exposed, more and more people can easily begin to see through the fake news and understand that there really is a deep state and it really is highly organized and mobilized including a terrifying infiltration of our media and other highly trusted institutions on behalf of mostly foriegn interests.

While I do appreciate your optimism.

Folks today have no idea what is really happening in the real world.
If it does not come through their tv it is not real.

If it is not real it must be a conspiracy theory.

They seem to need to hear it from their favorite talking head.
If they don't it just can't be real.

In summary I feel it will all become just a conspiracy theory.
Like the plane that crashed but not a bit of wreckage on the ground.
That is dismissed as some weird coincidence.
They are very good at covering their tracks.
Even if it means covering some graves too.

Capra ibex

While I do appreciate your optimism.

Folks today have no idea what is really happening in the real world.
If it does not come through their tv it is not real.

If it is not real it must be a conspiracy theory.

They seem to need to hear it from their favorite talking head.
If they don't it just can't be real.

In summary I feel it will all become just a conspiracy theory.
Like the plane that crashed but not a bit of wreckage on the ground.
That is dismissed as some weird coincidence.
They are very good at covering their tracks.
Even if it means covering some graves too.

People understand that there is a LOT of shit going on that other people wouldn't believe or understand, but 'people' also know that everything isn't all linked together in some massive beautifully orchestrated symphony of the 'deep state'.

Trump plays on you guys' love of that, because he's a master of deflecting and changing the subject.... and has been practicing his whole life.
A rebel without a cause.... and a hole in his heart. Poor Don :cry:


Active member
People understand that there is a LOT of shit going on that other people wouldn't believe or understand, but 'people' also know that everything isn't all linked together in some massive beautifully orchestrated symphony of the 'deep state'.

Trump plays on you guys' love of that, because he's a master of deflecting and changing the subject.... and has been practicing his whole life.
A rebel without a cause.... and a hole in his heart. Poor Don :cry:

Ok,I apologize for the poke, We have some hard to reach people here.

I appreciate a guy who wants to see things for himself.
Don't take my word for shit.
Find the facts, make your own decisions.
Good to know your eyes are open.
I am beginning to see you were bustin hempys balls a bit and that is cool.
I shoulda stayed out of it.

But I do like the way hempy thinks.

Just for the record I am no fan of trump.
I say drag them all in a football stadium and tell them only one is getting out.

Then watch them eat each other til none were left.
But now I am dreaming, so pinch me.:biggrin:

Again sorry to bust your chops like I did.
You get to take a free shot, head or body, your choice.:)


Capra ibex

I only 'take shots' every now and then, maybe when i'm grumpy :biglaugh: or if i feel like TRYING to help someone see through their own BS, that i think i could help with.... i'm no sage....

The Joe Scott video i linked, has NOTHING to do with conspiracies or politics at all, he stays out of that kind of stuff.... just a fun, interesting guy who talks about interesting things.

It's about the golden ratio, and how it's partially BS.... and humans' hard wired ability to notice patterns in things.... EVEN when there is no real pattern there.... our mind tends to fill in the gaps a lot of the time, because that's just how humans roll.

Do you ever look at the carpet or a stain on the ground and see a face? I know i do all the time.... but i also noticed that i 'automatically' started to notice faces more the more i looked. Stuff like that....

There are conspiracies, of course, many of them.... but life has a MASSIVE element of CHAOS.... some people can learn to take advantage of that chaos in one way or another, but you cannot completely control chaos.
'Deep State' (whatever the @&$% that is) included.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You have NO IDEA how much of a complete FOOL you are Hempy.... sometimes you may connect a few dots, but the vast majority are just irrelevant, inconsequential 'nothing dots' that you are weaving into a massive crochet of delusion.

Have a great time living like that though.... you once told me i should be a detective.... well, no i really shouldn't, and neither should you, because you would be absolutely bottom of the barrel.

Thanks for the laughs though. Love you. :ying:

Bottom of the barrel? Well, a good detective does tend to get to the bottom of things...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I only 'take shots' every now and then, maybe when i'm grumpy :biglaugh: or if i feel like TRYING to help someone see through their own BS, that i think i could help with.... i'm no sage....

The Joe Scott video i linked, has NOTHING to do with conspiracies or politics at all, he stays out of that kind of stuff.... just a fun, interesting guy who talks about interesting things.

It's about the golden ratio, and how it's partially BS.... and humans' hard wired ability to notice patterns in things.... EVEN when there is no real pattern there.... our mind tends to fill in the gaps a lot of the time, because that's just how humans roll.

Do you ever look at the carpet or a stain on the ground and see a face? I know i do all the time.... but i also noticed that i 'automatically' started to notice faces more the more i looked. Stuff like that....

There are conspiracies, of course, many of them.... but life has a MASSIVE element of CHAOS.... some people can learn to take advantage of that chaos in one way or another, but you cannot completely control chaos.
'Deep State' (whatever the @&$% that is) included.

Alright ibex, I watched it. I'm glad it wasn't one of those videos explaining 'what's wrong' with conspiracy theorists.

So, in a nutshell, the human mind is trained to see patterns. I guess if someone sees patterns that aren't there, that can be a problem with their perception. Luckily for me, the patterns I see are readily discerned by others as well. The question is when will you start to see a pattern?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
William Hearst - Friend of Hitler

William Randolph Hearst is the name of a multi-millionaire who sought to help the Nazis in their psychological warfare against the Soviet Union. Hearst was a well-known US newspaper proprietor known as the 'father' of the so-called 'yellow press', i.e., the sensationalist press. William Hearst began his career as a newspaper editor in 1885 when his father, George Hearst, a millionaire mining industrialist, Senator and newspaper proprietor himself, put him in charge of the San Francisco Daily Examiner.

This was also the start of the Hearst newspaper empire, an empire which strongly influenced the lives and thinking of North Americans. After his father died, William Hearst sold all the mining industry shares he inherited and began to invest capital in the world of journalism. His first purchase was the New York Morning Journal, a traditional newspaper which Hearst completely transformed into a sensationalist rag. He bought his stories at any price, and when there were no atrocities or crimes to report, it behoved his journalists and photographers to 'arrange' matters. It is this which in fact characterises the 'yellow press': lies and 'arranged' atrocities served up as truth.

These lies of Hearst's made him a millionaire and a very important personage in the newspaper world. In 1935 he was one of the richest men in the world, with a fortune estimated at $200 million. After his purchase of the Morning Journal, Hearst went on to buy and establish daily and weekly newspapers throughout the US. In the 1940s, William Hearst owned 25 daily newspapers, 24 weekly newspapers, 12 radio stations, 2 world news services, one business providing news items for films, the Cosmopolitan film company, and a lot of others. In 1948 he bought one of the US's first TV stations, BWAL-TV in Baltimore. Hearst's newspapers sold 13 million copies a day and had close to 40 million readers. Almost a third of the adult population of the US were reading Hearst newspapers every day. Furthermore, many millions of people throughout the world received information from the Hearst press via his news services, films and a series of newspapers that were translated and published in large quantities all over the world. The figures quoted above demonstrate how the Hearst empire was able to influence American politics, and indeed world politics, over very many years - on issues which included opposition to the US entering the Second World War on the side of the Soviet Union and support for the McCarthyite anti-communist witch-hunts of the 1950s.

William Hearst's outlook was ultra-conservative, nationalist and anti-communist. His politics were the politics of the extreme right. In 1934 he travelled to Germany, where he was received by Hitler as a guest and friend. After this trip, Hearst's newspapers became even more reactionary, always carrying articles against socialism, against the Soviet Union and especially against Stalin. Hearst also tried to use his newspapers for overt Nazi propaganda purposes, publishing a series of articles by Goering, Hitler's right-hand man. The protests of many readers, however, forced him to stop publishing such items and to withdraw them from circulation.

After his visit to Hitler, Hearst's sensationalist newspapers were filled with 'revelations' about the terrible happenings in the Soviet Union - murders, genocide, slavery, luxury for the rulers and starvation for the people, all these were the big news items almost every day. The material was provided to Hearst by the Gestapo, Nazi Germany's political police. On the front pages of the newspapers there often appeared caricatures and falsified pictures of the Soviet Union, with Stalin portrayed as a murderer holding a dagger in his hand. We should not forget that these articles were read each day by 40 million people in the US and millions of others worldwide!


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Ok,I apologize for the poke, We have some hard to reach people here.

I appreciate a guy who wants to see things for himself.
Don't take my word for shit.
Find the facts, make your own decisions.
Good to know your eyes are open.
I am beginning to see you were bustin hempys balls a bit and that is cool.
I shoulda stayed out of it.

But I do like the way hempy thinks.

Just for the record I am no fan of trump.
I say drag them all in a football stadium and tell them only one is getting out.

Then watch them eat each other til none were left.
But now I am dreaming, so pinch me.:biggrin:

Again sorry to bust your chops like I did.
You get to take a free shot, head or body, your choice.:)


Ibex is always bustin my balls, lol
It's a good friendly rivalry. If we were neighbors we'd probly be choppin it up regularly.


Active member
William Hearst - Friend of Hitler

William Randolph Hearst is the name of a multi-millionaire who sought to help the Nazis in their psychological warfare against the Soviet Union. Hearst was a well-known US newspaper proprietor known as the 'father' of the so-called 'yellow press', i.e., the sensationalist press. William Hearst began his career as a newspaper editor in 1885 when his father, George Hearst, a millionaire mining industrialist, Senator and newspaper proprietor himself, put him in charge of the San Francisco Daily Examiner.

This was also the start of the Hearst newspaper empire, an empire which strongly influenced the lives and thinking of North Americans. After his father died, William Hearst sold all the mining industry shares he inherited and began to invest capital in the world of journalism. His first purchase was the New York Morning Journal, a traditional newspaper which Hearst completely transformed into a sensationalist rag. He bought his stories at any price, and when there were no atrocities or crimes to report, it behoved his journalists and photographers to 'arrange' matters. It is this which in fact characterises the 'yellow press': lies and 'arranged' atrocities served up as truth.

These lies of Hearst's made him a millionaire and a very important personage in the newspaper world. In 1935 he was one of the richest men in the world, with a fortune estimated at $200 million. After his purchase of the Morning Journal, Hearst went on to buy and establish daily and weekly newspapers throughout the US. In the 1940s, William Hearst owned 25 daily newspapers, 24 weekly newspapers, 12 radio stations, 2 world news services, one business providing news items for films, the Cosmopolitan film company, and a lot of others. In 1948 he bought one of the US's first TV stations, BWAL-TV in Baltimore. Hearst's newspapers sold 13 million copies a day and had close to 40 million readers. Almost a third of the adult population of the US were reading Hearst newspapers every day. Furthermore, many millions of people throughout the world received information from the Hearst press via his news services, films and a series of newspapers that were translated and published in large quantities all over the world. The figures quoted above demonstrate how the Hearst empire was able to influence American politics, and indeed world politics, over very many years - on issues which included opposition to the US entering the Second World War on the side of the Soviet Union and support for the McCarthyite anti-communist witch-hunts of the 1950s.

William Hearst's outlook was ultra-conservative, nationalist and anti-communist. His politics were the politics of the extreme right. In 1934 he travelled to Germany, where he was received by Hitler as a guest and friend. After this trip, Hearst's newspapers became even more reactionary, always carrying articles against socialism, against the Soviet Union and especially against Stalin. Hearst also tried to use his newspapers for overt Nazi propaganda purposes, publishing a series of articles by Goering, Hitler's right-hand man. The protests of many readers, however, forced him to stop publishing such items and to withdraw them from circulation.

After his visit to Hitler, Hearst's sensationalist newspapers were filled with 'revelations' about the terrible happenings in the Soviet Union - murders, genocide, slavery, luxury for the rulers and starvation for the people, all these were the big news items almost every day. The material was provided to Hearst by the Gestapo, Nazi Germany's political police. On the front pages of the newspapers there often appeared caricatures and falsified pictures of the Soviet Union, with Stalin portrayed as a murderer holding a dagger in his hand. We should not forget that these articles were read each day by 40 million people in the US and millions of others worldwide!


Dam, this deserves its own thread...LOL
So many little easter eggs to find in there.

Lets just say this, if they were manipulating the press to manipulate the minds of the public for profit way back then.

What do you think they are doing to us today?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Exactly Shags - naturally any 'Deep State' would have to have control of the media - to be able to influence populations - and if you wish to research this topic - then it helps to look way back in history -

William Randolf Hearst - was also instrumental in getting cannabis prohibition cemented in USA law - according to Jack Herer's book - Hearst had newspapers - and vast financial interests in paper production - where mainly wood pulp was used to make paper - Hemp could grow 10x the biomass of the fastest growing spruce - in the same time - and was easily suitable for paper production - but if most paper was made from Hemp - then Hearst's vast tracts of timber/wood would be made virtually worthless - and the chopping down of trees for paper production would stop -

Dam, this deserves its own thread...LOL
So many little easter eggs to find in there.

Lets just say this, if they were manipulating the press to manipulate the minds of the public for profit way back then.

What do you think they are doing to us today?


Active member
Exactly Shags - naturally any 'Deep State' would have to have control of the media - to be able to influence populations - and if you wish to research this topic - then it helps to look way back in history -

William Randolf Hearst - was also instrumental in getting cannabis prohibition cemented in USA law - according to Jack Herer's book - Hearst had newspapers - and vast financial interests in paper production - where mainly wood pulp was used to make paper - Hemp could grow 10x the biomass of the fastest growing spruce - in the same time - and was easily suitable for paper production - but if most paper was made from Hemp - then Hearst's vast tracts of timber/wood would be made virtually worthless - and the chopping down of trees for paper production would stop -

I do think I heard that before, very vague in the memory.
Maybe from the emperors new clothes so so many years ago.
I knew things started early.
But hell they were full swing...LOL

Last summer I was on vacation in the UP of MI.
I learned how the state got the falls.
The lumber and mineral companies were done with the land.
So they traded the falls/state park for some mineral rich land to pillage.

Long story short, it seems these big ass companies have been getting exactly what they want from us, giving back the discarded as a gift.
Making all the rules along the way, to suit their needs.

Makes you wonder how many more of these type of stories could be uncovered.

I still think the lions suck because of some kind of ford curse.
Now there is a good conspiracy theory

Check this out if you want a good laugh.
Deep state related