It's a week today since planting pre soaked seeds there's two didn't show and two a little slow.
All in I'm happy with them its time to flip them.
I've put a heat matt under the tray and plugged it into a controller to help with temps during the night.
Heat matts ime are too hot for small amounts of coco so I've put the temp probe under a pouch to maintain 22/23C⁰
It's the only source of heat until I get a heat sorted out.
Hey folk's it's been a few days at least
Things are looking up.
I've since put in a heater and lifted the tray up off the floor it's too cold down there even with a heater.
I've a couple of late sprouts I've put into the clone tent to get them growing properly 1st.
They've been a little slow I'm a bit unsure about them they're not really with the program, let's see what happens?