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DEA playing Games?


One day you will have to answer to the children of
From DigitalHIppie"your boys and idiot. deserves what he gets. i fully expect to get raided after astatement like that....
hope he has a comfy cell."

I don't know if any of you realize that the 'Drug Free Zone' of 1,000 ft was enacted on a Federal level. I am not sure how big his block was, but it is shit like that which really pisses some people off.
Big signs and all that...should be in location proper areas. Denver has plenty of sleaze, and many people think that is what pot is. So you have to be consciencous of that.
I hope the best for him, but not a smart move. I'd put that up there with Dr. Reefer interviews. I don't see a lot how this helps the cause.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Man the DEA is so crazy Marc Emery challenged them from vancouver and they came and got him. I don't know what he was thinkin, if there's idiots in colorado beaking off about profits, da, what'd you think was gonna happen. Like candy from a retarded baby.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
If your intentions and growing operation are based on profit & money this is what can & will happen to you eventually under current federal law. He must have been on a money high and not a weed high when he decided it was a good idea to blab to the news reporter about his business. Not a good idea dude! :joint:

Remember, don't tell anyone shit! You yourself knowing is already one person too many!

Well, this is not so easy since for every patient a caregiver provides for in Colorado involves at least two people who know about the grow, and in my case sometimes three people.

There is the patient for one, and on every form, the caregiver has to provide name, address and phone number.

I don't personally know a notary, so any notary I use could be Sally-Do-Good.

I have sent paper work for some of my patients registered mail to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (certified is now "recommended") with my return address and god knows what a postal worker does with his spare time.

(There is also the MMJ record itself, but let's assume for now that it as confidential as they say.)

But in reality, if you became a MMJ caregiver as your only source of income, could you really afford to just grow 6 plants for only the one best friend that maybe, just maybe keep their mouth shut?

I don't have that many patients yet, but have had two patients from referrals. I'm growing super lemon haze, LSD and crimea blue among other award winning strains and charge no more than $325/oz. Half my patients are charged $300/oz (vets, certain illnesses, single mothers). I have hoped that with the very competitive prices that I will get more referrals, and this can only be done by word of mouth.

Bragging on TV isn't the best idea of course, but there has been precedents that this is ok. CNN is probably more widely read than people who watch a local news program, and this article was run in December: http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/12/14/colorado.medical.marijuana/index.html.

Perhaps it was because he was in a school zone - using or distributing in one carries harsh penalties. It is concerning that "According to him and according to what he's seen on the news he probably believes he is legal," Jeff Sweetin said late Friday afternoon. "We will continue to enforce federal law that's what we are paid to do until the federal law changes."

Paid to do? Aren't you supposed to do what your boss tells you? Isn't that Obama or, at least, Deputy U.S. Attorney General David Ogden or, at least, drug czar Gil Kerlikowske? The have all told us the feds won't do what was done to Bartkowicz. Was the memo not passed down? Is there a DEA subgroup under that authority of the CIA?

Right now, there is no limit to the number of patients a caregiver can provide for, but that might change soon to 5. If you add yourself (if you are an mmj patient too), that's still at least 36 plants (you have the right to grow more/patient if that patient is shown to need more bud than that - the way I understand that part is that you might get nabbed, but you are supposed to be able to have your say before they take your shit by state officials). In the 9news article, http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=132606&catid=339, states that dozen of plants were confiscated and also, "Bartkowicz is only one of dozens of people in Colorado who use hidden medical marijuana gardens to grow more than a dozen plants." That's funny reporting, the way I see it, hundreds if not thousands of people are growing "dozens" of plants.

The nine news article on-line also shows pictures of the bust. The room and his "equipment." Lined up in a row are four reflectors on the ground. Is this a grow worth busting even if an enforcer of the DEA walked in and took a look? As far as having a goal in the hundreds of thousands, it's only February and I know plenty of growers who believe they are going to get rich growing and find their numbers a little light and the DEA should know that too.

I assumed the IRS would be the main legal problems for many caregivers, but now, fck. If Bartkowicz has been growing since "Day one," he might just end up with a second problem.

:clock watch: - Better go...


its simple.
mmj dispensaries are legal, safe businesses operating within state guidelines...=no risk

crack houses are ran by crazies with guns....and they arent afraid to shoot a cop...

now if you were a cop, who would you rather bust?
cops busting mmj dispensaries is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Didn't mythbusters already do th@1?...I think it turned out th@the only way to shoot fish in a barrel successfully was to use a shotgun...and like the feds...th@'s OVERKILL to get a result!:)

obama isnt even a citizen. y is he president. if u really wana go there.
I thought ya HAD to be a US citizen to be President...otherwise kissinger might have successfully run!



Absoutly Disgusting. I wish the DEA would just wake up. This is very sad.


They bust dispensaries in CA all the time. I'm just waiting for some massive raids in CO. What is interesting will be the public response. Why vote laws in when the feds will just come in and ignore them. Even though state law > Federal law in court. Not sure how they didn't get the memo.


Active member
fuck those cowards. going after easy targets, its textbook for pussy ass government agencies. who cares, let them crack down and make it illegal again, people will still smoke, and those who dont get arrested maximize their profits. its either we the people make money, or the government does. people want it legalized but they continue to crackdown, so fuck it! keep your shit lowkey and MAKE MONEY!!!

Big Foot

When they can't find massive Mexican drug cartels, and are making no such progress. They take out easy tarkets to make it seem to people that there worth paying 1.6 billion dollars a year for.


Active member
They bust dispensaries in CA all the time. I'm just waiting for some massive raids in CO. What is interesting will be the public response. Why vote laws in when the feds will just come in and ignore them. Even though state law > Federal law in court. Not sure how they didn't get the memo.

What? Constituents who voted for this in their respective states and then went on to flaunt their breaking federal law by blowing the MMJ scene up like the god damned california gold rush are to blame here...


Active member
obama isnt even a citizen. y is he president. if u really wana go there.

I am NOT a fan of Obama, not even a little - but this is fucking asinine and completely untrue. Stop posting stupid crap like this and focus on the facts if you want to debate...
+1 there JD

Nothing worse then getting on the 6 oclock news and bragging about it. Or CNN, or USA Today or the WSJ.

Feelings get hurt real easily and the "Let's go check to see how many plants they really have on site" becomes next weeks plan..and while we're in Aspen, let's get a lift ticket or two.

The first rule of running a good dispensary is:

Don't talk about running a dispensary
So why are they not arresting the feds that are distributing to the federal cannabis patients, you know the original 5 of 12 from the 70's those should be a close to home bust. D.E.A stands for DOUCHEBAGGING EVERY AMERICAN!

Cat Jockey

Sweetin should be fired immediately. He is ignoring official federal policy.

According to you. According to Sweetin:

"We will continue to enforce federal law. That's what we are paid to do," Sweetin said.

Federal policy is to arrest people for growing marijuana dude. Don't blame the cops. And don't blame the federal prosecutor as that person is paid to prosecute people for growing one marijuana plant.

Don't get me wrong, no love lost for this jack ass Sweetin, but men with guns only enforce the legislation legislators pass.

You want to put a stop to the men with guns? Don't fire Sweetin, fire your Senators and Representatives, for they are the ones that are responsible for making it illegal and they are the only ones who can change that fact.

If you are in the medical community and you think that somehow because Obama is pres that you are immune from federal prosecution even if you are in compliance with your state law, you are dead nuts wrong.

Read Holder's memo ... it does not provide the protection many feel it does. Things are better, but the war is not over and brothers and sisters are still goin' down and this guy in Colorado was not the last guy that is going to get popped.

Blame your state government as well as the Govenors have utterly failed in teh last several decades in protection us from blatant and illegal federal overreach.


Active member
The FDA is never gonna allow marijuana to be legal. They would lose billions so there for they are gonna keep the pockets of our senators,congressman and governers deeply filled inorder to insure votes. So the raids im sure will continue. Its time we as Americans take back our country.


The FDA is never gonna allow marijuana to be legal. They would lose billions so there for they are gonna keep the pockets of our senators,congressman and governers deeply filled inorder to insure votes. So the raids im sure will continue. Its time we as Americans take back our country.

Don't paint the FDA as an evil agency just yet. They aren't evil; they are merely incompetent.

They are underpaid, understaffed, and overworked. They have a $2 billion/yr budget. My public school system had a bigger budget than that.

They are probably not reviewing marijuana for a few reasons. I'm sure one of those is "government doesn't want us to." And another is probably "we're so tied up with all this shit we have to do, we have no time!"

This is why the FDA is only "okay" at ensuring our health from these foods. I think it's also a reason why America has such an obesity problem... our budget for war is hundreds of times bigger than our budget for our health. Well, that and the fact that people think they can lose weight on a 5000cal/day diet.


Cat Jockey: oh please - not another 'don't blame the cops' argument. Don't blame them because they're getting paid to do what they do - is that what you're saying?

Fuckin yeah blame the cops. Who the fuck is it putting their hands on you man? Who the fuck is it putting their boot on your door and their hands on your wife? Who gives a shit if they're legislating or not? The vast majority know full well that they are being immoral in their work so - fuck - them! They hold within their hands the power to have legislation revoked too - all they gotta do is band together and threaten to strike - to say they refuse to uphold such unjust fucking laws - but they'll never do that, will they? They're trained not to.

They are sheepdogs trained to herd us sheep. Well, as it is with the dog and the sheep - we people outnumber our fucking herders and the sooner they realize that we will hang them for being unjust in their roles the sooner they will learn not to try and enforce unjust legislation on us - legislation that is PAID for by corporate fat-cats.