From DigitalHIppie"your boys and idiot. deserves what he gets. i fully expect to get raided after astatement like that....
hope he has a comfy cell."
I don't know if any of you realize that the 'Drug Free Zone' of 1,000 ft was enacted on a Federal level. I am not sure how big his block was, but it is shit like that which really pisses some people off.
Big signs and all that...should be in location proper areas. Denver has plenty of sleaze, and many people think that is what pot is. So you have to be consciencous of that.
I hope the best for him, but not a smart move. I'd put that up there with Dr. Reefer interviews. I don't see a lot how this helps the cause.
hope he has a comfy cell."
I don't know if any of you realize that the 'Drug Free Zone' of 1,000 ft was enacted on a Federal level. I am not sure how big his block was, but it is shit like that which really pisses some people off.
Big signs and all that...should be in location proper areas. Denver has plenty of sleaze, and many people think that is what pot is. So you have to be consciencous of that.
I hope the best for him, but not a smart move. I'd put that up there with Dr. Reefer interviews. I don't see a lot how this helps the cause.