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DEA playing Games?


I did give him the thumbs down in my previous post but I forgot to salute him. I may have the opinion that he could have been smarter but he is still a fallen brother. My hat goes of to you Chris. It's too bad you went down feeding the DEA trolls.


Whats the local media response or political response? Cause even republicans shouldn't be hypocrites here since they are big on the feds not interfering. Of course hypocrisy is nothing new to them but even so. It's like why do we vote things in if your just going to ignore them.


I don't know the guy at all and I think his actions were really stupid but the community should still support him the same. Despite being over the state guidelines, the state does and has allowed provisions for excess as necessary. In fact a Boulder jury said that another defendant in a somewhat similar situation (possession well in excess of the allowed limit) "could of had a ton of pot" and they couldn't find him guilty b/c of how the laws are worded. The feds are railroading this guy b/c the state wouldn't be able to.
That's pathetic, we all know they could care less about public safety. It's about the money. Are they gonna bust and seize a crackhouse with armed crackheads inside? What's the payoff there? A rundown house in a bad neighboorhood that may go for 20K$ at auction. That's not worth being shot at. Are they gonna bust and seize a meth house? With all of the dangerous chemicals used the contamination will be a monetary liability and they'd be lucky to break even. Are they gonna bust a legally inteded caregiver.... yes they can seize his 600K house and all of his assets. Now that's a bust worth making.
Oh, boy. Someone who doesnt understand that if you break the law and get caught you can go to jail. Okay, open your mind and try to understand the analogy I presented without going polarized political. The guy invited a news crew into his home, showed them everything, then bragged about a golden ticket, taked about taking 400g's outta his "surburban home", and had 224 plants according to latest reports, and enough patients for in the 70's (I havent quite seen an exact number yet..I have heard 12 patients, 15, "less" than 15, etc). Is this part of the "bigger picture"?

I have said it before. Those of us that have been around a while are desensitized to the opinions of the general public. I dont give a shit how loud you toot the "medical" neccessity of the herb, to suzy homemaker driving her kids to school in her black on tan conversion Tahoe down in highlands ranch, who is spending the money from her husband the mechanical engineer, who are deacons in the local episcopal church...to them, IT IS THE SAME FUCKING THING AS METH! They dont know any different. Is this getting a "bigger picture" then before"?

There are more sheep then there are of us.If we want to make progress we must educate and go slowly, turn the heat up gradually. The sheep are scared right now, and the sheperds (DEA, Romer, news, etc) are yelling and waving their arms whipping the sheep into a frenzy.

The goddamn news scares everyone, "...in a jungle of plants, electrical cords draped everywhere on top of one another in a high risk fire hazard, sophisticated high powered lights, hundreds of gallons of water and piping, and complex ducting directing heat, gases and smells to various areas of the home finally ending outside in the neighborhood air...". Shit, they think it IS meth.

Of course I dont think it is Meth, I am not defending the DEA, and I was probably the grower of the bag on the street that you mention others buying before mmj. BTW, "before mmj"? A law didnt make it medicine - it has always been medicine my friend. But I think you will not get my point anyway - not due to your inability to understand - but due to your sensitivity to the loss and treatment of your friend. I forgive you for that and understand the humanity of the situation. I mean no offense or desire to start a heated war online. I am merely expressing my viewpoint in a safe forum of like minded individuals.

I know some of you have seen your buddy go down hard, but I dont get it. I dont see ANY possible way that any good could have come from the results of that whole interview "thing". And you are right, I dont know the guy. The first time I heard of the guy was on the news. Unfortunately, I dont think at this point I will get the chance to see if he is different than I consider him now. He also cant help all of the people that were counting on him for their medicine.

I appreciate you explaining your point. I did not agree with you and used some strong sentences to express my views, but meant no personal negativity. ( opinion, "not heated war" ) I did know Chris years ago, but my some-what emotional response was not due to that personal relationship. Some people are like "Suzy" as you said. Having said that I don't think that the average middle aged person in DENVER (and other places in Colorado) is that mis-informed. In other words I believe that there are not more sheep than us. If that was true than the law would not of been voted in in 2000. I just don't think this was automatically " bad for the movment " depending on how you look at it.


New member
PLEASE HELP!! Today,COLO.SPGS. city council gave the initiative to the city attorney to create a resolution to be voted on tomorrow regarding dispensaries. This initiative proposes a possible moratorium in addition to a number of zoning items to include distances from neighborhoods, schools, etc. This initiative was given today at close of business for the council and they were assured that the city attorney could create this resolution by tomorrow's formal meeting. This seems a bit strange seeing as how they stated it would take months to review the draft proposal introduced only 2 weeks ago but somehow can create a new resolution from scratch in 6 hours. At that time, we were also given the impression that this issue would continue to flow though the public process and that the industry would be included. Tomorrow's initiative is the exact opposite of these statements. This initiative will affect dispensaries, growers, and most importantly, patients.

We need to fill city council chambers will people tomorrow. We need more support than we have ever needed in the past and we need EVERYONE out there. They are trying to shutdown, not only selected dispensaries, but the entire industry.

When we presented our proposal, we were very clear about how appreciative we were for this opportunity from the city. We need to remind them that we have done our part and they need to stick to their part. This initiative tomorrow is an insult to everyone who spent so much time working to make things right.

Email the councilmembers tonight so they see your comments first thing in the morning. Below are also their voicemail box numbers. They claim they are hearing from concerned citizens who oppose our industry, lets make sure they acknowledge how many industry supporters are contacting them as well.

www.springsgov.com for email addresses - email the whole council!!

Tom Gallagher 385-5491 All City
Randy Purvis 578-9800 All City
Jan Martin 385-5486 All City
Larry Small 385-5485 All City
Scott Hente 385-5487 District 1
Darryl Glenn 385-5493 District 2
Sean Paige 385-5470 District 3
Bernie Herpin 385-5492 District 4

See you tomorrow!!!!

we had good support out ther tonight. i wasn't there for the final vote but i looks like this inititive was going to get squashed. none of the city councel members including the mayor were very happy with how this intitive was brought before them. the city attorney comletly embarrast herself and her office and the city councel let her know it. atleast untill next time it's biusness as usuall.


New member
its simple.
mmj dispensaries are legal, safe businesses operating within state guidelines...=no risk

crack houses are ran by crazies with guns....and they arent afraid to shoot a cop...

now if you were a cop, who would you rather bust?
cops busting mmj dispensaries is like shooting fish in a barrel.

You put the nail on the head!


SHERIFF BOOTS FEDS FROM HIS COUNTY is fake look it up, its hard to read through the crap websites but the jist of it is the sherriff never said that and the case they were refering to was settled not decided.

i've found refrences to it being "decided" in 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2005, 2006

sorry for the long cut and paste but there is no way I can let you guys get yourselves worked up over a hoax

this is from: http://beyond-the-illusion.com/files/New-Files/20000131/wyoming_sheriff_hoax_revealed.txt

(Now, look at this. RECENT decsion, and yet the Case notes below say
"Closed: 29th April 1997". April 1997 is RFECENT in relation to January
2000? Next, let's look at "Sheriff" Dave Mattis. Again, let's see the case
notes say the party is "Case: Castaneda v. USA" not "Mattis v. USA" or even
"Castaneda et. al. v. USA". Now, the case number. Here the case number is
"No 2:96-cv-099-J" below in the case notes it is "Case No: 2:1996cv00099" no
J in sight and "96" becomes "1996". I'll forgo the hyphen problems, that'd
just be petty.)

"If a sheriff doesn't want the Feds in his county, he has the Constitutional
power and Right to keep them out -or- ask them to leave -or- retain them in

(Ok, nice quote from this "phantom" Sheriff Castaneda...er...Mattis I mean.
This ability to quote will become important later.)

The court decision came about after Mattis & other members of the Wyoming
Sheriffs' Association brought a suit against both the BATF and the IRS in
the Wyoming federal court district seeking restoration of the protections
enshrined in the United States Constitution and the Wyoming Constitution.

(Now, court decision. BUT as has been shown before in other posts, it was
NOT a court decision but a "settlement". Here's a quote from one post: "His
case was settled with a settlement, he says, not a court decision." Now, I
know this is double hearsay, but then again all YOU havei is double hearsay,
so if yours is acceptable, so is mine. AND let's also note that any
Lexis-Nexis or Westlaw search will show NO such suit filed in ANY Wyoming
case. In fact the ONLY case with the Wyoming Sheriff's Association involved
retirement benefits, and was to mention that the petitioner was a member of
the group.)

The District Court ruled in favor of the sheriffs,

("Castaneda v. USA" not "Castandea et. al. v. USA. Can't keep the story
straight, can they?)

stating that, "Wyoming is a sovereign state and the duly elected sheriff of
a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law
enforcement powers exceeding that of any other state or federal official."

(WHERE IS THIS DOCUMENT? They can quote the document, but NO ONE seems to be
able to provide it. Now, wether it is a settlement, a court order, or some
scribble on a napkin, they seem to be able to quote it. And yet when asked
to provide it, they suddenly say "Well, it is under gag" or "The "Sheriff"
doesn't have it." IF it was a judiciaul determination, a settlement,
WHATEVER, then the parties to the case WOULD have a CERTIFIED copy of the
final order or determination. And CLEARLY they do, since they QUOTED it. But
suddenly when pressed, they cannot produce it? Sounds like something out of
the Clinton playbook: "I don't know where those billing records are,
Senator, but I can assure you as to what they say and can quote them to

The Wyoming sheriffs are demanding access to all BATF files to verify that
the agency is not violating provisions of Wyoming law that prohibit the
registration of firearms or the keeping of a registry of firearm owners.

(Yep, and those files are the same place as this fictious court
order/settlement. Namely: never never land.)

The sheriffs are also demanding that federal agencies immediately cease the
seizure of private property and the impoundment of private bank accounts - -
- without regard to due process in state courts.

(I have a friend who is a tax attorney. He's going to pull up a few cases
from Wyoming since 1997 for failure to pay income tax liens and seizures by
the Federal Government. When he gives them to me, I'll post here. Suffice to
say this is all but certainly crap.)

Sheriff Mattis stated,

(Shouldn't that be Castaneda?)

"I am reacting to the actions of federal employees who have attempted to
deprive citizens of my county of their privacy, their liberty, and their
property without regard to constitutional safeguards.

(By completely ignoring the supremecy clause of the Constitution)

I hope that more sheriffs all across America will join us in protecting
their citizens from the illegal activities of the IRS, EPA, BATF, FBI, or
any other federal agency that is operating outside the confines of
Constitutional Law.

(Constitutional law as decided by me, not the courts, not the due process of
the judicary and legislature, as defined by me. What a lark.)

Employees of the IRS and the EPA are no longer welcome in Bighorn County
unless they intend to operate in conformance to constitutional law."

(As laid out in this phantom court order, I mean settlement, that I just can't see to provide right now.)

Case Notes:
Case: Castaneda v. USA
Filed: 10th May 1996
Closed: 29th April 1997
Case No: 2:1996cv00099 Wyoming District Court, Casper
Nature of Suit: Civil Rights

(Again, hit the computers folks. Look for cases of Castaneda [there are
thousands, it is a popular name in California] in Wyoming. THERE ARE NONE.
Not to mention that they provide ALL this info, but WHERE is the judge's
name? Ever case once filed is given to a specific judge. WHERE'S the judge's
name. A call to that judge's clerk could clear this up in 5 minutes. But of
course, if they did THAT then anyone who checked would find this is a HOAX
inside of 5 minutes.)

Class dismissed.

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