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DEA playing Games?


Active member
But dude!

He's only been in office for a year! Give the man at least 12 years before you criticize him! It takes time for his vast mind to think things through and make simple decisions!

He's also really smart and intelligent, even though he thinks that there are 57 states and he speaks about the Marine "Corpse"! He also thinks that Austrian is a language, and he can hardly speak a sentence without the aid of electronic devices. And he's also black, so he's cool and unless you are a racist, you'd better not say anything bad about the dude.



like all walks of life there are people in the dea that will abuse there power and do what ever they want. To think that obama has complete control of the goverment is a joke, its painfully obvious he cant accomplish anything he wants. Look at JFK, a revolutionary president means nothing to rogue agencies. If obama cared enough he would just dismiss the people, in effect stop writing there checks. Dont get me wrong i dont care who is president i care about the results, People talking about all the money in the trade and all the money wasted trying to stop is a major way to get it done. Tip O'Neil said all goverment is local get involved its easy to sit back its ballsy to go for it try to open a dispensary in the face of federal law. Nothing has changed we just assume the power of a memo in good faith.


He really wanted to die.... didn't he.... hmmm...

also wanted to add if youve read the dark alliance look up which regions herion are made, the % of people in rehab for it in the us went up 600% the year after we invaded. Amazing how its made in the regions we occupy. We invaded afganastan 1st then Iraq and we never occupied all of afganastan, we still havn't scene its northern border. Even if intelligence agencies are not behind the importation of it there definitely complicit in it. The most obvious place to attack an enemy is its supply and we still cant eradicate growing there? The herion alone is the largest sign of complicity in these wars, that and cutting Venezuela, Iran and Iraq from changing opec to the euro. The wars are not meant to end.
That was my boy that got raided. They did a full news story on him on 9news the day before, he allowed them to use his picture, take picture of his grow op, use his FULL NAME and give a relative location of where he was. He had a quote in the denver post saying, "I guess I really am living the dream."

8 Hours later the DEA kicked down his door. Please send your best wishes to Christopher Barckowitz he will need all the help he can get. Despite the fact that he used poor judgement he was still a legitimate medical grower and didn't deserve what he got.
I know I wanted to kick the TV in when that fucking guy stone faced told the reporter he was going to "haul outta here about 500k" or something like that. I live in CO, medical patient, very involved, etc. I still act like it is 1994 and assume no one is on my side. Three legged stool: No Tell, No Smell, and No...hmmm, I forget the third, but I will add 3)Really, no tell. This thing is kinda a mess right now actually. Maybe I am negative, but I am concerned. We are SOOOO used to everything about the culture and the plant. Richard and Betty Kamerlocker that are deacons in the local church, and have 3 kids aged 10, 12, & 14; and do "soccer mom" for a living and work as a hospital administrator are pissed about the cash, and scared because they think it is legalized meth or cocaine. When I was a stockbroker and made 6 figures...I never talked about it as it pisses people off.

The guy should not go to jail for a plant. I agree. Poor judgement is a seperate issue that we all bear consequences for individually and globally depending upon the impact of the decisions we make. In this economy when 1 out of 10 people watching TV is going broke, cant work, and losing their home...and they see a guy making big $$ on "illegal" stuff they dont agree with...of course there will be backlash.

If the feds found him, smart savvy organized rippers could have found him as well.

I wish him the best.





Thats it in a NUTSHELL.

I THANK GOD for IC Mag and the ability to come here and vent or whatever. This is about as close as I come "to telling anybody".

And ALL PICs I POST ARE FAKE AND STATMENTS that I make here are fictitious in nature. :hide: ALL Lies (If yer the man). That Is. :whiteflag:


Active member
Back in dallas I knew about 5 real deal crack houses, every one in that neighborhood knew it, the cops knew it. No one did anything about it.

I don't know why, I just know they were literally selling crack and just about anything else you wanted and in the 5 or so years I knew none of them got busted.

I don't understand why the priority for these people is dispensaries with so much more going on in other places.

Actually I wonder if the hard drug use rates drop in states with medical cannabis.

cops are pussies.

its simple.
mmj dispensaries are legal, safe businesses operating within state guidelines...=no risk

crack houses are ran by crazies with guns....and they arent afraid to shoot a cop...

now if you were a cop, who would you rather bust?
cops busting mmj dispensaries is like shooting fish in a barrel.

what bullshit, that should give them bad rep.

aslong as your under the federal limit whats there to worry about?

so that means no plants?

if they dont start listening to the voice of the people we are going to have to RIOT. and im READY. $100 a pop gps tracking units FUCK ILL TRACK THE WHOLE DEA JUST SHOW ME WHERE THEY AT. then will start playing the real games. ill come kick there door in see how they like it... maybe accidentally shoot and kill there dog... oo woops was that your wife??? sorry assholes. shits going to change one way or the other BETTER BELIEVE IT. the only way to bring change is thru superior fire power i really hope all you peaceful treehuggers are stacking your guns your going to need them if u want to win this war.

im down to shoot @ some dea, where do we start?

That was my boy that got raided. They did a full news story on him on 9news the day before, he allowed them to use his picture, take picture of his grow op, use his FULL NAME and give a relative location of where he was. He had a quote in the denver post saying, "I guess I really am living the dream."

8 Hours later the DEA kicked down his door. Please send your best wishes to Christopher Barckowitz he will need all the help he can get. Despite the fact that he used poor judgement he was still a legitimate medical grower and didn't deserve what he got.

your boys and idiot. deserves what he gets. i fully expect to get raided after astatement like that....
hope he has a comfy cell.


I wouldn't mess with the DEA. Those guys are naturally paranoid and they are trained with weapons. I have seen our local DEA office , they have a lot of camera's aimed at their cars in the parking lot. [Don't trust any car or SUV that has an extra antenna sticking on the roof] Around my area the DEA leave pot growers alone and concentrate on the hard drugs. Also , the bastards have no sense of humor!


Here's a scary thought:

Here's a scary thought:

It occurs to me that in these difficult economic times, it makes sense for the govt to leave these "illegal" operations alone long enough for them to make a pile of money for the feds and the state to confiscate. Does this make me paranoid. Or have I just been paying too much attention? After a year or so in operation these clubs will have all kinds of information for the feds and leo to use against users and suppliers.


Well-known member
how can it be obamas fault if most of the administration appointments are being held up by yes, a racist Senator from Alabama. He has no reason to keep our government short-handed, these government positions are suppose to carryout admin. policy, liberal policies.

I bet most of you guys voted Republican, and put most of em in office..these same people are upset and blame Obama for the debt we're in and said nothing when Bush was writing checks with a smile on his face..... and for that reason you deserve to be punished,
you want a job, and your money back? go find Dick Chaney or one of his co defendants the Former Federal Reserve Chairman, who advised him.

some Bush Admin. officials could really be facing jail for some of the shit they've allowed.

yes, Holder is the boss but how many of you boys get upset when some black guy gives you an order? Dick Chaney would shit himself, if the government came after him! and a lot of you would cry foul!! it just the American thing to do, Hippocrates
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I see you americans posting and im afraid by Your explanation because i am white i am not Cool and you can criticize me all you want.
But I will Never pull a Race card.


if they dont start listening to the voice of the people we are going to have to RIOT. and im READY. $100 a pop gps tracking units FUCK ILL TRACK THE WHOLE DEA JUST SHOW ME WHERE THEY AT. then will start playing the real games. ill come kick there door in see how they like it... maybe accidentally shoot and kill there dog... oo woops was that your wife??? sorry assholes. shits going to change one way or the other BETTER BELIEVE IT. the only way to bring change is thru superior fire power i really hope all you peaceful treehuggers are stacking your guns your going to need them if u want to win this war.

Fuck yeah! I used to be a 'peaceful treehugger' ya know. I used to think that it was better to be non-violent, to try and find peaceful solutions at all costs, but that's all changed and rightly so. There's a lot of what you might call 'campaigning' for a peaceful world' out there - a lot of useless propaganda too - and it's all designed to keep the real power - the people - from rising the fuck up. I know I'm probably gonna draw a shitload of criticism too for saying this but fuck it - it has to be said. This thing we call Karma - what a load of bollocks!!! Karma is like the weapon of the impotent. Karma's a myth - it just doesn't fucking exist. Look around you people - do you see those fat-cat corporate pigs suffering in return for all the suffering they've caused? No - and don't try and fucking tell me "oh but they'll get theirs in another life man" because that ain't gonna fucking happen. That is what you call a fucking COP OUT folks. "Karma will sort them out" my fucking ass!

The fist, the boot, the head and big fucking gun is what'll sort them out and the sad fucking truth is that if they're not sorted out - and I speak for the world here and not just for the U.S. - if they're not sorted out they'll just keep on stomping out our rights one by one until we live on Fascist Planet. The powers that be want us to think this way - that peaceful solutions are the best. This way they don't have to worry about us hanging them and I speak for the joe working 9 to fuckin 5, strugglin to pay a mortgage and feed his family every bit as much as I speak for us growers & smokers. We're all gettin shafted good and fucking proper.

I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said ... "The tree of liberty must be refreshed every now and then by the blood of patriots and tyrants" ... and he couldn't have said it any fucking better. I get a fucking shiver down my back every time I read/write that shit because I know it's fucking true. It's not a pretty thing to think about but it's damn well about as as realistic as you can get. Here's another famous quote just for the fuck of it too - from JFK, assassinated because he dared to seek the help of the people in the fight against corruption .... "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable".

Let's hope he's right about that one.



In washington state, a referendum of taxes was passed a few years ago, what does the senate do? circumvent the new law so they can raise taxes more easily. Lets vote them out, let them know, they cannot ignore the will of their constituents. period! not for their own opposing personal beliefs or views, not for lobbyist or corporate interest. not now, not ever!
when did government employees forget that they work for the people, to see through, the will of the people. they have no right to work contrary to public will.
56% of washingtonians want full legalization of cannabis according the most recent/accredited polls, and the legislators know it. ... so instead of leading, by putting forth some bills that might outline the best way to do such a thing, for the benefit of all, they stonewall and fail bill after bill related to cannabis reform (siting in some cases, the federal classification of cannabis, even after the president has said medical cannabis is up to states) "so the people will lead and the leaders will have to follow" -ben harper and the innocent criminals
a referendum will be on the ballot in november in washington and other states with useless politicians that ignore the will of the people. lets pass our version of bills, lets vote the feet draggers out and take our politics, culture and country back!


is violence a justified response to oppression

is violence a justified response to oppression

Fuck yeah! I used to be a 'peaceful treehugger' ya know. I used to think that it was better to be non-violent, to try and find peaceful solutions at all costs, but that's all changed and rightly so. There's a lot of what you might call 'campaigning' for a peaceful world' out there - a lot of useless propaganda too - and it's all designed to keep the real power - the people - from rising the fuck up. I know I'm probably gonna draw a shitload of criticism too for saying this but fuck it - it has to be said. This thing we call Karma - what a load of bollocks!!! Karma is like the weapon of the impotent. Karma's a myth - it just doesn't fucking exist. Look around you people - do you see those fat-cat corporate pigs suffering in return for all the suffering they've caused? No - and don't try and fucking tell me "oh but they'll get theirs in another life man" because that ain't gonna fucking happen. That is what you call a fucking COP OUT folks. "Karma will sort them out" my fucking ass!

The fist, the boot, the head and big fucking gun is what'll sort them out and the sad fucking truth is that if they're not sorted out - and I speak for the world here and not just for the U.S. - if they're not sorted out they'll just keep on stomping out our rights one by one until we live on Fascist Planet. The powers that be want us to think this way - that peaceful solutions are the best. This way they don't have to worry about us hanging them and I speak for the joe working 9 to fuckin 5, strugglin to pay a mortgage and feed his family every bit as much as I speak for us growers & smokers. We're all gettin shafted good and fucking proper.

I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said ... "The tree of liberty must be refreshed every now and then by the blood of patriots and tyrants" ... and he couldn't have said it any fucking better. I get a fucking shiver down my back every time I read/write that shit because I know it's fucking true. It's not a pretty thing to think about but it's damn well about as as realistic as you can get. Here's another famous quote just for the fuck of it too - from JFK, assassinated because he dared to seek the help of the people in the fight against corruption .... "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable".

Let's hope he's right about that one.


I debated this topic and research it at lengthen in college. the answer is yes, it absolutely can be justified, and in some cases it works. I can assure you, while I may have masturbated to the idea , (A LOT!) whacking every DEA jerk isn't a plan that will achieve the desired result in this case. Standing in a non-violent crowd protesting while a few 'anarchist' aka government plants give cops an excuse to brutalize you wont do it either.

here are few ideas;
1. Better to vote out the bad ones, vote in our guys.
2. Keep up the truth and dissemination of truth to combat the ignorance; it is after all our real enemy, for if all 300 million americans knew the truth about this plants power, resistance would melt away
3. move forward, even if small steps and never give ground back
4. urge these big money people, (norml, thcf, and all those supports) to put forth a public campaign like reefer madness in reverse

you cant fight the battle if your locked up or dead, every day were are out here growing, smoking and spreading love, were winning.
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Back in dallas I knew about 5 real deal crack houses, every one in that neighborhood knew it, the cops knew it. No one did anything about it.

I don't know why, I just know they were literally selling crack and just about anything else you wanted and in the 5 or so years I knew none of them got busted.

I don't understand why the priority for these people is dispensaries with so much more going on in other places.

Actually I wonder if the hard drug use rates drop in states with medical cannabis.

The cops were probably on the crack dealer's payroll.


Tired feds? They are tired of the inyourface, marijuana leaf in the window dispensary everywhere atmosphere in Colorado. After all, there are bunches of dispensaries painted loud green colors within a few blocks of every school in my neighborhood. The Feds are carrying out the Federal law about the number of plants that people can grow, even legally. They are carrying out government policy, and they are the swinging pendulum going the other way. They are looking hard at big grow ops, and they don't like the dispensaries, (but probably they are more protected than the grow ops...think 100 plant rule). There is a lot of word on the street that the Feds are going to be coming down hard on the big growers in Colorado. Remember what we used to do before Densterdam got going. We kept our fucking mouths shut, and we didn't talk on Channel 9 news about making $500K a year....or we did time and paid lawyers. I totally want legalization, and have supported it forever, but we have to realize that there is such a thing as being "way too out of the closet." I enjoy growing, but I do not put up billboards with my address or chat with newsmen about my $647,000 suburban farm house. Come on, think! If you want a revolution, remember it will not be televised.

JD, Co.

I agree, I am all for people being allowed to grow for a profit, dispensaries selling to medical patients, and patients being able to obtain or grow their own, but what needs to be done is not go waving a flag around letting everyone know your business. Stop rubbing it in people's faces because there are still plenty of people who disapprove of it and will try their damn hardest to take you down regardless if you are just a patient or a large grow op.

I think most dispensaries should look no different than any other average store. Front window with the name on it and address/phone number and a sign with the logo / store name. You shouldn't have a 6 foot tall pot leaf vinyl sticker in the front window. Keep the flashy graphics and pictures inside the store for your customers to appreciate.:hide:


Active member
Back in dallas I knew about 5 real deal crack houses, every one in that neighborhood knew it, the cops knew it. No one did anything about it.

I don't know why, I just know they were literally selling crack and just about anything else you wanted and in the 5 or so years I knew none of them got busted.

I don't understand why the priority for these people is dispensaries with so much more going on in other places.

Well, you gotta follow the money. A crack house isn't a business that can be confiscated, not a nice house that can be seized and sold at auction with a guaranteed percentage going back to the cops.
Truely, where is the money in taking out the crack house? What is there to seize of any real value?:dunno:
They apparently only get attention when election time rolls around and the good ole boys gotta look tough.:angrymod:

But, a dispensary that is pulling in cash for the taking, some yahoo who tells all and sundry how much he has to help fill the cops donut fund, they make easy, lucrative targets.:thinking:

Money. Its your answer, in whole or in part, every time.

Just my :2cents: