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David Grusch - Real Deal UFOs In Gov Possession?


Well-known member
They're lying to you people to justify expanding drone surveillance tech. Every accusation about China is an admittance by the american government. What is scary is what they're saying out loud and in private correspondence.

Listen to what they say about Jesus freaks. They're an impediment to the entire corporation(military industrial complex) because they're too stupid to run the thing but dumb and greedy enough to try.

Every branch of the military is full to the brim with evangelical Christian know-nothings ill-equipped to challenge the Chinese for global hegemony. Our military will fail due to brain drain and american lack of education.


Well-known member
Another interview worth seeing! I think Col. Karl Nell is very credible, especially considering his impressive career.

I find the expansion on the question of what we consider to be reality very useful.
However, these high-ranking experts seem to have no doubt about the existence of non-human species.
It is also remarkable how carefully they choose their statements and still seek clarity.


Another indication of seriousness is the threatening gestures and the way the people involved publicly protect themselves. It is somewhat reminiscent of the Boeing scandal...


"Has the State of Israel made contact with aliens?
According to retired Israeli officer and current professor Haim Eshed, the answer is yes, but this has been kept a secret because "humanity isn't ready."


I can't judge the credibility of this statement, but perhaps someone here can.

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mama tried
couple oldies
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Well-known member
If you believe aliens contacted Israel, you're already too deep. Those psychopaths wouldn't be contacted.

You're being turned into useful idiots for the military to justify expansion into space.

Never trust someone in "INTELLIGENCE". they're trained liars, bullshit artists.


Well-known member
I share the criticism of governments and secret & intelligence services,
but I find the form of blanket generalization and diagnosis/pathologization of individual governments not very conducive to an objective exchange, especially in the case of these globally occurring phenomena.

The extent to which this topic is globally suppressed, abused and/or controlled by media management is also part of the investigations, which for me is part of clarification/ disclosure.

it was just some old newspaper clips i was interested in what they were seeing in the skys
All the reports from different times are clear indications that this phenomenon has apparently "always" existed.


Well-known member
Humans are susceptible to psychosis. Sleep paralysis(being abducted is sleep paralysis) and or being compulsive liars. The ufo community is full to the brim with these people like police stations are full with psychopaths.

UFOlogy is a cargo cult, functionally, the actual research done in the scientific fields that these people want to understand is all compartmentalized by design. They don't want you to know how much insane technology was funneled Into and sequestered by the military industrial complex, while asking for more money to finance the "research" and "acquisition" of said ufos would prove they're wasting our money on black budget projects that slowly trickle down to moneyed insiders.

I've spoke with a man who's job was literally drawing the designs/functions of a patent, weapon or device, in 3d and explaining it so that the people who decide whether or not to fund experimental tech, will understand a d say yes or no. The military I dusteial complex is a corporation and functions like one. Some engineers will get even further down into nuclear and other top secret compartmentalized groups like skunkworks, very few eyes ever get to see those types of patents/experimental crafts. The ones I was told about were the ultrasonic crowd dispersion and the design of a drone with an EMP Plasma "whip" used to patrol and down drones near white sands/skunkworks. This weapon/drone was secretly tested on a nuclear facility and called a "ufo" 40+ years ago.

We now have them working in the theater of war. These drones with plasma whips can shut down nukes, they can shut down rockets, they can kill power to nuclear weapons facilities that have backup and kill the backup too.

Without knowledge of what they were witnessing, many American scientists were duped into believing they saw a "ufo", and it was aliens. They saw a dummy nuke test(rocket test) get shot down via a drone that shot plasma.

If the hands of the government were allowed to talk to eachother, these kinds of stories wouldn't end up with very credible people believing nonsense due to ignorance or misinformation(by design, how compartmentalization works) the navy intelligence is in the driver seat, they're the ones in charge of the "ufo" technology, not the air force, and that pisses off the air force, people like David Fravor to no end. Inter tribal rivalries and classes, no offense but the navy rightly believe the air force to be idiots because the navy has a different group/phenotype of human it is looking to recruit(high intelligence/high discretion, hence the gay guys join the navy rumor) vs the air force(dumb jockish and susceptible to propaganda).

The air force guys won't shut up about what they see, the top brass among the Air Force aren't even clued into what the navy are, the submarine tech, there's more room underwater and above oceans for them to test than above ground near civilians.


Well-known member
This video explains what I've I'm getting at.

Top level scientists at the air force are not clued in, and are kept in the dark about what the navy is actually using(on their nuclear subs). It spooks them out they're not privy to all that flies in the sky. Again, the navy is who shows up to secure the ufos, not the air force, when the air force is doing drills over the ocean outside the coast of California, those are under naval supervision. They do tests without munitions, why? As David fravor said "because when we don't bad things happen" aka millions to billions of dollars of damages done by idiots with barely high school educations. That's why they fly unarmed.

That sounds stupid as shit right?

But they snitch on themselves as David fravor did. The Air Force cannot be trusted with the radar data, the naval intelligence functions as the authority over all of that.

2 tentacles of the American hydra vying for authority over experimental technology, that's what half of the drama is about.


Well-known member
Excuse me. I know this thread is serious but I am not able to resist posting this
The pocket version is quite good, but real researchers take the high-quality device. :biggrin:



I agree with you, there are a lot of muddleheads and misguided people, perhaps even more than in other subjects. That is why we need a serious, scientific and objective approach to the subject.

And there is no doubt that there are many intrigues and machinations in the military-industrial complex that are detrimental to humanity.

However, internal military hostilities and weapons developments cannot explain the flight maneuvers of these phenomena, 45° or 90° changes of direction and transmediate flights (space - airspace - underwater at the same speed), which are actually physically impossible for us, all without any exhaust gases or other evidence of propulsion and: Without a sonic boom!

Acceleration is one thing, but how is stopping to zero accomplished at almost no distance?
The inertial force appears to be switched off. How does it work?

We have no drones that can do this, and no materials that can withstand these enormously high gravitational forces (more than 6000 G?) , neither today nor in the 1950s.

We don't even know how to store this enormous amount of energy in such a small space and retrieve it in an instant, our technology and knowledge is not up to it. (YT canal, SOL Foundation, f.i. Kevin Knuth on The Physics of UAP)

If someone were in possession of such a superior weapon technology, it would be put to general use to deter and control everyone else.

It also remains unclear how these phenomena can apparently vanish into thin air or suddenly appear. The question remains why they don't use this cloak ability and instead hover for hours over cities and other inhabited areas around the world.

So there are many unanswered questions, regardless of who or what controls this UAP.

And too many have seen it outside of any military action, the paste is out of the tube.

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