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Well-known member
I havent come across any with glass in lately, The last batch I had was about 2 years ago, Dunno if it had glass in but you somke a full joint and never have to the flick the ash off it just stayed there, use to end up with 2 inches b4 you could flick it off, Its bang out of order what people do, just 2 make some extra money

As 4 adding glass i know they do this when the buds growin it then grows round the glass making it part of the bud addin wieght, Part of the reasion i grow my own, Dirty scum bags should be made to eat all there crap gear


thank god i aint saw no shit like this round here for atleast a while, i think the worst of it is over.


ICMag Donor
For you maybe,, but please let's think of the lungs that are still getting it,, and smoking it,, unawares! and that's just the glass weed!

When was the last time you put a magnet to the weed to see if it contained metal,,?

This things getting like cornflakes.. maybe they add it for health reasons.. lol :D




ICMag Donor
Is that what they mean by 0.5% iron lol

Yes. The word they use is "fortified,, check the other videos,, some dude even grinds those cornflakes down to extract the iron filing/stuff,, haha :no:

On a serious note: If yo find iron in your weed/ganja (very real check the video,, 2nd above) then take it back to the dealer (obviously not homegrown) and ask them wtf go-on? since when did they start selling scrap metal dope?

peace all


Active member
someone passed me some of that sparkling weed with glowing red hues.... tossers..... it also left a sticky black oil in my ashtray...wtf...

Grow your own or DIE! ! !:)


ICMag Donor
Oily residue isn't good,, :no:

The dutch dudes that got a coffeeshop WW against their homegrown WW ,, covered that in vid 7-10 on this thread :yes: bless them :canabis:

Just like these cats,, (how they do down in the smoke :yes:)... do it on utube


... demonstrating it for the public awarness ,, sweet bud and all :yes: bless them ppl :canabis:

Zoot smokers ,, keep yourselves aware!!!! please!! play safe!! and inform others :D

peace out all
dL :joint:

p.s. jawsk9 (aka the crew in video ,, pm DocLeaf anytime) :yes:


just got some stuff today that looks suspicisouly good and smokes/smells a little strange... started searching a lot about grit weed recently, but had never encountered it before and examined it very closely. Most nugs were hard to tell if it was pure crystal or if it had been tampered with. Another hint was the fact that they looked fantastic, much better than the usual from this guy, and yet it was cheaper than normal.

I tried to get decent macros to get a better look, but my camera sucks.

So I just decided to water cure it and see if it smoked better after a night or something...as soon as i dunked it in the water the glass became quite evident. It still shone and reflected the way you would expect if there was glass on your weed and none of the rest of the bud sparkles.

I guess I won't be smokin it, but will the water help clean it at all, or would that only work with more sand/sugar types of grit weed?


Cannabis 101
wow this is greed to the max.. gald i don't see shit like this where im from... that would be scary scary smoke.

lost in a sea

better yet........throw it away, call the guy up and tell him to go fuck himself if he cant tell the difference...and tell him youl tell everyone he sells grit/silica weed, dealers hate bad rep...

selling coke cut with rabbit tranqs to kiddies and glass bead coated weed to the adults...sick..


WOW this is crazy to me. Where im from high quality weed is rare, mostly just brown brick weed.
so it seems like people around here REALY appreciate the kindbud when it comes around. Its real hard for me to imagine somone wieghing it down, lacing it, anything like that. The only glass i want my weed to come in contact with is my bong.

Best to just grow your own..


ICMag Donor


In the words of Dr Greenthumb and Chronic ,, those great anti-grit-weed online pioneers,,,


sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Got some Morrocon Polm the other night. Looked good nice and blonde. I was confident that it was good hash...£35.00 an eighth which is all I bought. Got home and stuck a little in me pipe and then some more. A few minutes later and my breathing was slightly laboured. This turned into a bit of a wheeze and cough. The so say polm was not as strong as it should of been although I did get stoned on it. Next morning I was at work but still found my breathing slightly laboured and coughing up a lot of phlem....I don't smoke tobacco..Took it back to dealer and said it was crap. He gave me my money back which I scored some nice afghani black off of him as this is sweet.

Sorry I'm rambling...bit high. What I'm saying is to people in the U.K is watch out for the polm as it's not always polm or rather it is but has some kind of filler in it....I would imagine plaster or something. I'm pissed off cause I cannot grow at the moment and have to wait another few months before I can grow again...but for the meantime it's ridiculous trying to score these days. I just might have a break until then...tut's...


Got some Morrocon Polm the other night. Looked good nice and blonde. I was confident that it was good hash...£35.00 an eighth which is all I bought. Got home and stuck a little in me pipe and then some more. A few minutes later and my breathing was slightly laboured. This turned into a bit of a wheeze and cough. The so say polm was not as strong as it should of been although I did get stoned on it. Next morning I was at work but still found my breathing slightly laboured and coughing up a lot of phlem....I don't smoke tobacco..Took it back to dealer and said it was crap. He gave me my money back which I scored some nice afghani black off of him as this is sweet.

Sorry I'm rambling...bit high. What I'm saying is to people in the U.K is watch out for the polm as it's not always polm or rather it is but has some kind of filler in it....I would imagine plaster or something. I'm pissed off cause I cannot grow at the moment and have to wait another few months before I can grow again...but for the meantime it's ridiculous trying to score these days. I just might have a break until then...tut's...

Yeah i know what you mean , at some point polm has been cut from what i can gather, i used to buy so called polm years ago and it was basically like a watered down soapbar hash...what i think is that at some point once people started buyin polm instead of soapbar some bastard decided to cut the polm with soapbar to fill it out, only a guess but that is the vibe i got off it. sad state the uk is in , i cant think of a worse country as far as bad quality weed goes, and they wonder why there are people in mental hospitals...ill say it again IT IS NOT THE CANNABIS BUT THE CONTAMINANTS that causes the mental illness.