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Funny innit when people get wise to soap bar and stop buying it,the herb gets messed with. i even read bout some dirty bastards using fine lead powder to bulk up the weight in germany causing people to burn holes in ther lungs.
worst i have experienced fortunately is that horrible spray crap that makes the ash on your spliff like a rock, dont generally buy weed tho.


Its all been disposed of, threw the sift and bud away.

Keep your eyes peeled for this stuff gentlemen, if it gets you high at all after the abuse its been subjected to I promise its not worth the sore chest and raw throat.

Good way to tell is to break up a tiny bit or better yet, grind up a bit and take a look at the trichs its putting off. The stuff I had on my slice was MUCH lighter than trichs, it would float away like baby powder instead of gently falling to the ground.

Be safe guys and watch what you buy,



ICMag Donor
Nice words Bluesboy :yes:

ben westwood - "Don't buy glass weed, even if its all you can get,,, if we all boycott it, it'll stop, simple. But dont let them think it's acceptable"

007ayz says "Stop buying it! You're gonna have to stop selling it!"

gdotman n crew - "This aint the weed I remember!!"

Chronic and Greenthumb advise "Say no to your dealer. You need to tell them to 'Fuck off' !!"

JVF says "I've had enough"


Enough now ,, this stuff needs to STOP !!!


ICMag Donor
'These pellets of poison are flooding our waters...'

We'll continue to fight this ,, until people STOP BUYING IT !!!


Active member
i my area the weed is not glass so much as "layered", the top stuff is non grit import, then a layer of ropey (maybe outdoor) weed. always the good stuff on top.

also batches being found with large amounts of crushed hemp seed in it.

heard off my mate the other day in bedfordshire good weed goes for £25 for 3.2g.


Oh I saw what was supposed to be commercial round my way I swear there was roots in it and loads of seed and crushed fan leaf and people were buying it!!!!

Elevator Man

Active member
Man, is this still going on? Haven't seen anything around these parts for a year at least, but there's not been much commercial-grade bosh around either. After they pulled a load of the Viets and Chinese, a lot of 'skunk' supplies just dried up, but it was all garbage, so no great loss there - they can't grow good weed, full-stop.

All I get is either from other local growers, or quality imports like the Thai, which is about as good as it gets weed-wise - and there ain't no grit in that, and it was made in the jungle! :)


Iif I got no homegrown then I might get a bit from another grower but otherwise I would rather go without.




I think i may have had bud before that's been sprayed with Brix+ (just before i started growing couple of year ago), the buds looked really good, smelled amazing - fresh hazy, earthy, no visible signs of anything being sprayed on it, buds were really chunky (like it had maybe been compressed when wet cause cause when i was cutting through it with scissors it looked quite solid veg matter), but it left a thick white sticky goo on the scissors (at the time i thought it may have been resin, possibly was? but i've never seen scissor hash bright white like this before), when you put a flame to the goo stuff it melted like scissor hash/resin into liquid, anyone know if it could of been the Brix+ that shows signs like this?


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
What happens when you put a match or greebo to it? Does it melt and bubble? That would be my first test. Have you looked at it under a 30 to 50 power scope yet? Every grower should own one.
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Pipedream said:
What happens when you put a match or greebo to it? Does it melt and bubble? That would be my first test. Have you looked at it under a 30 to 50 power scope yet? Every grower should own one.
Hi Pipedream,
yeah i hit it with the flame from a lighter man and it bubbled and melted just like scissor hash would but it was bright white (never seen scissor hash that colour before), this was 2 years ago tho, didn't have any scopes at that time to look closely at the bud, i've heard that Brix+ is nasty stuff :no:, and the worst thing is i'm pretty sure it's available to buy at almost any hydro store :crazy:

Hazeseeker :ying:


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
my men are all clued up now on the grit/bulking agents, since i boycotted them last time they know what to look for now. every one i know who juggles only wants the cheese anyway -- £25 - 3.5g straight through 200 oz.

will be passing the word on now the shits back again :yes:



Still with the shit-weed on our streets, education is the way forward....mass respect to the grower massive coming together to stop glass weed!! :rasta:

Boycott these greedy fuckers...! :joint: :fsu:


gritweed are asking for donations? So they can buy weed I presume lol. I guess its r&d though lol..

£10 for 0.5-0.8g of grit in my area, wow so glad I don't smoke that but I feel sorry for the tokers coming up that smoke this...it would make one think weed sucks!!


Active member
yeah man, with all dis dodgy dealing with contaminates and weed droughts,
makes me praise jah for helping me grow beautiful, organic, clean burning weed.

sellasie praise! king of kings lord of lords, conquering lion of the tribe of judea, JAH, rastafari!

(ha ha, sellasie d.i.y)


alright guys-
nice links to the gritweed site Doc-will check it when i get some more time online.
i've been out of the loop of late so haven't seen much commersch-one thing that is new to me is bud coated with a fine bright green powder. that wasa couple of months ago in the West Midlands. At first glance it looked ok-just v green. I heard comments that it was not grit weed because there was not coated with white powder-clever move eh? But when a bit is left in the bag an almost flourescent green powder collects at the bottom-watch out for that one guys