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White Tee

I just got some nasty gritweed the other day in the Midlands area, only had a couple of Js off it and im concerned now wtf was in it, its completely fucked my throat and the top of my windpipe.

Didnt notice anything wrong with it to begin with apart from it looked a little dry and there seemed to be a lot of scuff at the bottom.

On closer inspection its been plastered in some really nasty shit, looks like there is 2 different kinds of crap in there, one like very fine sand/glass balls and another that seems to be lighter and almost flaky thats olive green in colour, but it aint no weed!

Seems like everyone thats handling it is adding there own crap in along the way.

I really need to hurry up and get my cupboard finished, at this rate I'll be dead from emphacemia or sillicosis before i get my first grow done!


ICMag Donor
Thanks for sharing the info. :yes:

Please tell ya dealer he/she has "fake weed".. and that we think they're real lame for supporting such a dishonest trade. Bumberclots!

I really need to hurry up and get my cupboard finished, at this rate I'll be dead from emphacemia or sillicosis before i get my first grow done!

True that,, growing your own is the only way forward :yes:
wow i dunno how people get away with it. makes the vietnamese/chinese gangs look like real pros lol even though there is bad not because its contaminated ...but coz its still so wet....i guess its been contaminated by excess water!andpicked early probably.

but glass weed is just really bad. almost inexcusable...might aswell call it theft


Life is one big grow........
Ahhhhhhhhhh I HATE THIS GUYS.......

Ahhhhhhhhhh I HATE THIS GUYS.......

Ones agin CannaLover,

round my area u are only will find BRIX WEED.....it is sooooooooooo fucked up.........if i buy weed form anyone how did not grow it.....
(sorriely the homegrowCommunity is very small in my hometown, because we are next to Holland and befor one year we was abel to get TOP WEED....but than brix rised up)
u will have to search, u will have to search very hard....and u will probably finding nothing..........nothing without Brix or what ever................and most of the dealer do not know what BRIX is......they like the weed they are selling(the smoke it self) :wallbash:

Some weeks ago my stash was gone and none of my buddys had some homegrown.-......so i was searching for a good weed......all i found was BRIX......in the end i was buying some very very poor Outdoor without BRIX...


ps. made some pictures, i will post it tomorow................


First people move from hash to bud because all of the hash was crappy soapbar and now they adulterate all the bud too.

It's disgraceful. Can't they just charge more per gram or something instead of lacing good herb with unhealthy or even dangerous crap?


Nice thread Docleaf...

A guy i know (east mids area) turned down a nine bar over the weekend cuz it was that gritty shitty weed, the 4ker wanted 120 on the oz for it. Fair play to my m8 but now we got nothing to smoke for a few days, but no smoke is better than gritty smoke anyday of the week. I hope anyone else who encounters this tells the 4ker to jog on, or maybe we should get together and force this 4ker to smoke it himself...... This is one of the reasons im getting back into growing at least then i will know exactly what im smoking


Whats up
Im in Ireland and for like the past couple of years all thats been available was soapbar and sandblasted shite i wouldn't even call weed except for one dealer i knew that brought weed in from Wales but other than that everything was crap.I mean this stuff wouldn't even get you high unless you smoked joint after joint and it hurt my throat so much i decided i couldn't smoke it anymore and went with out(which was bollox).....but things are looking up :woohoo: as theres no soapbar available in my area and the place is flooded with good clean weed!!which is great considering Ireland has had such a poor scene for a long time.Most of the weed available is mainly skunky varieties but i've smoked some kind of diesel,white rhino and some great south african weed with a soaring sativa high(it wasnt swazi) it was also slightly seeded and pretty cheap..well enough rambling from me...hope the situation is looking up for stoners across the u.k
good luck


In the south west UK at the moment, the market is absolutely flooded with sprayed weed. The stuff looks moderately frosty, and a lot of people have smoked ounces of this stuff and not noticed any difference.

Last week I bought some UK Cheese, smoked one joint, and had a sore throat, sore chest and a slight cough; also the joint burned down extremely fast. I realised something was wrong so I got a small bit of bud and checked it out under a microscope. There was some white stuff on the trichomes, like frosting. I touched a flame to this small bud and the whole bud quickly burned away leaving a yellow residue behind. I tasted a bud and it did not taste any different, just a bit bland.

Does anybody have any idea what this contaminant is? I will try and get some pictures of buds that have been sprayed with it. This stuff is extremely common and does not produce vast quantities of 'kief' like other contaminants I've encountered.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
^^^^^^^That sounds like it's just been sprayed with 'Bug Off' .... just like they did around Xmas, that sure messed with your respiratory system


^^^^^^^That sounds like it's just been sprayed with 'Bug Off' .... just like they did around Xmas, that sure messed with your respiratory system

I'm still recovering from the bad chest. A lot of people that I know have been smoking grams of this stuff every day for weeks and have no complaints. The people growing it smoke it too, which makes me wonder whether it's intentional (they will smoke anything though). They are certainly not the only people contaminating bud with this stuff. If it is Bug Off then the contamination may not be intentional. But regardless, weed contaminated with this stuff is all over the place here, and not a lot of people realise their bud is contaminated.

The stuff smells and burns very similar to potassium nitrate mixed with sugar though. I'm wondering whether the bastards higher up the chain of UK commercial weed have concocted some nasty spray using potassium nitrate to make weed look more frosty, not produce an unrealistic amount of 'kief', and burn faster (obviously so that joints don't last as long).

I might have to upload a video or two on Youtube demonstrating how to spot this stuff. It's going to seriously hurt someone soon.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I must have my head up in a danky ass cloud because I've never heard about this problem before. I'm new to IC, but not to the underground......daaaaammmnnnn this is messed up! I used to be upset when there was only shit weed around to smoke...now people have to worry about inhaling dangerous added chemicals.

Thanks for the enlightenment on this issue...


ICMag Donor
Stand strong UK,,

It wouldn't surprise us if these greedy bastards starting spraying Cheese,, cause that's the flavour street cats wanna smell when they open the bag!! While ppl keep buying it,, punks will keep selling it!!!

Tell ya dealer to "fuck off" ... Freddy wants Durban this year!!!

Get them to resource their product!!!

or 'Grow Ya Own'!!!!


in france we had the same problem with weed mixed with glass powder... Some of my friends have noticed the same problem in the NL.

A lil bit after, we saw weed mixed with something like hair spray... All this kind of mixed weed burn very bad and are of course very bad for health.

Autoproduction is THE solution :joint:

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