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Active member
uk , please grow your own produce
uk growers, please dry out your product, we will pay premium price for fully dried and cured bud, the wet weed is making your pockets fatter we know but cmon , wheres the love and standards? just cos hes doing it or if you dont want it he will have it, etc etc etc bullshit!
uk dealers, its tough with all the price rises, so yes as always keep up your quality control as its still coming through! we understand if thats all there is but theres always the good ones we all can keep on continuing to buy high grade and returning the glass shit it will slowly get cheaper glass weed akin to soap days uk! whereas the high grade just gets more better price,
thanks for my sunday rant of the day, peace and love bb


ICMag Donor
bigbuddhaseeds said:
uk dealers, its tough with all the price rises,

The market is always reflective of the culture that surrounds it.

At present wholesale prices in the UK are roller-coasting,, a combination of viet-cong-farmers and people selling Brix weed constructs a false market-price between 'em. In turn many dem dealers are struggling to meet with the pressures of modern demand,, by running dry or sitting idle in HMP. When something, anything, comes to hand, regardless of the quality, these same dealers snap it up, bag it up, and hustle it out at retail.

Back in the day, erb-dealers had a higher sense of 'respect' for both product and people smoking their product,, and a level of quality control was maintained on both sides of the quid. These days rude youts and plastic gangsters do n say wat they wanna,, to make it fast,, simply cause they've never known any better.

When the underground flipped over-ground, the golden age of cannabis-culture was over.

dLeaf :joint:


I'm finding it bloody hard to find a dealer over the age of 18 these days! shocking, I hate dealing with these kids because their product is inevitably shite, thankfully not glassed however - never made it up this far north. Most of the older dealers are slinging coke and whatnot as well and well, I dont really like to get involved with them.

Anyone noticing prices rising? I only know of one girl (and god bless her, my one true solid connection) whos still selling eighths at £20 in this city - everyone else seems to want £25! for what is inevitably your average UK hydro weed, nothing special and obviously unloved - just grown as quickly as possible and sold on. Even had some little twunt asking £180 for an oz! cheeky little shites. I'd rather just hold out until my christmasweed grow is ready than deal with them.

I did have the pleasure of finding some excellent grass (and its a bit sad when you're impressed to find an proper eighth of dry, well cured skunky funky stinky weed for £20, but its too much of a rarity these days) in Edinburgh and Glasgow so maybe its just my city being screwed.

on a side note, quarter lb for £400 - i've never bought this much before but if anyone has, how good/bad a price is this?
This is ****ing scary. I swear I've gotten bad weed with crap in it before, and its disturbing not knowing what you're actually getting. I would grow my own, but theres no place for that. No place indoors to hide it, and its cold and snowing outside.


ICMag Donor
waydee said:
I'm finding it bloody hard to find a dealer over the age of 18 these days! shocking, I hate dealing with these kids because their product is inevitably shite

Most of the OGs are on lock down in HMP,, (shout out to that crew) or dem be rock-star these days!!
There's no-one in place to be teaching respect onto the yout 'bout how to be slinging dem erb,,.

treat ya people righteous and dem nah need repent... :canabis:

erb, roots, culture,
dLeaf :joint:


eyes that shine...
ICMag Donor
Shocking state of affairs.~I first noticed the dreaded grit weed a couple years ago from a long-time good dealer and told him not to put that crap anywhere near me again.Had hoped it would fizzle out as more people rejected it but apparently the situation has only gotten worse.Greedy feckers are now even slingin' it in the 'Dam---- :nono: unreal
boycott these fukkers--spread the word


ICMag Donor
burning_red said:
Greedy feckers are now even slingin' it in the 'Dam---- :nono: unreal

Sadly in these times, some coffeeshops are happy to do business with drug dealers, petty-criminals, and flower thugs. Those coffeeshops will be the root of their own downfall.

so do wat ya got to do,, say wat ya know.. n grow ya own!!

erb, roots, n all


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
All the more reason to grow your own. Besides if you pounded the hell out of the guy trying to sell that crap. Im sure they would think twice before trying it again. Take the junk from them poor it out on the ground, piss on it and tell them to like it! :rasta:

daddy fingaz

Active member
got some bud last night that looked and smelt the part, nice well formed buds, didnt look like the classic grit weed at all but on closer inspection it seemed to have an almost waxy feel to it and doesnt seem to want to dry fully!?!

i shuda known better really but was gaggin for a smoke!

unless u know the guy whos grown it i wudnt buy anything of a 'commercial' dealer at all, everything seems to be adulterated in some way!
a bird at my work gave me a few spliffs of this stuff she was gettin which she thought was real nice, suprise suprise got it home and it was blatant sand weed!!! said to her didnt she notice it taste odd or left a residue in her mouth, she was clueless and shes smoked for a fair few years, i think alot of joe public smokers have forgotten wot weed should be!!

glad ive only got a few weeks til harvest!!

I do think its got to the point now were most people cant get anything but adulterated weed or damp 2g 'eigths' and these commercial dealers no their gonna buy it cos its either that or dont smoke!!!


Active member
Damm Daddy fingars it hurts to hear shit like that

What do you think they spray the buds with -

daddy fingaz

Active member
f*ck knows mate but this is different to the usual sandy gritty stuff, cant feel it in ya mouth but it does have a slight sweet taste and looks almost as if its been dipped in or sprayed with sumkind of waxy solution, when smoked it actually tastes quite smooth and not unpleasant.
ive come across similar from a different source a few months back, this current stuff the coating is clear, the previous stuff it was actually green in colour and quite visible to the point i thought the bud was covered in some kind of aphid initially!!! apparantly the dealer who got this latest stuff had got it from Derby!?!

it doesnt seem our government are too bothered considering adulterated weed seems so rife and such a potential health hazard, if u think of the amount of people smoking this and the potential pressure it could put on an already overstretched NHS if not now then in years to come, not that they can think beyond their next fat expenses claim!!
im sure they will try and use it in their favour, spin it in the demonisation of 'skunk' the out of touch tw@ts that they are!!


Active member
Thanks fore the responds Daddy Fingaz - newer seen this kind off adulterated cannabis, so you is description is appreciated.

And i think you are right abouth, the spin- they will properly use it to insite fear abouth the healthyness off cannabis.
it's stupid enough to be real, use powdered sugar or something that won't harm the lung ( much ) but I don't doubt for a second if anthrax looked like trichomes they'd sprinkle it over bud , stupid ****s
endlesssummer said:
it's stupid enough to be real, use powdered sugar or something that won't harm the lung ( much ) but I don't doubt for a second if anthrax looked like trichomes they'd sprinkle it over bud , stupid ****s

Dealers would be scared to pull that sh*t in the states, they might get capped later. I don't know about you Europeans, you're probably buying from people you don't even know and will never see again in these shady neighborhoods. All I can figure is that organized crime is trying to jack up prices for crappy ditchweed by making it appear loaded with trichomes. Buy from someone you know, or else inspect the weed before hand, smoking it if possible. I really have never heard of glass dust in pot, that's inmates do in prison to the food when they want to kill somebody. Yes it can kill you.

Another less pleasant possibility is that Arab terrorists are selling the adulterated weed just to harm pot smokers, with the rationale that increased medical expenditures will hurt Western societies... those Arabs hate us all so this is just one more way to harm the West and raise money for Al Qaeda. Or another possibility is the neofascists are selling this junk to harm pot smokers. There are plenty of haters in the world of various stripes, you have to be on your guard. Organized crime, terrorists, neofascists, and who else? Maybe a corrupt law enforcement agency, such as from Turkey or elsewhere in the Middle East. There are a lot of entities with a motive for harming pot smokers and making marijuana look bad.

Basically it goes back to know your dealer. A savvy dealer is not going to buy crap like that. If I examined the herb and saw dust on it I would not buy it, period. If it didn't smoke well later or smoked too harshly then I would be looking for the jerk I bought it from.

I bought from strangers in San Fran, but there is a different vibe there, and the people I bought from are there in the same place every day, they don't move around much. If they went around selling adulterated crap they would get harmed the very next day, no question about it. It is easier for them just to sell good quality stuff and have happy customers who come back time and time again. It's not just ethics, its good business sense.


Green Mujaheed
They use also micro-balls of silice, this is stuff used for sandblasting, cleaning minerals or that stuff.

My, and what to think about Lead filled weed

There are real fuckers out there...

Irie !


Active member
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a thread on this on OG years back?? That shits still goin on??? That's unbelievable!!! I call BS on the govmnt, as I seem to recall an "investigation" being announced or something.. wow, way to protect your citzens, Government! :cuss: :badday:


ICMag Donor
norcal_sourD said:
That shits still goin on??? That's unbelievable!!!

Unfortunately my friend yes. Belive it!

The UK government are mostly cowards in politicians clothing,, the majority of ppl are lemmings,,, so they buy the stuff that the kid on the street places before them when he answers his mobile phone,,,, and the profit hungry con-artists behind the scam get rich of the money it generates :no:

It's a vicious circle that only the punters buying bogus-weed can stop!


It's the only way... other than growing your own (of course) :canabis:

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