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Update On WW

Update On WW

Che-Hey man-thanks for coming by man..quite a lot of action between post...

got everything flowering and clones out the yahoo...got rid of about 10 nl x bb clones the other day and hooked my brother up with some clones of everything i have..

anyway i have a white widow that was getting way too tall...i vegged it for 30 days then pulled the trigger...this is from January 16th to now for 12/12.

so i decided to do some lst on it to get the top back into some decent light..i think that sucker was going to keep on going through the roof!

all the white widow i have grown before has been short but everything i read about ww says its a tall plant...sure is..

not many people i know want to grow it because they say it does not have a good yield..

i have had good luck with the alaskan white widow i have...it makes some decent bud.

i tried but cant upload anything larger than 150kb so here is some links to a few shots... I just tied the top over the tied up the long branches so they will grow upward. i want the top to turn again and again and again if need be but it may not grow much more i dont know.

See you around CHE


DENALI (my own strain)

Denali 3 weeks into 12/12

Denali 3 weeks into 12/12 this is another plant of the strain I made!

The pics below are the WW I had to LST...please comment..

WW Before the LST

WW Top I LST'd

WW Top Front View after LST

WW LST Branches

WW With LST applied.

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Skunk #1 & O*Thai x Haze, Maroc Afghani and more!

Skunk #1 & O*Thai x Haze, Maroc Afghani and more!

Here are some shots of some strains I have been messing around with.

Got some mothers all set up...

I figure I can put in 8-20 clones every two weeks and pull out 8-10 every two weeks...i need about 1-1/2 ounces a week to support my habit.

i was thinking about a medical marijuana card but then i would be limited to 12 plants and two ounces..

i am not sure if i will do that or not just yet.

i also have a couple plants i am watching to see if they are male, female or shit. so i put a few pics in of them. i also LST the white widow yesterday and today it is already looking better.

anyway, I am still trying to figure out how to put the images in my post instead of links...i think i finally figured it out...the photo albums are tricky...i put pics in there and then cant find them! the old site worked easier.

Thanks for stopping in...


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Update:NLXBB Trichromes Developing

Update:NLXBB Trichromes Developing

I started flowering 1-16-09...the NL X BB #4E has already started making resin.

My DENALI is also starting to make resin but not like the NL X BB #4E, #4A is a different phenotype, a lot bigger plant but it is not showing any resin yet. No resin from any of the other strains yet...Jock Horror, White Widow.

#4E is definitely a keeper so far.

Take a look..


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Progress Report

Progress Report

Picture one is when I was starting out..

The second pic is from a month later..

The major problem came with applying the fertilizer..luckily I think I was able to catch it before it was too late. Advice to growers...use VERY sparingly until you are sure of the effects.

Other than that all you need is some good seeds, about 10 23w CFL's (100W equiv.) and a MH or HPS. The CFL's run about 2 amps and the HID runs about 9 amps, I actually used both MH and HPS 1kW. I ran my HID for 12 hours and then the CFLS the other 12 hrs. Once they were 30 days old I put them under 12/12.

The result was pretty decent for a low budget setup. I have some decent mothers and some solid females of some very popular strains as well as some of my own concoctions.

Thanks for all the comments and replies to date..I started seeing trichromes on the NL XBB #4E and my own strain DENALI which is #6A and #6B.

1A is the best Jock Horror. 1G & 1C are the next best..

4A is the biggest most vigorous NL X BB and 4E is a completely different pheno than 4A.

5A turned out to be the best and only female of two seeds.

Funny that the best plants were all "A'S"..they were labeled when planted.

I will post up the two different phenos of nl xbb I ended up with.

Check with you later..




NL X BB PHENO 1 Plant 4A

NL X BB PHENO 2 Plant 4E

NL X BB PHENO 2 Plant 4E

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WW LST Problem

WW LST Problem

I decided to move my hitch up a notch on the WW i lst'd.

I apparently went a little to far and split the stem. A drop of sap came out but the stem never did collapse. I backed off the tension a bit to reduce the radius.

I think it will be ok.

Here are some shots.



Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
never knew you had a thread, I am just so used to talking to you through your ? threads.

You got some real nice pics in here, that seeds coming out of its shell like the Alien out of your chest is great.

I will have to stop back in here to check out the buds

Looks great man


drdog-hey man glad to see you around...yeah i thought that was a pretty decent shot of a seed coming out...actually, i got the idea from your thread! it does look a little freaky trying to break out of that membrane...

c'mon back anytime always glad to have you!



Jock Horror X-plant

Jock Horror X-plant

well i need to x-plant a couple more of my plants so i decided to use what i have on hand in the spirit of my low-budget grow. I have quite a few plants in 5 gal containers but to be honest i dont see that big of a diff between jock horrors i have...the jock 1A is the very best of the bunch. it's in a big 5 gal planter but it's not using the whole thing and it is just a better plant...i cant say the others would be as big and healthy if they were in a larger container...i think you need to pay attention to root mass as well...if you have a 5 gal pot it aint gonna do any good if the roots are not using the available soil..even watering seems to be how to make it use all the soil up...

anyway, i have used the double pot method with a lot of success and it is way easier for similar or satisfactory results..as compared to dragging in more dirt, pots etc..including the space it would need..this just raises the plant up some...no more area needed..

this all started with me a few years back i had a thai x haze plant that i had lst'd over at a right angle in relation to the pot..the plant was 8-10 weeks into flowering....it was about a 3 gal pot...well it filled that up and roots were coming out everywhere...i could not see how i could ever have pulled it off by removing the plant from the pot...so i figured i would cut the bottom out of the original pot and set it into a fresh 5 gal planter...all i had to do was pick it up and set it down! heck thats almost as easy as walking the dog!

it took root and just kept on growing and never missed a lick!

after x-planting these they did not show any signs of shock or stress..

i decided to share this method which i use. i am not sure where i got the idea but i am glad i did because it works!

Here is a few shots for anyone who is interested.


Plant to be x-planted 1G

Before x-plant

Why it needs to be x-planted..

A fresh new pot and an example of a pot with bottom cut out..

Pour some water in the new pot and plug it in...

And now it's all plugged in nice and snug..

For support add some duct tape half way around leaving one side open for air and water...

And here she is all ready to finish the flowering period..

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Cloning With Crawdad

Cloning With Crawdad

Here is a sure fire method of cloning that has always worked well for me and I know will work for you. I know this has been done many times on the site but i figured i would show how i do it and what success i have had, almost 100%! you can theoretically keep a plant alive forever by cloning. Vigor of the original donor can & will diminish over time and with poor selection of cloning material..once you have a plant you want to keep around you can take a clone to grow another plant just like it...you can also take a clone and sex your plant or vice versa...take a clone once your sure it is the sex you desire...male or female..it works with either plant pistillate (female) or staminate (male)..take a clone to make seeds...start it, flower it, pollenate it and harvest the seeds...

To quote Robert Connell Clarke from the book Marijuana Botany; "Young, firm, vegetative shoots, 3 to 7 millimeters (1/8 to ¼ inch) in diameter, root most easily. Weak, unhealthy plants are avoided, along with large woody branches and reproductive tissues, since these are slower to root.

Cuttings of relatively young vegetative limbs 10 to 45 centimeters (4 to 18 inches) are made with a sharp knife or razor blade and immediately placed in a container of clean, pure water so the cut ends are well covered. It is essential that the cuttings be placed in water as soon as they are removed or a bubble of air (embolism) may enter the cut end and block the transpiration stream in the cutting, causing it to wilt. Cuttings made under water avoid the possibility of an embolism. If cuttings are exposed to the air they are cut again before being inserted into the rooting medium.

The medium should be warm and moist before cuttings are removed from the parental plant. Rows of holes are made in the rooting medium with a tapered stick, slightly larger in diameter than the cutting, leaving at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) between each hole. The cuttings are removed from the water, the end to be rooted treated with growth regulators and fungicides (such as Rootone F or Hormex), and each cutting placed in its hole. The cut end of the shoot is kept at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) from the bottom of the medium. The rooting medium is lightly tamped around the cutting, taking care not to scrape off the growth regulators. During the first few days the cuttings are checked frequently to make sure every thing is working properly. The cuttings are then watered with a mild nutrient solution once a day."..

I don't usually use any nutrient solution. I have used a weak solution after the first three says and it did not kill the clone as I have read it would on several other post on this and other sites. I just use water till I x-plant, it works fine and you dont have to worry.

I always use colored Dixie cups (16z is best) for starting clones.don't use clear unless you cover them and that's a hassle...i don't recommend peat pot seed starters...just some good pro-mix or something you like in a dixie cup!

a good clone comes from a well hydrated mother, try to take it from a plant after it was watered..it's not mandatory but it helps...

soft tissue roots faster than woody tissue...be sure to leave some leaves for supporting the clones nutrient requirements till it grows feet..

take a clone from almost any part of the plant but i like the part of the stem that has shoots on either side.this results in a double armed plant..and i like tips and tops to give a good cola... try and get the wide firm rubbery part of the shoot..lower branches work good, always try and snag at least one shoot and two leaves....i also do some micro cloning where i take a teeny tiny shoot and root it very easily, i have taken some less than 1/8" wide and 1/16th inch long and they root pretty quick..you just have to handle them very gently...

i dont worry about misting/spraying or wetting the clones down and i don't worry about a cover or a hood of any type....i just keep them in indirect light till they are about 4 days into the rooting process..i have friends that root their clones under a 1000W light...i dont recommend it but it works.

it is a good idea to keep the area about 75 degree's constant...airflow is needed but not too much...nothing directly on the clones..

for cloning and vegging i run 8-12 cfls 24/7 but 18/6 will work too. i am not sure about anything lower but would like to know...

you will need the following:

Cup of water
Rooting Compound/Hormone
Dixie cups
permanent marker

first get your clones...take a dixie cup half full of water or so...and some scissors and cut a few shoots off the plant you want to clone. drop them in the water distal or "cut end" in there first...it does not hurt to let them soak awhile just to help hydrate..just don't let the leaves get under water too long they will wilt....mark the cup so you can id the clones...be sure and keep track of who is who! i use tooth picks with celo tape and write the number/name on there and stick it in to make it easy to id..it's cheap..you can't create a strain without documentation...you can't rely on memory..write it down in a journal..keep lots of notes and pics for references later...

start out by taking a dixie cup and a pair of scissors and NIP holes around the bottom lip of the cup...4 or 5 will do..this will allow water to seep out..and air in...those roots will soon be peeking out of them..i don't know how they find them but they always do..

once you have the holes...

mark the cup with the name of the plant or whatever you use to id the plant.i use numbers it's easier and i keep a key of what the number refers to..like #1=Big Bud etc..then if i take a clone of #1 i just remark it #1..it's just that easy....you may not recognize the strain later and you need to know what it is...put the date on there...this is important so you can track progress..you can take two clones and put them into two different environments and they will look different even thought they are the same GENOTYPE..a plant in full sun will be short, branchy and will flower sooner and finish sooner than the same clone in shade...it will be tall and lanky and have sparse buds, it will flower later and finish later...this is also dependent on the GENOTYPE.the genes passed down by the mom and dad....a PHENOTYPE is a display of a trait, like purple leaves, or webbed leaves, or early maturation..

ok..fill up the cup with dirt....wet it down good...

i take a permanent marker and poke some holes in the dirt depending on how many i want in a cup...if i am MICRO cloning then i put three in there sometimes 4...usually no more than 4..these are easy to break up and plant separately in about 7 -10 days...then you end up with 4 new plants ready to be vegged out or put right into flowering..

take the cuttings out of the water....cut the end at a 45 degree angle...then scrape away the outer skin on 4 sides...not too much just enough to see the tissue underneath...i dont recommend crushing the end but it does work..i think it damages the tissue and adds to the rooting time but thats just my opinion..it actually helps stop the down flow of auxins that help stimulate the formation of nodes there..

back to biz...dip it in water again...then dip it in the rooting hormone...tap off the excess/extra powder...

put it in the hole you made with the pen..very carefully so you dont knock off the stuff...then pinch the dirt around the stem just under the first set of leaves...make sure you set it good so it does not rotate easily..

once you have that done...

drizzle a sha-dizzle of some water over the clone and water it in the cup to make it look like it came that way..nice and smooth around the stem..

after that set the cup somewhere where the extra water can drain off..

keep it out of direct light for about 3 or 4 days..then slowly move it closer to full light..about the last three days...

around 7 days you should notice some new growth. some new green showing or..you may also notice the tips of the leaves fading as the nutrients are pulled when the roots start forming..don't worry it's not dying it's growing..

once you have some good roots, go ahead and pop it into a 1 or 2 gal pot and veg it for about 30 days...then put it in 12/12 for about 60 days..or whatever your strain calls for..don't put it in too large of a pot or you will have problems with watering and yield..it's better to be a tad small than too big..deep is good for seeds since you have a tap root, but clones grow both directions radially (outward) and down, down, down...as long as there is water and nutrients they will go down several feet...you need root growth for top growth..don't forget it...without root growth and development you will not have a good yield...

it's really easy to do..don't worry if you lose a few at first...you just need some OJT (on the job training)...and it's fun!

here are a few pics to demonstrate how i do it..

feel free to drop me any questions or comments...hope this helps someone somewhere..

Good luck!


What you need:

A good place to take a cutting...

Get a dixie cup and fill with soil...then wet it down and poke a hole in the center or how ever many you want...i dont go over 4 in a cup..1 is best..

add some water..

and poke a hole in the dirt..

Cut the clone and put it in a cup of water immediately after you cut it...dont try to do it under the water...it's not necessary..

Here is what a cutting looks like...

Cut it at a 45 degree angle and scrape away skin on 4 sides...

Dip it in water and then dip it in the rooting compund...tap it to remove excess compund...

plug it in the cup and tamp it down gently...

water it in good and keep it moist for the next 7 days...

and finally! here is what you can expect 7 days or so later...

once it is rooted well...

pour some water in the pot before you set the plant in..then tamp it down and water it in..put it in a 7" or 2 gal pot...until that fills up with roots...then x-plant into a new pot the next size or two up

continued in next post..

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Clong with Crawdad Continued..

Clong with Crawdad Continued..

to continue with the info above...

once you have poured water in the pot. then just set the plant in and water it in good...your all set!

set it in the pot..

fill it in...

tamp it in good..

water it in good and as you can see your almost done!

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Big Bud Crosses

Big Bud Crosses

Got some big bud pollen from the big bud male i ended up with.

planning to cross with everything i have..

nl x bb (plant 4E) X BB

maroc x afghani (plant 10a & 10b) x ww X BB

jock horror (plant 1a) X BB

white widow (plant 5a) X BB

denali (plant 6a and 6b) X BB

here is what the big bud male looked like...along with some pollen shots..

hope to have some seeds in about 30 days. cant wait to grow some of them out!


The Daddy (Big Bud from Sensi Seeds)

The Pollen
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