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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

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    Votes: 47 51.6%

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Kiss My Ring
The Most Vaccinated State in the US Has Record Positive COVID Cases and They Have No Clue Why

by Steve MacDonald / 15 October 2021


Two weeks ago, we reported on an under-reported fact. Vermont is the most vaccinated state, and it reached a record-setting covid case spike. So, what’s new? They have no explanation and are admitting as much.

Cases have exceeded the previous daily moving average high of 218 (a few weeks earlier) and “surged” to 226, and no one knows how this happened.
At a press conference Tuesday, Gov. Phil Scott acknowledged that his administration had been surprised by the duration of the surge. “They went back up for whatever reason. I don’t know, I wish I had the answer,” he said. “I think we all wish we had the answer.”
The governor suggested that small to midsize gatherings may be partly responsible, rather than larger public gatherings. He said his administration would watch the trends in Massachusetts after large gatherings at Fenway Park and the Boston Marathon.​

This can’t be. This public health utopia has not only followed in the footsteps of the covid19 inoculation regime, but it is also leading the way. It must be your fault; for daring to live a life beyond their political roadmap even though there’s no evidence lockdowns, masks, distancing, or vaccines reduce infection or spread.

In Vermont, they unflattened the curve!

And you only need one case to wreck the theory, and there are many, both state to state and nation to nation. The COVID political programs of the past, present, and future, do not improve public health and, in most instances, do more harm than good.

In Scotland, they have record excess deaths, not from COVID but illness or disease that went undiagnosed, untreated, or undertreated because of public health policy decisions made in the age of COVID.

Scotland claims a vaccination rate (89%) similar to Vermont.

Vermont boasts being the most vaccinated state in the US.

Actual science tells us that the theory has been busted.
Here in New Hampshire, we’re not quite as gung-ho for the jab as our neighbors to the left, but the data already tells us that vaccination has not improved the outcomes. That might be part of the reason why we oppose wasting money that doesn’t exist to promote a program that doesn’t help. Protestations to the contrary are political, not medical, and much like climate, there is no political solution, only political programs that use natural events to accumulate resources (money and power) in the hands of politicians.

These folks are blaming you because the facts have exposed another lie. It’s not you; it’s them.



Kiss My Ring
Studies Suggested Aspirin Lowers COVID Mortality Rates, Now the Powers That Be Are Attacking It

(AP Photo/Patrick Sison)
Earlier this month a study out of Israel found that the risk for COVID mortality rates lowers significantly, thanks to simple, plain old aspirin. Now, major media outlets are going on the offensive against aspirin in an attempt to dissuade people from using it for heart attack prevention.

According to an article released last Wednesday by the Jerusalem Post, Israeli researchers copied a test done at George Washington University, where they recorded over 400 COVID patients from hospitals across the country who took aspirin for reasons unrelated to COVID itself. This simple treatment resulted in a 44 percent reduction in needing the mechanical ventilator, reduced ICU admissions by 43 percent, and overall hospital mortality by 47 percent.

When the Israelis conducted the same test, they got very similar results and even found that aspirin- takers were less likely to get a COVID infection in the first place as discovered by Dr. Jonathan Chow of the research team:,
Israeli researchers reached similar results in a preliminary trial at the Barzilai Medical Center in March. In addition to its effect on blood clots, they found that aspirin carried immunological benefits and that the group taking it was 29% less likely to become infected with the virus in the first place.

“Aspirin is low cost, easily accessible and millions are already using it to treat their health conditions,” said Chow. “Finding this association is a huge win for those looking to reduce risk from some of the most devastating effects of COVID-19.”​

This should be great news for everyone, as aspirin is not only incredibly common, it’s cheap, too. People of all strokes can get some, and it won’t just help with COVID; it has many other health benefits as well.

However, as my colleague, Andrew Malcolm reported on Wednesday, aspirin is now being touted as useless and possibly even a health hazard. This is after around a decade of doctors and government advising people to take aspirin daily to fight off heart disease, the world’s number-one killer. Malcolm reiterated that 30 million people take aspirin on a daily basis, including himself.


The media is helping this attack along.

The Hill released an article reporting that the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force recommended that adults between 40 and 59 seek doctor approval before taking aspirin for their heart health.

“The latest evidence is clear: starting a daily aspirin regimen in people who are 60 or older to prevent a first heart attack or stroke is not recommended,” said one task force member in a statement. “However, this Task Force recommendation is not for people already taking aspirin for a previous heart attack or stroke; they should continue to do so unless told otherwise by their clinician.”

“Daily aspirin use may help prevent heart attacks and strokes in some people, but it can also cause potentially serious harms, such as internal bleeding,” said another member.

The New York Times got in on the action as well, highlighting that this same panel recommended aspirin for preventing heart disease as early as 2016, but is suddenly now “retreating” from this position. The Times also makes it clear that these “guidelines” are not yet final.

CNN, ever the goon, reported much the same.

Interesting how aspirin is suddenly something of a villain, directly after it was named an anti-COVID hero. Even more interesting is the fact that people predicted this would happen.

Radio show host and author Steve Deace said he “joked” about aspirin getting the same treatment as Ivermectin after the Israeli study was released. A few days later, his joke became a reality. At the time, Grabien founder Tom Elliot attempted to share a link about how aspirin and Ivermectin cut the COVID mortality rate by two-thirds, and Twitter forbid him from posting the link.

While there’s no hard paper trail that’s surfaced as of yet, this sudden attack on aspirin follows a pattern of medications being attacked after they were discovered (or at least generated strong evidence) to be effective against COVID-19. All of the eggs have been placed in the vaccine basket by the authorities in charge and anything that seemingly threatens this is targeted and destroyed. It happened to Ivermectin, it happened to hydroxychloroquine, and now it’s happening to the humble aspirin.

There is no hope except for the vaccine. There is nothing but the vaccine. The vaccine is all.



Well-known member
Aspirin Use Is Associated With Decreased Mechanical Ventilation, Intensive Care Unit Admission, and In-Hospital Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019


Nobody is attacking aspirin. Daily use for heart health is in question. They recommend talking to your doctor.

Who makes this shit up?

you're right as rain, HH. only thing they warn about is folks taking aspirin daily as preventative against heart attacks & strokes WITHOUT their Dr signing off. too long on aspirin & you run the risk of serious internal bleeding (think stomach ulcers) problems. advice changes as scientists and doctors learn. "who makes this shit up" is the folks that want advice one time, and want to see it carved in stone by God himself ...

moose eater

Well-known member
you're right as rain, HH. only thing they warn about is folks taking aspirin daily as preventative against heart attacks & strokes WITHOUT their Dr signing off. too long on aspirin & you run the risk of serious internal bleeding (think stomach ulcers) problems. advice changes as scientists and doctors learn. "who makes this shit up" is the folks that want advice one time, and want to see it carved in stone by God himself ...

A very large study of men over 70 with prostate cancer also found that those who took daily 'heart-healthy' aspirin (81mg) tended to die before those who didn't, due to aspirin being a vasodilator, thus carrying greater amounts of blood/proteins, etc., to the tumors. I just posted a reference to this study a few days ago.

That VERY large study concluded that though aspirin showed some benefit in preventing heart attacks and strokes, the risks didn't outweigh the benefits. That's as close to a quote of their summary as I can get, without looking up the study once again, but there's ample reference in this post for someone to find that study with no trouble.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Only because it thins the blood making it less think/sticky preventing clots. Most people would see no benefit in using Asprin to reduce heart attacks. Asprin is inferior to normal blood thinners. Id bet no Dr would prescribe aspirin for that purpose

moose eater

Well-known member
Only because it thins the blood making it less think/sticky preventing clots. Most people would see no benefit in using Asprin to reduce heart attacks. Asprin is inferior to normal blood thinners. Id bet no Dr would prescribe aspirin for that purpose

Actually, some Docs I've known HAVE prescribed 81 mg aspirin on a daily basis (speaking generically, as it's not a prescription drug), and I know of one friend who 'saved himself' in Whitehorse, when he was having a heart attack at his regular seniors/'old guys' hockey game, and the shop he was then working at was next door, where he found and swallowed a 325mg aspirin from the medicine and Emergency Kit cabinet, and they told him at the hospital that it may have saved his life.

It was me who told the Docs (who'd recommended I'd take the 81mg daily) about the (elderly gents and prostate cancer) study, as the reason why I'd ceased taking the things.

Great outdoors

Active member
Actually, some Docs I've known HAVE prescribed 81 mg aspirin on a daily basis (speaking generically, as it's not a prescription drug), and I know of one friend who 'saved himself' in Whitehorse, when he was having a heart attack at his regular seniors/'old guys' hockey game, and the shop he was then working at was next door, where he found and swallowed a 325mg aspirin from the medicine and Emergency Kit cabinet, and they told him at the hospital that it may have saved his life.

It was me who told the Docs (who'd recommended I'd take the 81mg daily) about the (elderly gents and prostate cancer) study, as the reason why I'd ceased taking the things.

Aspirin immediately is still the go to first step for angina attack.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Actually, some Docs I've known HAVE prescribed 81 mg aspirin on a daily basis (speaking generically, as it's not a prescription drug), and I know of one friend who 'saved himself' in Whitehorse, when he was having a heart attack at his regular seniors/'old guys' hockey game, and the shop he was then working at was next door, where he found and swallowed a 325mg aspirin from the medicine and Emergency Kit cabinet, and they told him at the hospital that it may have saved his life.

It was me who told the Docs (who'd recommended I'd take the 81mg daily) about the (elderly gents and prostate cancer) study, as the reason why I'd ceased taking the things.

If this Dr feels blood thinners are too much for that patient sure he can suggest Aspirin but IMO it will not help. We are talking about 81mg as the suggested dosage to prevent.. All that means is they do not have an heart problem bad enough to need medication. I still think Aspirin is BS as a preventative. .

moose eater

Well-known member
If this Dr feels blood thinners are too much for that patient sure he can suggest Asprin but IMO it will not help.

I don't believe they were prescribing it for high-risk folks with serious blood pressure issues. I had no serious blood pressure issues, and I think it was merely as a prophylactic re. potential heart issues for the persons in my position were being recommended to take such things. Others with pronounced issues were clearly being prescribed necessary meds. Folks like myself simply didn't need anything stronger than that.


Active member
California parents staging school walk out over mandates. Admit they’re too stupid to teach their kids at home.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I don't believe they were prescribing it for high-risk folks with serious blood pressure issues. I had no serious blood pressure issues, and I think it was merely as a prophylactic re. potential heart issues for the persons in my position were being recommended to take such things. Others with pronounced issues were clearly being prescribed necessary meds. Folks like myself simply didn't need anything stronger than that.

There are also other purported benefits of aspirin, including general reduction of inflammation and prophylactic for intestinal/colon polyps. Of course these possible attributes vary with genetic-metabolic physiology. Here is an interesting read.
There is an update insert citing the study you quoted [I believe]


Kiss My Ring

^^^over 300 citations as evidence^^^

Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine Off-Label For COVID-19: Nebraska AG

Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson issued a legal opinion saying that his office won’t seek disciplinary action against doctors who prescribe hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin as off-label medicines to treat or prevent COVID-19, as long as they are not engaging in any misconduct.


The opinion (pdf), issued on Oct. 15, was in response to a request from Dannette Smith, CEO of the state’s Department of Health, which licenses and disciplines doctors. Smith asked whether it would be “deemed unlawful or otherwise subject to discipline” for doctors to prescribe ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, or other “off label use” medications to treat or prevent COVID-19.

The Republican attorney general said in the opinion that his office finds “the available data does not justify filing disciplinary actions against physicians simply because they prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to prevent or treat COVID-19.”

Health care providers in general may be subject to discipline if they “neglect to obtain informed consent, deceive their patients, prescribe excessively high doses, fail to check for contraindications, or engage in other misconduct,” wrote Peterson.

He said his office is not recommending any particular treatment options for COVID-19, but only the off-label early treatment options as raised by the health department “and conclude that the available evidence suggests that they might work for some people.”

The opinion continues, “Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of the hospital, and provide relief for our already strained health care system.”

The legal opinion also noted that there may be other promising off-label medicines to tackle the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19.

Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-inflammatory and anti-malarial medication, gained prominence and heavy scrutiny after former President Donald Trump said he was taking it as a prophylactic.

Last year, medical journal The Lancet initially published a paper condemning hydroxychloroquine before retracting it after more than 100 medical professionals raised major issues with the study.

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in July 2020 removed videos of a group of doctors who advocated for its use as early treatment and prophylaxis amid the pandemic.

A study published in the American Journal of Medicine on Jan. 1 found that hydroxychloroquine helped lower mortality in the early treatment of COVID-19.

The World Health Organization in March advised against the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19.

Ivermectin, a generic medicine widely used against some parasitic worms as well as to treat scabies, lice, and rosacea in humans, has been praised by some doctors as a life-saving early treatment for COVID-19.

Two groups, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group, have urged for the off-label use of ivermectin for COVID-19. There are at least 63 studies, of which 45 are peer-reviewed, on the treatment of COVID-19 with ivermectin.

The American Medical Association, the American Pharmacists Association, and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, said in a joint statement in September they were against its use outside of a clinical trial as a COVID-19 drug.

In Australia, the therapeutics regulator has restricted the prescription of ivermectin for COVID-19 and other off-label use only for certain specialists, including infectious disease physicians, dermatologists, gastroenterologists, and hepatologists.

* * *

Jarrad Winter, via AmericanThinker.com, has broken down a few key sections from the AG's lengthy opinion.

As to the question of ivermectin as a treatment option:
The Mahmud study–a CRT that explored ivermectin as an early treatment for 363 individuals–concluded that “patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 infection treated with ivermectin plus doxycycline recovered earlier, were less likely to progress to more serious disease, and were more likely to be COVID-19 negative on day 14. And Niaee’s research team found that ivermectin can help even hospitalized patients. That group conducted a “randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical trial” with 180 hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19. They concluded that ivermectin “reduces the rate of mortality and duration of hospitalization in adult COVID-19 patients,” and the improvement of other clinical parameters showed that the ivermectin, with a wide margin of safety, had a high therapeutic effect on COVID-19.​

What initially made ivermectin a target for all the inexplicable slander?
Why would ivermectin’s original patent holder go out of its way to question this medicine by creating the impression that it might not be safe? There are at least two plausible reasons. First, ivermectin is no longer under patent, so Merck does not profit from it anymore. That likely explains why Merck declined to “conduct clinical trials” on ivermectin and COVID-19 when given the chance. Second, Merck has a significant financial interest in the medical profession rejecting ivermectin as an early treatment for COVID-19.​

As to the question of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment option:
In 2004, long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, a lab study revealed that chloroquine "is an effective inhibitor of the replication of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in vitro" and thus that it should be "considered for immediate use in the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV infections". The following year, another paper explained that "chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV" and "is effective in preventing the spread of SARS[-]CoV in cell culture."

It is widely recognized in the medical community that hydroxychloroquine is generally safe, so safe in fact that it may be prescribed to pregnant women and "children of all ages."​

What made hydroxychloroquine controversial in the first place?
A striking example features one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals–the Lancet. In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lancet published a paper denouncing hydroxychloroquine as dangerous. Yet the reported statistics were so flawed that journalists and outside researchers immediately began raising concerns. Then after one of the authors refused to provide the analyzed data, the paper was retracted, but not before many countries stopped using hydroxychloroquine and trials were cancelled or interrupted. The Lancet’s own editor in chief admitted that the paper was a “fabrication, a monumental fraud,” and “a shocking example of research misconduct in the middle of a global health emergency."​

Interesting note about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine hesitancy:
As for professional associations' and physician groups' views on hydroxychloroquine, it appears they generally adopt the same position they did on ivermectin. Those like the AAPS who support ivermectin as an option for early COVID-19 treatment generally support hydroxychloroquine too, while those like the AMA, APhA, and ASHP that oppose one typically resist the other.​

The AG's conclusion:
Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of the hospital, and provide relief for our already strained healthcare system.​


Kiss My Ring
"Expert" Calls For Denying Life-Saving Hospital Treatment To The Unvaccinated

Exclusive: Pfizer’s Nervousness About Its COVID Vaccine’s Origins Conceals a Horror Story

Effective Montage Showing Just How “Effective” the Jab Is

Dr. Fauci’s History of Manipulating Data: Inflating Flu Numbers to Promote Universal Mandatory Vaccines

CDC Shuts Down PCR Test Diagnostic Reports After it Gets Caught Using a Fake Lab-Concocted Coronavirus Simulation to Conduct All Studies!

Over 6,700 Doctors Sign Letter Rejecting Coronavirus Tyranny!

27,247 Deaths 2,563,768 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database – Taiwan Records More Deaths from Vaccine than Virus

be well.


Well-known member
Brazil's government recommended Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to their people and have for months as an alternative to the vaccine and they quite literally are ranked 8th in the world with the highest covid deaths per 100k by country.

sounds legit. no surprise you'd want to do what fascist bolsonaro is doing though.