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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

moose eater

Well-known member
Alaska's Statewide numbers are shifting as the efficacy of the vaccines wane; 30% of Statewide infections are currently vaccinated persons, and 20% of hospitalizations are vaccinated persons.

Statewide, 21% of hospitalizations are COVID-related, however, in the Mat-Su Valley, home of the years-ago elusive Thunder Fuck, about -half- of hospitalizations are COVID-related.

Seattle is reportedly no longer accepting Alaska referrals; everybody's jammed to the gills, and running out of staff/nurses, as much as running out of bed space.

Fairbanks has a couple of pediatric hospitalization cases now, and I read there are more in the Mat-Su Valley, as well, with measurable increases in such events, now that Delta is in first place.

Welcome to the logical, predictable fall-out of "It's a PLANDEMIC conspiracy, MANNNNN!!" and "It's no worse than the flu, dude!", and "Masking? We don't need no -stinking- masking!!!"

Talk about making one's bed and sleeping in it.. Christ, I am guessing ignorance is now equally contagious.. But nothing teaches the average human like touching the hot wood stove for themselves... maybe./ Or have we morphed out of THAT bit of experiential reality training, too?

School system, now that Fairbanks North Star Borough School District has some where around 350 cases, has decided that -maybe-, just -maybe- following masking and other guidelines MIGHT be a good fucking idea.. (What was I just typing about that whole experiential reality training thing, and touching wood stoves?).

God bless the manufacturers of the GVS Elipse P100 half-masks, and replacement filter cartridges, as well. That, and Smith & Wesson.

moose eater

Well-known member
news today says that Moderna has an experimental Covid/flu vaccine being tested. yearly boosters? i'm good with it. former co-worker told me this morning that a fellow former co-worker & his son both died two weeks ago, within minutes of each other. Bill was 68, his son only 38, neither vaccinated. life sucks, then you die too soon.

Darwin, historically speaking, has demonstrated very little propensity for sentimentality or mercy. He just does his thing, then hollers, "NEXT!!!"


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Darwin, historically speaking, has demonstrated very little propensity for sentimentality or mercy. He just does his thing, then hollers, "NEXT!!!"

no doubt the anti-vaxxers don't believe in evolution and thus are immune to it according to the "headinass" theorem

moose eater

Well-known member
no doubt the anti-vaxxers don't believe in evolution and thus are immune to it according to the "headinass" theorem

Many of them will cling to their beliefs, right on down to the mortuary entrance door, and the medical examiner exclaiming in exasperation, "Christ!! Not another person who swore the Earth was only 5,000 years old??!! Hey, has anyone seen my tuna sandwich?"

moose eater

Well-known member
but at least their asses are parasite free and have a fresh apple flavor!🍏

Though I'm certain it was not their primary motivation, or even a secondary thought twinkling between synapses, it is rather nice of them that they provide a more pleasant atmosphere for the medical examiner and the M.E.'s lackeys. Credit where credit is due; that's what I say.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Many of them will cling to their beliefs, right on down to the mortuary entrance door, and the medical examiner exclaiming in exasperation, "Christ!! Not another person who swore the Earth was only 5,000 years old??!! Hey, has anyone seen my tuna sandwich?"

lol,i fully plan to confess my sins and accept jeebus into my heart before i die ala pascal....just in case:biggrin:

moose eater

Well-known member
lol,i fully plan to confess my sins and accept jeebus into my heart before i die ala pascal....just in case:biggrin:

I'm going out in as painless a method as possible, if I have my say... and wearing a pair of boxing gloves and foot pads, for when I meet what ever Supreme Entity, so I can ask some pointed questions about the obvious expression of lethargy, in contrast to all of this purported omnipotence and omniscience. Seems to me, someone was slacking.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yeah,i got a few pointed things to say about kids and cancer....also one beef about dogs,they should live exactly as long as their person...that's an even more sacred bond than marriage!:biggrin:

moose eater

Well-known member
Sounds like on behalf of canines everywhere, and their grief-stricken human family members, you and I may both be fixing to kick a Supreme Deity's arse? I'm in. Not the first windmill I've tilted at, only to come home bruised.. Except this time I guess the coming home part may get left off.

Kids and cancer? That's a foul that deserves its own separate ass-kicking session, right there.

Some place near the bottom of the list of questions arising from life-long disgruntlement resulting in curmudgeonly perspectives, will be those ass-hats who leave spent chewing gum on newly cleaned linoleum floors. But that'll take a lower rung to the rest of it.

My dogs say, "Hi." Except for the Norwegian Elkhound. She often tries to be cute, and said, "High." Fucking Norwegians.

It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) - YouTube


Well-known member
vaccine mandate incoming

trumptards will be on max levels of copium going forward

A friend of mine works at the steel mills and they already tried to mandate their employees to get the vaccine. Half of the employees put in their two week notice that same day, the mills being already short on employees compromised and changed their minds the next day opting to take everyone's temperature instead. Now looking at the "mandate"

"The expansive rules mandate that all employers with more than 100 workers require them to be vaccinated or test for the virus weekly, affecting about 80 million Americans."

"Or test for the virus weekly" lol aka take the temperature of employees or do a nose swab. Test me all day were not taking the vaccine. Im not even effected as my business has less then 100 employees but "mandate" lol call it that if you want. :tiphat:

moose eater

Well-known member
they make pretty good beer,at least the monks...and vlamser frittes....aside from that a pox on those low country scum!

If only they'd properly decant the stuff. Chewing on yeast 'particulates' as I enjoy an otherwise fine beverage, while being a part of authentication (*maybe), is just.... a bit much. I usually wait for my foods and beverages to familiarize themselves with each other once they've entered the stomach.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i can never remember the name of the bar,but there's this awesome beer bar in amsterdam...had a bottle of monk brewed 30+ year old mead...got to go down in the cellar and watch as they blew the dust off this awesome hand painted bottle,there was even a special glass...at any rate,the sommelier or whatever you call a beer dude certainly knew his craft...to say they had an extensive menu would be an understatement....and not just a bunch of over hopped ipa like american micro breweries...

right right....vaccines...

i think joe just said fuck your feelings,roll your damn sleeve up and shut up

moose eater

Well-known member
i can never remember the name of the bar,but there's this awesome beer bar in amsterdam...had a bottle of monk brewed 30+ year old mead...got to go down in the cellar and watch as they blew the dust off this awesome hand painted bottle,there was even a special glass...at any rate,the sommelier or whatever you call a beer dude certainly knew his craft...to say they had an extensive menu would be an understatement....and not just a bunch of over hopped ipa like american micro breweries...

right right....vaccines...

i think joe just said fuck your feelings,roll your damn sleeve up and shut up

For our visits to A-Dam in the 1990's, I would drop by Rick's Café, between Dam Central Sq. and the Red Light District. They had a variety of alc. beverages, nothing to fancy, but I believe they also had milkshakes, etc., and a fairly decent hash menu. His staff were often quite often when one variety of hash or another didn't measure up to its typical status, and conversely, they would point a person in the right direction for what -was- respectable on the menu. Plywood picnic tables, and friendly, informative staff made the place 'down-home.' None of the fancy pretentious glitziness at all. It was near a hole in the wall version of Hard Rock Café, and (I believe) a place called Wild Style.

First time there was before the 5-gram restriction.

I think only the street urchin youngsters outside would've offered me any type of injection, though, and they were eyeing my belt wallet so hard that one of the little buggers was literally twitching. They had the standard street urchin rap, trying to convince folks to pull out some cash to purchase one form or another of contraband, with the likely outcome of one of them grabbing the cash and high-tailing it. I found those moments to be entertaining, aside from sizing one or more of them up, while I was quietly asking myself if they were really small enough, that if they tried to rip my belt wallet from my belt, could I suspend them in the air by the back of their neck, leaving them running in place while suspended off the ground. Most of them fit that bill; small enough to suspend in the air if one needed to arrest their travel.

Yep, the other day, the local hospital stated that employees were going to need to get vaccinated to continue working there. We'll see.

They're now converting meeting rooms to make hospital bed rooms/treatment rooms out of them. A friend has been hanging out there as a family member passes away, and he said construction sounds are ongoing. No room at the Inn means carpenters are in demand.

Our State's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Anne Zink, (quite attractive, an out and out hottie, she is, if you'll pardon that last remaining bit of objectification of women swimming around in my blood) announced that our State is in conversation with health folks in Idaho, talking about their model, if you can call it that, for prioritizing services when resources are non-existent or very short in supply.

Who knew that when Sarah Palin projected a future of 'death panels' she was right, but mostly by virtue of her followers helping to create the need. Another self-fulfilling prophecy brought about by paranoid, conspiracy theorist nut-bars.

Thanks, Sarah...


Well-known member
A friend of mine works at the steel mills and they already tried to mandate their employees to get the vaccine. Half of the employees put in their two week notice that same day, the mills being already short on employees compromised and changed their minds the next day opting to take everyone's temperature instead. Now looking at the "mandate"
and now their employers will be fined $14k per violation... in other words if you think employers are going to dole out tens of thousands of dollars perunvaccinated workers you'd be delusional. lotta "patriots" bout to lose their jobs. lotta piglets too.

"The expansive rules mandate that all employers with more than 100 workers require them to be vaccinated or test for the virus weekly, affecting about 80 million Americans."

"Or test for the virus weekly" lol aka take the temperature of employees or do a nose swab. Test me all day were not taking the vaccine. Im not even effected as my business has less then 100 employees but "mandate" lol call it that if you want. :tiphat:

i've never seen someone so proud of their ignorance before. astounding.