...but someone tell me what are they doing once they have patients to treat them? whats the course of action?
There is no treatment. It is just possible to ease symptoms. One can suppress fever. Many people simply suffocate. They can't breath anymore due to the pneumonia. You need oxygen and artificial respiration. They will give you antibiotics, although the antibiotics will not fight the virus, but it will prevent other bacteria to harm your body additionally. When the body is weak because of a virus, bacteria can more easy infect your body additionally making it worse.
edit: Additionally to oxygen, artificial respiration, suppressing fever, antibiotics - patients are often too weak to eat and drink and need infusion drip feeding (water & glucose), otherwise they die by dehydration.
And beside suffocating, many die also by multiple organ failure.
Fighting the virus itself is nearly impossible right now. There are tries to fight it with a combination of influenza meds (Tamiflu) and HIV meds ( Lopinavir & Ritonavir). All this meds are very expensive and for sure not available for 7.8 billion people.
There is no vaccination and it will take at least a year to develop a vaccine. If there is a vaccine, it is unclear if it will protect 100%. Influenza vaccination protects just up to 60% - 80% because the virus mutates all the time.
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