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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Welcome Everybody

This will be my new thread for 2007! :woohoo:

For those that don't know me, I am TML16
I'm a Canadian personal grower.
I've been a member here at IC for a year and was previously a member at OG.

The Grow

Flower Room - 3.5M(11') Length X 1M(3') Width X 2M(7') Height

Lighting - 250W HPS (with MH conversion bulb for veg) supplemented by a 42W "warm" CFL for lower growth side lighting.

Ventilation - 1 30cm(12") fan.
The room is big enough that with only 2-3 plants at a time very little ventilation is needed. There is also a heating/cooling vent supplied by the central heating/cooling system.

Medium - Organic
- Biomax shrimp compost: Chicken Manure, Cow Manure, Shrimp shell compost, D-Lime
- Vermiculite
- Bone Meal
- Earth Worm Castings
- Epsom Salts
- Lotsa, lotsa Perlite

Nutrition - Alaskan Fish Ferts 5-10-5, Epsom Salts

Containers - 27L(7G) rectangular, raised

Vegetation Cabinet - 60cm(2') Length X 60cm(2') Width X 90cm(3') Height

Lighting - 1 42W "warm" CFL + 1 23W "daylight" CFL

Ventilation - 2 80mm computer case fans. 1 intake, 1 output

Medium - Same as above without the Bone Meal

Nutrition - Muskie Fish Ferts 5-1-1, Epsom Salts

Containers - 16oz party cups, then onto whatever I have (usually 1-2G)

*As you can see this is a completely personal grow

The Strains - In my possession of seed stock, I have:
- Dutch Passion Passion #1 (Amstel Gold)
- Dutch Passion Hempstar (NL#5 X Haze)
- Willy Jack's Tangerine (Chronic X Cali-O)
- Willy Jack's Pacific Shark (Jade Mikado X Great White Shark)
- I also have many, many great bagseed strains that will be grown out with the seedbank genetics

Currently Flowering - I'm on day 27 of this current grow
Blueberry - I was gifted a clone and keeping up the lineage through cloning. I do not know the history of her genetics...but she is one killer, real deal Blueberry :yummy: 2 are currently flowering.

Passion #1 - From Dutch Passion. I've had on and off success with this plant indoors. This will be the last shot indoors as the rest of the genetics will be saved for the possibility of future outdoor grows.
I would however like to make a more "indoor" friendly cross with this strain in the future.

Currently Vegging
Hempstar - The potent DP staple.

The Freeze - A delcious local outdoor bagseed.

Grape - From bagseed. I'm sure it's a seedbank strain, I just don't have any information on it because it's from a bag. Very grapey indica.


The canna-tea and canna-cookies are now served :yummy:

I want to welcome everyone and make them as comfortable as possible for what should be a great year in pot growing misadventures :yoinks:

I'd love to welcome all the regulars back, and any new visitors to my thread to feel welcome also :smile:

Here come the first photos...Day 27 flower room


Snow Grower ~OGA~
A look into the flower room...





^ Starting to frost up nice like the BB does :yummy:




^^ Definately gonna be my best yielder :yoinks:

Passion #1



^^^ Completely recovered from her mag def :yes:


I'll be back very soon to show you guys the rest of the plants in veg.

Please feel free to ask any questions

Welcome to the thread! :smile: :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hey - I think I know you - man, just toked some BLOOBERRY and I can't remember shite - I mean manure - I mean - now what was i talking about...... :pointlaug

Nice start of a new years thread my friend! :yes: Love the way you summarize your op at the beginning - makes reference so easy... ( taking notes )

I gotta get me one of these newfangled strains that are just happy to be in some good dark soil without hammering them with some dead animals fermented poop :yoinks: :bat: Your blueberry looks luscious - I like muties - looks like a plant Charles Xavier would smoke!

Gonna put my feet up over here in the corner. Thx for putting a pointer to this thread in your last one!

C-ya l8r! :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

MGJ - I had a feeling you'd be the first one over here :friends:
Glad the link came in handy :smile: I also updated my sig links so you old guys don't get lost :nanana:
I'm glad you like the X-man Blueberries :yoinks: This is the second time they've grown this way...could I be giving them too much N, or is this a normal trait of this pheno :confused: She's been on just plain water anyhow for a lil while.
I'm sure they'll produce some killer bud just like last time too, and this time I have some size on them to pull a decent yield :yes:

By all means put your feet up MGJ, you deserve it. First seat in the house. Plenty of room here in the Igloo.

Just wanted to remind everyone...there is no indoor plumbing in Igloos :yoinks:
Please use the outhouse :tongue:

The Budfather

Active member
hey tml, looking good around here, hey maybe that passion was a hermie that pollenated the hempstar? how is she frosting up cause im actauly gonna to preserve all genetics but my dankest bogglegum in seed form, so ill be running seeds and clones of bogglegum until my new place, just like you....:)

all in all your setup is looking good, although ido remember that blueberry being danker maybe just my imagination, ive been getting some ultimate trichome coverage with a fan blowing right across the bulb and canopy.

what have you been feeding with lately?


Hey man... I think I've seen you somewhere before!

Glad to see a fresh start to the grow. :joint:
That blueberry is so amazing in flower :yoinks: You are taking beautiful photos TML :kewlpics: haha that's a great smilie. Well I'm snowed in and hiiigh as can be. Have a good one! I'll be sticking around :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
taggin in bro ! looks like there good on there way ....healty looking bunch my friend....atleast i'm on time now :biglaugh:


Active member
good day, eh...

good day, eh...


i got my tocque on for this one! (canadian hat!)

a model of efficiency, here, folks! :woohoo:

i'll hang over here by the canna treats, if MGJ hasn't scarfed 'em all down by now! :yoinks:

beautiful pictures, TML16!! :yummy: :pimp3: :respect: :bow: :dance:


Overferted, you have The Claw very badly.

Backoff the Nitrogen, flush with water...

lovely pics though, thanks for sharing.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hi Everybody :wave:

The Budfather - I was thinking the same thing about the possible cross :chin: This plant seems to be straight up Passion #1, I dunno how I missed the obviousness of it :bat: The other 2 are definately sweet candy Hempstar. The smell sez it all :yummy:
I remember the Blueberry being a little more progressed last time around this time too. I think it's because it hadn't fully switched back to a vegetation state last time, and it was Fall when conditions were more preferable for her.
Still just feeding with the Alaskan 5-10-5.
Glad to see you around :wave:

Insomniac - Glad to see you had an easy time finding your way over :yes:
Old thread was getting a little long...nicer to keep them annual too :smile:
Yeah..this snow is getting a little ridiculous :badday: my back is hurting from all the diggin out. At least it brought slightly warmer temps with it, just wish the winds would die off now.
Glad you like the pics :joint:
I reserved a seat for you...so, I guess your stuck here now till the storm blows over :lurk:

Core - Thanks for checkin in. Keepin dibs on my posse here :friends:
Looks like you get upfront and centre for the continuation of this one.
Plants are just starting to take off, you got perfect timing!

Sleepy - Beauty! :yoinks: nice toque eh! I especially like the lil fuzzy ball thing on top :pointlaug
Efficiency is the way to go nowadays Sleepy...just trying to save the world 1 cannabis plant at a time :canabis:
Don't worry, I knew MGJ would be in here scarfin all the good treats, so I put some away for when the other guests arrived (learned that trick from mom :yes: )
Thanks for stoppin in, glad you like the pics :smile:

Neptune - Welcome :wave:
I like that...blunt and to the point :yes:
Yes, I think I have established now that these BB's are very very N sensitive in flower. Seems the EWC in the buckets is enough N to supply these plants through the flowering stage.
I consider myself a very reserved feeder, so for these plants to get too much N, they must be ultra sensitive.
They have been only fed twice since I commenced flower, and looks like they will spend some time on straight water.
Glad you like the pics :smile:
Thanks for your diagnosis, Hope you'll stop by again sometime :wave:


Gonna get some Veg pics hopefully today.

Thanks for all the visits guys, hopefully we can make this a fun, interesting, and informative thread all year! :woohoo:



:wave: Hey TML just hoppeed along for the ride!!! :woohoo: Now you aren't going to get rid of my smart :moon:

:chin: Only problem I see here is it's f@$king cold in igloos!!!!! :moon: :moon: Can you please turn up the heat?????

Looking good


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Maj.PotHead - Thanks for tagging in :smile:
2007 is hopefully gonna be my year of perpetual yield and hopefully stocking up on both indoors and outdoor yields :yummy:
Willy Jack's Pacific Shark (Jade Mikado X Great White Shark) is the newest strain I have that I'm looking forward to. Seeds will be germed as soon as these flowering plants are done :sasmokin:

garlic city gro - :wave: Welcome aboard Garlic.
It wouldn't be a party thread without you man. Needed someone to bring the beer to get this place rock'n :headbange
If you wanna get technical, it's actually not cold inside igloos :bat: but just step outside for a second there buddy :yoinks:
Just scoot up close to the open firepit there and wear a beer drinkin glove...you'll be so stoned soon you won't notice any cold at all


Today got a little busy...so no pics :pointlaug
It's only the vegging plants anyways...but I'd still like to post them up mostly to show the veg box in the new thread. It'll be on the to do list for tommorrow.

Thanks for stoppin in guys :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
:yes::yes: I just love the name mikado - one of those strains I want to run sometime, so Pacific Shark sounds like just the thing to wet my appetite! Great choice!

Garlic you wuss - 50000 eskimos can't be wrong! Igloos rule in the great north land! So put on your fur covered unmentionables and start lifting the Mooseheads! J/K


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:laughing: I actually bought a "Mikado" plant the other day. Here's a look at what it looks like http://www.indoor-plant-care.com/in...ikado&item=plant_details&id_razred=12&id=2070
The Mikado I've smoked is a superb piney indica that leaves you paralized for a long, long time :yummy: Ever since I've tried it, it's been the strain I've been asking for again and again.
Eskimos :yoinks: MGJ! :nono: can't use that word anymore buddy, it's like calling a big black guy the N word :angrymod: It's ok though, obviously you didn't know :wink: Inuit is the proper term :yes:
Now you gotta go sleep with the huskies and malamutes man! :pointlaug


I will eventually be back with veg pics :biglaugh:

Hang in there


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Man, this morning brings a bounty of surprises, didn't realize there was a another agricultural plant named Mikado - that is one spacey looking plant - the lower pic - kept small - looks like the plans for some far out outer space construction!

Whoops - my apologies to the Inuit nation - showing my ignorance here - not knowing the two were the same. :yoinks: So the natives in Alaska are the same folks as the natives on Greenland - just finished an interesting book that had a chapter about how the Inuit survived environmental periods that killed off / drove off the Vikings. Whoops - getting a bit off topic...

Hey - I must be related somehow - I've been sleeping with the huskies and malamutes for years - can I please come in and get warm one of these decades? :pointlaug Those three dog nights are way chilly!

Oh - almost forgot - that's pretty much what I heard about Federation's Mikado - excellent put ya down for the count indica, easy to grow. Man, if it weren't for plant # limits and space limitations, it's one of a bunch of strains I'd like to be growing out now. Gonna be watching this one closely...


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Come on we all know you can't afford an igloo..it's just a snow cave that iced over isn't it..the ghetto crib of igloos..
you say "chill in the igloo" then slam poor sensitive Garlic by now saying it's warm in there..this whole conversation sends a chill up my spine..
sorry if I'm giving you the cold shoulder..I'll have to warm up to this igloo idea..
"come and get warm while you chill"...man what an oxymoron..The Warm/Chilling Igloo..hmmm :chin:
The plants are looking cool or is that hot..seriously that blueberry is very scary looking..she kinda looks like a plant that might be growing at a haunted house..
That's OK if she is delicious forbidden fruit in the end.. :yummy:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

MGJ - Yeah, I'm wondering if and why Federation Seeds based their name on the Mikado plant :chin:
It's a very neat looking plant, very classy. It's little bulbs are golden, they almost look fake. I'll hafta take some pics of it with the vegging Pacific Sharks when I get them going :canabis:
I'm really looking forward to that grow.
Sounds like an interesting read you have there :yes: Some crafty buggers those Inuits...they have many great survival techniques in the deadliest of cold.
Hey come on back in from the cold man, you're gonna get frostbite out there with them dogs! :biglaugh: Three Dog Night eh...geesh :moon:

I've heard nothing but positive reviews on all Federations strains, and I'm very particular to Romulan :yummy:

PN2P - Bout time you got here :bat: I thought we lost you in that snow drift back there.
I must confess...it's a pretty shoddy Igloo at best :pointlaug
I can clarify the oxymoron to the best of my ability: Seems that if it's -20C outside and it's 2C in the Igloo...by those standards it would be warmer :chin: That's my story...and I'm stickin to it :wink:
Yeah...you gotta be carefull when you walk by BB...she might just grab a chunk of ya :yoinks: She's a man-eater :yummy:
Delicious fruits are coming in nicely too :yes:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
The Veg Box

The Veg Box

Just a quick look into the veg box here :lurk:

The Freeze



The Veg Box

Freeze will be the first one flowered when one of my other plants finish. Grape will be the last to go in.
That's when the Pacific Shark seeds get dropped :yummy:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TML16 again.

dang rep does't work :biglaugh:

howlong you gonne keep them in veg TML ?