How are people allowed to grow tomatoes and sell them at the farmers market? To me that seems like the closest analogy.I do not know of a solution that will allow you to manufacture a controlled substance in your home for sale to the general public. It does not seem that the growers can come to a common agreement. Seems split between those who would move into industrial settings and allow for inventory and inspection and those who think they should be able to just do their thing. I have asked over and over "what works for you guys?" and tried to foster that debate.
Like it's a plant that grows from the earth, and could quite possibly be the answer to a lot of problems that effect humanity as a whole.
That is human nature, and yes sad but true. Just gotta keep doing your thing though man, and hopefully all the shit will come out in the wash. Again, using food as an analogy, people are waking up to facts behind BGH, factory farms etc. I think once the new car smell wears off A20, many people will seek out clean, quality products.$$$ talks
bullshit walks
....sad but true