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Colorado Growers Thread

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I love you Budgood. I really do. you are such a sweet and caring human being. with such a great attitude.
And I too have met and become friends with lots of people from out of state. some who don't grow and some are great growers too. I feel the same as you do... but you are always such a crass asshole.( more so than me, But I am working on being nicer) you are so quick to threaten people. I swear you have told me my ass is grass about a dozen times.
and as for all the nasty antigay speech you keep sending me... man, you really need to see a therapist. you have some serious pent-up anger issues. It really makes me wonder- why do you suck so bad?


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Mel Brooks is fackin awesome! His movies are staples in my collection! Good one Rednick! :)

Miway, same to you bro, glad to have met ya, you're definitely good people. (most everybody I've met in that circle are cool as penguin nuts!) :D :wave:


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Yeah, I suck. I have NEVER said anything of the sort to you, liar. You must have me confused with other people. Keep talking Paco, it's all you're good for.

Oh yeah, as far as the f#($#($, I did say that. if the shoe fits... :wave:

EDIT: Read the above, I did own up to the f word usage. I *NEVER* threatened you, you're a lying SOB. Prove it, or STFU.
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Registered User
See Funk... knew you were a cool cat!

I was listening to GG on vinyl when I first started growing... ;-)


no bud you call me a faggot on multiple fourms in pm and rep, tell me you are going you fuck me up. so no, I guess you never said anything like "You suck" to me.
Now lets let our hate for each other simmer.


Active member
Like I said, it wasn't aimed at you, but if the shoe fits... You started this shit between us LONG ago, I TRIED to squash it, you wanted to carry on.

I could care less WHAT you do. Move where you want. Another pompous know it all leaves because the grass isn't so green anymore? Oh noes! Whatever will we do without you???? :jerkit:

I stand by my original statement. I'm not really too bummed at all to see ya go. Later! :wave:
you call me a pompous know it all? sorry bro, but I grow plants and report them. That's it.

Our old beef was because you sent me threatening messages a few years ago simply because I wouldn't share my strains with you (being a complete stranger IRL and a tough guy online).

then I make a statement about California looking nice, and you throw out the douchebag statement about not letting he door hit me on the way out. So of course I took it as being directed at me


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I NEVER asked you for strains, don't lie. Prove it. You and I didn't vibe because of your troll buddies who I stomped on, you sided with them and started making shitty comments in my general direction, thats what started this. LONG ago (and I *did* try to squash it, remember?). It's like I seen someone say on the farm, you're a "My-cuts-are-better-than-yours troll".

Get your facts straight before you come in running your mouth, then you won't look like a total idiot. I could care less what strains you have, or who you know and blow, it matters not to me.


Long haired country boy



Registered User
Awww shiiit... forgot about the breakdancin lessons from back in the 80's yo! Schools in session now... ;-)


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Oh, yeah, regarding the original comment, it was to all and nobody in particular. I'm sick of people who moved here just to take advantage of our laws, whining about our laws. Colorado was just fine before they came, & it'll be better when the complainers/"fair weather fan" types go, either home or the next med state, matters not to me.

Yeah, I'm an asshole, I'm a REAL med patient with a chronic medical condition, so I tend to be a prick to those who (IMO) deserve it. People who treat me with respect, get treated with respect right back. What a concept, huh???

Sling shit my way, it's comin' back in spades, right back at ya. Your choice. Choose wisely. :blowbubbles:


I love you BUD. you are so cool. I want to be just like you when I'm 10. beating people up in cyber space.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I love you BUD. you are so cool. I want to be just like you when I'm 10. beating people up in cyber space.
Why wait, you'll be 10 next month!

I had to people, I had to....

Finger Cuffs, that's the only way we'll solve this shit. You both have to let your barriers down and remember why you loved each other in the first place.
There was experimental therapy at Berkley in the 70's that dealt with just this sort of thing.


Registered User

Red~ I missed the last gang meeting... did we decide on colors & what signs we b throwin?



"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
"People who treat me with respect, get treated with respect right back. What a concept!"

Obviously you missed that line above, not surprising at all that your reading comprehension is shit.

Paco, you're a idiot and a punk, straight up. I don't "beat people up online", at least intentionally, (although mental midgets such as yourself make it like shootin' fish in a barrel), I wait and see just how big their mouth is in real life, forget this internet crap. Most of you keyboard warriors shut up REAL quick when the prospect of having to back up all the disrespectful shit you talk online comes up. I have no doubt as to which group you'll fit into Paco, you'll fold up just like the little trick you are. Now go away, quit sending me kissass PM's, I'm not gonna bother reading them. You started this, coming in here disrespecting for no reason, remember that, & don't forget it.

Welcome to the ignore list Paco, but I'll see ya around I'm sure, one of these days. Colorado ain't all that big...

Funny, 99% of people I get along fine with, with the exception of just a few random pricks. Oh well, I couldn't possibly care one iota less. Don't like me? Your problem, not mine.

"Oh no! Some random person on the Internets is pissed at me! Whatever shall I do???" :whee:

LOL!!! Thanks for the laughs tonight!
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