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Cloning with JJScorpio



Well it took fifteen days, but I finally got roots showing thru the pellet. One thing that may of helped me was the application of the rooting hormone. The jar says to knock off excess, but there was a "normal" layer. So thick as to cover the color of the stem. If you tapped a little harder most all would fall off except for a slight dusting. That was the main difference in my technique. I think I read somewhere about a little is good an alot is even worse.


ICMag Donor
Congrats with the rooted clones. Fifteen days is not abnormal for roots to show out of the pellets. Are these your first clones?


My first try, all rooted in just over a week. Ever since they have shriveled up and died. Now I'm back in the saddle. Probably giving too much love in the form of water or rooting hormone..... :pointlaug
But now.... Look, I think its a root or two in this one I just stuck in water 16 days ago.

I slip this into a card board tube so not much light hits the water. Its a little wilted and yellow, but not completely dead. Just topped the jug with water twice.
If thats a root, then I'm at 100% this go around. I was hoping for 50%...I did twice as good as I wanted.


New member
I want to start cloning. What's the best timing for taking the cuttings? A few weeks into flower, or ???

Also, I saw six packs of "Planter's Pride gel2root," which look like little pudding cups filled with a clear gel. They claim the gel is sterile and filled with the nutrients needed for cuttings -- just take the cutting, poke a hole in the gel, put the cutting in. And it's transparent, so you can see the roots grow. Anyone have any experience with these things?


Get two birds stoned at once
The closer to veg the better I think, I took mine right after sex showed and it took forever! I think it would have been faster to root if it was still veging away.

I bought a little baby orchid in one of those gel type containers, veged away for a year but then when I took it out to plant it the thing molded and died!
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ICMag Donor
Your best clones will come off a mature vegging plant. It is also better to take them from the bottom half of the plant. Always make sure they have had a very good watering the day before you intend to cut them.

I have heard of the rooting gels from various companies, but have yet to try any of them.....


New member
So, by mature vegging plant -- just before i force them? And then keep track which cutting came from which plant so I can just keep the ones that flowered nicely? Does that sound like the right approach?


ICMag Donor
Take a couple clones off from each plant and mark them so you know which plant they came from. After you flower them you can decide which one you want to keep for your mother plant.....I think you have the right idea.....


Get two birds stoned at once
Yea dude you got it, its an easy plant to clone generaly compared to some others that might requre air layering.


ICMag Donor
It must be getting time for the outdoor growers to be cutting clones. It would be great if people put some pics and their method in this thread. I will be cutting some more in the next couple days myself.......


ICMag Donor
Heres a couple pics of the new batch that were cut yesterday. They are G13, Boggle, Sour Bubble BX3 and Uranium Cranium. Anyone else wanting to post some cloning pics will be welcome.......



New member
This is a great thread.. I got a lot of tips from you~ Thank you!
I only use peat pellets to clone at this time.
If you know the advantages and disadvantages regarding peat pellets, you get better each time you do cloning. I will try rapid rooters..

They are in my cloning/seeding box..
In this picture, I have 2 clones in peat pellet and 2 clones in magic bean toy for 7 days (I took out the bean that was in the can and this is from Walmart and I paid 50 cent each..). This is my experiment.. Just for fun..

After 10 days, I will break the peat pellets and transplant them in 18oz cups or 1 gallon pots. I don't think leaving the clones in peat pellets too long is good idea. but it depends..

These are my two clones in vegetative grow-cab.. About 1 week old~
I mist them 2 times a day..


ICMag Donor
Thx for stopping in with your pics and ideas 18toki. I used to use the pellets but they seemed to fall apart on me and it was hard to keep them with the correct moisture. Rapid Rooters are very similar but more sturdy.....


Any thoughts on rooting big bud? I am really new to this and got hoodwinked sort of into buying big bud. I have a hard time scoring weed in the pnw


ICMag Donor
You can clone any plants. Is there a question in particular? If you want to clone and are confused this is the place to be getting help.....


Hello JJ, I was hoping you might help me out....
I'm taking clones to determine sex. Can I put them directly into 12/12 or root first (just determining sex with these ones)? Also, all I have to test these particular clones is a not completely light proof mother cab. Will I be able to acurately determine sex before they hermie from the light leaks? Thanks for any insight you may have on this.



ICMag Donor
You can put them right to 12/12. The problem you may have is the light in the cab. You are going to have to make it completely dark for the 12 hours. Cant you just take them and put them in a closet or something for the dark period?


OK. thanks JJ, all of my closets are doorless unfortunately, I'll try to figure something out before I flip'em.


ICMag Donor
If nothing else just go to a store and grab a cardboard box and put them in that for their dark period. It doesnt have to be fancy to be effective. Just dark.


jj i have a question about bubble cloning, i recently crafted a bubble cloner and used low lighting and warm water temps (ph was 6) along with Liquid Roots hormone which i picked up from my hydro shop, the stems were dipped and then i diluted some into the cloner res. I also had the stems just below the water line. I attempted 2 clones and after 7 days i saw no roots and almost all yellow leaves. So what am i doing wrong?

any help is appreciated :joint: