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Cloning with JJScorpio



And I will not agree that all strains will root in less than a week or two.

Shitty... maybe you should use an aerocloner with those pain in the ass strains... I don't understand why it would take 3 weeks for a clone to show roots?


ICMag Donor
Not all strains take 3 weeks. Very few do to be truthful, but we dont want people throwing them out if they dont root in 10 days though....The bottom line is if they are looking good, but havent rooted, leave them be...
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Get two birds stoned at once
The tips of the largest leaf are starting to yellow like its consumed it (like in fall). Aside from misting it is there anything I can do to give it somthing to live on? The mother is a realy cool plant and is very strong and has big buds only 11 days into flower so I want to keep it around a bit longer!

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ICMag Donor
That will happen. Dont let it bother you. Do you have pics of the clone? It still isnt to late to cut a couple more clones if you want to....


Get two birds stoned at once
There are a few more good spots to take them but everything has pistils now, checked the clone and took a pic but it turned out garbage so I'll take another later tonight.

Edit: here it is, the soil is not as wet as the flash makes it look, its very slightly lukewarm to the touch.

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ICMag Donor
I think it still look real good. You should have taken off those two lower leaves, but I wouldnt take them off now. How many days has it been?


Get two birds stoned at once
11 or 12, but I did dig it up a little and I took it right as it showed sex.


Get two birds stoned at once
Do they send out roots as a last resort? I've given this thing all I can but its still a bit limp! Looking alive though as you noted though lol.


ICMag Donor
They grow the roots so the plant can survive. Your clone is still looking very perky. I think it is going to be fine.....


hello deft..
JJ seems to know what hes talking about, but your plant is showing signs of being over watered....let it dry good before watering it again...

also if ya want you can remover the two BOTTOM leaves and then cut the top off a 2litter bottle sray water in ther breath into and place in over your clone..
peace bro....


ICMag Donor
Deft, next time you will be better off cloning them in a small clear plastic cup. I used to do them in 8 ouncers. With the plastic cups you can squeeze the sides together and loosen the soil so you can remove it and check for rooting. Its not advisable to do it often but if they look like they have rooted you can check and if they havent rooted you can stick them back into the hole and press the soil back around the stem....


Get two birds stoned at once
I have it under a big plastic pretzle bottle, I think I did overwater a little a few days ago but the soil is drying slowly with the extra warmth out the drainage holes in the botom. What would removing the lower leaves do? I trimmed them a bit yesterday.


ICMag Donor
Its not a good idea to be taking any leaf off at this point. It is best to just keep the soil moist, keep it warm and let it root....


JJScorpio, I appreciate the clear and straight forward cloning advice. Do You poke any holes in the plastic beer cups? Also, Have You used larger enclosures like a fish tank?


ICMag Donor
You always want to poke a hole in anything having to do with a pot plant, lol. I have always just used the dome since I got it. Its well worth the 10 bucks that it costs....It was designed to use with the rapid rooters though. There are large holes for draining that dirt, perlite or verm would just fall through....I will be cutting another batch of clones in a couple weeks......


Thanks Man, I finally found a local source for rapid rooters plugs & a tall profile lid for my old jiffy cloner. Will be using both next round. My previous attempts were ok at best. This time I kept my temps down, humidity and patience up per your instructions. NO LOSSES! the large area of the 20 long fish tank(30 by 12 by 12") I use is a little tough to keep the humidity and temps constant. I see where the smaller area of a cloner willl be easier to control.


ICMag Donor
Glad to hear things worked good for you Cracker. Remember to squeeze the water out of the RR. After a short time you will be able to look at them and know the right amount of water by the color. If you squeeze the bottom of the rooter and you just get a few drips, it is about right. Just add a teaspoonful of water with an eyedropper when they start to dry out....


ICMag Donor
I wanted to post a few pics of what the clones look like now. I have kept them small by keeping them in the cups longer than I should have, but after loosening the roots, they have now taken off. These pics were taken ten days after they were switched to 12/12. They are Sour Bubble BX3, G13-Diesel, Skunk and Boggle. I didnt really need to do another flowering but there is no sense in wasting good plants. These are some of the strains I will use outdoor this year....


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