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Cloning Processes


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
You guys need to make yourself a bubble cloner. Plant when the roots get 1/2" in length.
I use to use olivia's but switched to Clonex rooting compound gel but after they root its all OG :comfort: And for the person who metioned hygrozyme i also use it its excellent stuff ,but its not a nutrient it only helps absorb nutes correct ?



The specific plants that I dropped off were a breeding of a Kandahar Afghani (circa 1975) x Nigerian Sativa (circa 1983)

Not good enough because it wasn't a so-called 'named' strain.

Laughable to say the least.


C'mon man...don't you know how it works?? You should have said..It's the "Kandahar Killer" or made up some other random name, made up a THC%, and off you go!!
Next thing you know every dispensary on the coast has the "Kandahar Killer" on their shelves..:biglaugh:

Hell, Seth Rogen made up pineapple express, and now you can buy "the strain" for $100 US for 10 beans..

I had a plant that had a cola that had some purple hues to it due to some cold temps, and others on the same plant that were not.. I had a patient ask me if I could get any more of the purple strain, as it was waay better..Didn't have the heart to tell him..:whistling:


Living with the soil
C'mon man...don't you know how it works?? You should have said..It's the "Kandahar Killer" or made up some other random name, made up a THC%, and off you go!!
Next thing you know every dispensary on the coast has the "Kandahar Killer" on their shelves..:biglaugh:

Hell, Seth Rogen made up pineapple express, and now you can buy "the strain" for $100 US for 10 beans..

I had a plant that had a cola that had some purple hues to it due to some cold temps, and others on the same plant that were not.. I had a patient ask me if I could get any more of the purple strain, as it was waay better..Didn't have the heart to tell him..:whistling:
Yeah man!!........ Kandahar Killer,haven't you heard of it? Stuff's the Bomb! Word is that some crazy old guy who lives in a tree in Oregon has been breeding this up since the 50's man!


thats one thing i kind of dont like about them clinics, lots of bs to sell them strains.
you should of told them its a landrace hybrid or heirloom strain, that way the growers or real connoisseurs would understand ther growing or smoking some old school.
the clinics have to much BS in the names, prices and how potent they claim ther goods are.
i personally love them old strains, taste are unique that are hard to find in my neck of the woods. to many water downed strains or some herb with OG or kush stamped on the back so it can sell..
but ther are few respectable clinics that have the bomb for fair prices and a unique strain collection.


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
I think most places I will drop off clones I will also vend. so you can try the finished product and then get the clone if you want. First batch to the clubs should be some satori, and satori x thaihaze crosses ;)


The Soapmaker!
I soak the cuts in tepid water and seaweed and then dip in honey most of the time

V- What ratio water:seaweed?

And you just dip into honey the way you'd dip into cloning gel/powder, right? Is it just the antibacterial qualities of honey that you use it for? Or are there hormones in honey, as well?


Great thread Clackamas Coot.


I have always used straight fine vermiculite to root in the Walmart cloner

I used to use vitagro rooting hormone but ran out so have been getting good results without it. Don't know if I'm going to get more.



The Mad Monk
Next time you clone, put one aside, or rather right into a cup of tap water. It will root within 2 weeks if the temps in your place are moderate.

I have never failed seeing a clone root in pure tap water, yet I still dont use this as my only method.. Why? I don't know :dunno: lol

I do the same thing but in rockwool cubes with water ph'd to 5.5 with lemon juice. For some reason, the cuttings root more in the cubes..
Frozenguy :smokeit:

Interesting. I'll do that with a spare cutting just to see how it works. The other approach I'm going to try is directly placing a cutting into a container of medium, no rapid rooter or dome or starter cubes, and wait for new growth to tell if it's rooted. Unfortunately watering will need to be closely monitored as the medium won't dry as if it were a rooted plant drinking up available moisture so I'll likely add a heating mat and just water lightly around the base of the stem. But from what I've been told this method works well and cuts out a lot of the materials and steps involved in traditional cloning methods which is a big plus for me. :D

:yeahthats I found the same to be true.


You guys need to make yourself a bubble cloner. Plant when the roots get 1/2" in length.

Funny you say that. Just built an aero cloner based off of King ralph's DIY on here.


Living with the soil
thanks bud, that site gots tons of good info.. enjoy
So I've been reading a lot about willow today. I found that it is thought that the abundance of hormones found in young willow shoots/branches is because they probably evolved to easily get broken off in storms and be washed down stream to take root in mud banks. I can see how Cottonwood is much the same being that it too is found near water. I think I'm going to try to make a solution that is able to be stored at room temp. Maybe using an anti-oxidant and distilled water...........I'm thinking/reading up on extracting organic compounds without oxidation as well as a simple way to crystalize the extraction without using hardcore chemicals that leave toxic residues/salts behind. Yeah I know....good luck with that!

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Yeah man!!........ Kandahar Killer,haven't you heard of it? Stuff's the Bomb! Word is that some crazy old guy who lives in a tree in Oregon has been breeding this up since the 50's man!

Back in the 'old days' (circa 1977 or so) the first of the 'seedless green pot' started showing up in Laguna Beach. Most of this product came out of Escondido, California (North San Diego County) and the growers hadn't yet jumped on the 'name thing' quite yet - that would come a couple of years later with the 'Boys of Summer' in Humboldt County and the surrounding area.

Back to 1977 - we would get product in from this or that grower and we named them what they smelled like, names like "Christmas Star #1" up through "Christmas Star #10" etc.

I finally got tired of all this naming crap so when someone would ask me 'What strain is this?' my standard answer was 'Canadian Butt Hairs' which I thought was funny until one night at a bar in Laguna Beach a fellow I barely knew asked me if I wanted to buy an ounce of killer pot called 'Canadian Butt Hairs'

Weird times to be sure.



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mad librettist

Active member
That's very funny.

Names can enhance an experience, or detract from it. That's all rooting compounds have done for me. When the roots come, it feels like christmas. Without rooting compound, it feels more like Columbus day.


V- What ratio water:seaweed?

And you just dip into honey the way you'd dip into cloning gel/powder, right? Is it just the antibacterial qualities of honey that you use it for? Or are there hormones in honey, as well?


Great thread Clackamas Coot.

What ratio water:seaweed?

I just use the eye method. So, it slightly discolors the water.

And you just dip into honey the way you'd dip into cloning gel/powder, right?

I use a butter dish and roll them. That way I do not break the stem.

Is it just the antibacterial qualities of honey that you use it for? Or are there hormones in honey, as well?

Yes It is for the antibacterial reasons and that it has preservation qualities as well. Along with with a multitude of B complex vitamins etc.

I also use Bee Pollen and wet it slightly and it turns to a gel substance. I have also had luck with this but not as well.



So we're talking about the standard 1/4-1/2 tsp seaweed per gallon then. Thx

Closer to a TBS in a gallon and a TSP in a liter.

I kind of go by Gramdma´s method. A pinch here a cap full there. I think I read that CC uses caps also. I think a cap full is a TBS and a pinch is a TSP. LOL


Clackamas Coot

Active member

If you have access to kelp meal you might want to try soaking 1/4 cup in 5 gallons of water for a couple of days.

Take your cuttings and place them into this kelp meal tea for a day or so and then proceed as usual (gel, powder, et al).

You'll be pleased with the overall vigor of your cuttings from my experience.

